User talk:AnimeGuy

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Revision as of 11:42, 21 November 2005 by Axe-man (talk | contribs)
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AG, Considering the nature and vibe of the wiki, I'm not sure that it's at all essential to "clean up" the place to Wikipedia standards. Certainly, this wiki has far outgrown it's original conception as a documentation wiki, and is now as much a community wiki as anything else. Many of the pages have no NPOV, as they're purely argumentative, and the very facts themselves are disputes (sometimes the very events are disputes!).

In short, we have different standards to Wikipedia, and there are more than a few people who are going to attack you (possibly justifiably) for trying to enforce Wikipedia standards onto us. -- Odd Starter 05:00, 21 Nov 2005 (GMT)

(for indication) OddStarter, I'm just trying to clamp down on the more controvertial elements of the wiki. I think that the Ludwig/DARIS war has done on too long, makes us look like a bunch of children. Honestly, other then that, I don't see any need for standards. But those 2 entries are just so over the top, it's not funny.--AnimeGuy 05:03, 21 Nov 2005 (GMT)

It occurs to me that it's going to be much easier to let them play, rather than force a rather restricting system that they're just going to abuse to keep fighting anyway. Ludwig and the SA users are going to fight no matter what, all that standards are going to do is change how they fight. And, you know, considering how they haven't been fighting much for the past few weeks, I'd thought that it had mostly quietened down... -- Odd Starter 05:07, 21 Nov 2005 (GMT)

(for indication) Yeah, you're right, kids will be kids. ugh I suspect it's quieted down on here because they took it to the forums. I wished they'd just let it go, but it seems that Katthew and Ludwig don't want to let it go. It's spamming the crap out of the forums. --AnimeGuy 05:13, 21 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Sometimes the fight is more important than the reasons. Pushing NPOV, unfortunately, doesn't help if they care more about the fight than the right... -- Odd Starter 05:29, 21 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Listen, I don't care about DARIS. I wouldn't allow the same thing to happen to Ludwigs page. The ruling was that Group pages don't have to be NPOV, until that changes I'm not going to allow that line to change, nor any other page. --Axe-man 11:42, 21 Nov 2005 (GMT)