The Crimson Clan/Units

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East Becktown Richmond Hills Ketchelbank
Lukinswood Havercroft Barrville
Lerwill Heights Shore Hills Galbraith Hills
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The Militia members of the Clan are free to choose their personal playing style, and Militia veterans often don't care that much about what the authorities tell them. Notice the Skull & Cross-bones symbol, which Kris doesn't really applaud.
Patrolling is a daily duty in the Home Guard division. Seen here are Platoon N members Sgt R. Ojanperä, PFC Reaver, PFC Leon, and Pvt Brunty in Zone N in Southern Richmond Hills.
Having problems fixing your old portable generator? Fear not, the Home Guard has skilled Engineers at hand.
A Home Guard Trainee carrying three shotguns, two pistols, four shells, two clips, a flare gun, a fire axe, two knives, a baseball bat, five bottles of beer, a newspaper, three books, two golf clubs, a picture of his mom and dad, a fuel can, three spray cans, binoculars, a portable generator, and his flak jacket.
The Crimson Clan is so much more than killing the living dead. The Home Guard Scientists are some of the most profiled researchers in Malton, and their work may prove valuable to the outside world if the zombie-infested city survives the outbreak.
An old picture taken in the Crimson Clan HG's early days. Sgt T. Rovira, in orange waistcoat, is giving instructions in a Platoon A (now non-existent) training session in the wasteland area neighboring Britton Park in Dakerstown, on the 22nd of May 07. In the line, from left: Squadron A1 (Cpl Sword, Pvt Warbear, Pvt Darth, Pvt Seano) and Squadron A2 (Pvt Maxuja, Pvt Jude, Cpl Boya). Pvt Robot and Pvt Deuz are absent due to zombification. Squ B1 members Cpl Triple Zero and PFC Birsingir are watching.
(Un)Life in the Clan might be tough at times. Pvt Jsrbrunty was killed in defence of the Eagan NT of Zone E, by RRF zombies on December 12th, 2007. She is pictured outside Ackland Mall, the day after the event, shambling towards Cemetery 31,47 in search for a revive. Other mall inhabitants are seen in the background, preparing for the impending mall siege.

Leadership Team

These are the leaders of various squads and teams within the Clan. Everyone listed below is a member of the Leadership Team, who work together to make decisions for the Clan's wellbeing and for mission-planning, et cetera, although the final decision is always made by Father Alexander, as Clan Commander.


Lieutenant = LT. Advisor = Adv.

Commander Father Alexander

Marine Delta LT Jimbo3

HG Alpha Force LT Deus257

HG Novo Force LT Grimnir Odinson

Bootcamp LT Oddjob

Advisory Team

The Advisory Team are part of the Leadership Team, but are perhaps not quite as influential as the Leaders. The Commander has 4 Advisors: the Senior Adviser (usually held by the former Commander or someone who has served within the Leadership Team before), the Communications Adviser (this person will spend much of their time reading ally forums and communicating with allies to coordinate missions, games and ideas), the Entertainment Adviser (this person will help spice up the Clan by adding events and excitement to our groups daily lives), and the Intelligence Adviser (this person will search for information on potential problem members, spies or other sensitive areas to help the Commander stay informed of situations caused by troublesome players within the Clan).

Commander Advisors:

Senior Advisor ???

Communications Advisor OJF

Entertainment Advisor ErrorMaker

Intelligence Advisor Waak


We would prefer all of our members to be in either the Home Guard or Marines, but we realise that some folks just don't enjoy metagaming or do not want to get that involved with the game but all-the-while they would like someone to watch their backs and help with a revive when necessary. If you feel that this describes you, then we would like to invite you to join The Crimson Clan Militia, and hang out in our neck of the woods.

We ask that all Clan members find a radio and tune it to 27.50 MHz, the Clan frequency. This is a good way for a Militia member to keep in touch and up-to-date with the latest Clan news. Cell phones provide in-game access to anyone on your contact list; the list of Clan members to add to your Contacts list can be found on our forum, under the Training Grounds section and labeled Character profiles. If you don't like to metagame but want to role-play, we suggest using a cell phone to ask questions of Father Alexander or an officer (one of the Lieutenants or Advisors).

We do ask that you sign up on the forum for three reasons:

  1. To apply for Clan membership.
  2. To make revivication requests.
  3. Access to Clan profiles for your Contacts list.

Militia members are Clan members, and will be shown the respect of membership by your Clan-mates. If ever you experience otherwise, we urge you to report it to an officer immediately.

Any Home Guard or Marine member that goes inactive for a length of time without proper notification, will result in that member being placed in the Militia until activity is proven, at which time his former unit officer will review the member's reasons and take action accordingly.


Everyone who joins The Crimson Clan and wishes to metagame starts here. Whilst in the Bootcamp, you will be assigned to a Trainer. He/she will answer any questions you may have about skills, the Clan, etc, and will help you to train up quickly. After a week in the Bootcamp and if your trainer deems you ready, you will be promoted to the Home Guard or Marines, depending on your desired involvement within the Clan and the Urban Dead community.

Lieutenant Oddjob

Home Guard

The HG represents the majority of our active metagamers. Home Guard (HG) units are broken up into two platoons and when you join the HG, you must choose which platoon you wish to be in. The groups are: Alpha Force (This is for military sorts of people, who are moderately active) and Novo Force (This platoon concentrates on giving out revives and heals. 'Novo' is Greek for new life).

Guidelines: Before applying to the HG you are required to be in the Bootcamp for one week's time. It is advised that you post in the forum fairly regularly. We require you to prove that you are both active in Urban Dead and loyal to the Clan itself.


  • LT - Lieutenant
  • Sgt - Sergeant (2nd in command of the squad)
  • Pvt - Private

All decisions made by an officer should be made in a democratic, but still effective way, although he is ranked above others. Please report any officers abusing their rank.

Alpha Force


LT Deus257




Pvt alex1guy

Pvt Jsrbrunty

Pvt labrat007

Pvt Makaveliarts

Pvt Meanmelter

Pvt St Aden

Novo Force (Revive Team)


LT Grimnir Odinson


Sgt Pvt Vinduska


Pvt A guy with needles

Pvt Bane of All

Pvt Father Alexander

Pvt hihihi117

Pvt Saede Kyrielis



Early July '07. The Clan is fighting hard to establish a base in Barrville, now central Zone E. Cpt (now ZE Sgt) J. St Aden poses in front of Baverstock Park during Operation Strawberry. In the far background, a load of Marine-planted explosives blows up the then zombie-infested Woolsett NecroTech building. The building is now fully rebuilt, and functions as a HQ in the zone.
December '07. A crash landed external military helicopter near the city border in Jensentown is secured by M-XW Warbear. Special Forces veteran MFC Legend, only days before being sent into exile as a punishment for treason, poses in the front. Cpt Warbear and Mrn Stormys are seen entering the wrecked aircraft in the background, searching for survivors.

The Marines are the most active Clan soldiers, able to launch a raid anywhere in Malton within the span of 48 hours. They are some of the most coordinated players in the game of Urban Dead. A Marine expects to travel around often and to have orders changed regularly without warning. The goal of the Marines is to offer Clan members the ability to experience UD in the most active and challenging way possible.

Marine squads are lead by a Lieutenant. As the Marines begin to grow in size, we will break the Marines down into more and more squads and have a Lieutenant in charge of each.

Requirements: Before applying to the Marines you are required to be in the Bootcamp for 1 week's time. You must post regularly in the forum with an average daily post of about 2.


  • LT - Lieutenant
  • Sgt - Sergeant (2nd in command of the squad)
  • Mrn - Marine

Marines are equal in every way to the Home Guard - anyone abusing his/her post should be reported immediately.


Lieutenant Ltn Jimbo3


Mrn 007 warbear

Mrn Chris12345678

Mrn MrRobot256


Mrn Ongjming

Mrn Waak

Mrn Higgins

Mrn Zolam






East Becktown Richmond Hills Ketchelbank
Lukinswood Havercroft Barrville
Lerwill Heights Shore Hills Galbraith Hills
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Main page :: Information - Recruitment - General news
News and history :: Zone reports - History - Timeline - News archives
Members and units :: Officers - Militia - Jaegers - Member list
Crimson Territory :: Inner Circle - Outer Circle
Diplomacy :: Allies - Neutral factions - Enemies - Character hitlist
FAQ :: Non-member FAQ - Member FAQ
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