Suburb of Lerwill Heights
Update Lerwill Heights's Danger Level
View Danger Center
Known groups in this suburb:
edit group listing
— Survivor Groups —
— Zombie Groups —
— Hostile Groups —
- Only freelance killers...
— Historic Groups —
Key buildings in Lerwill Heights:
Malls: |
NecroTech Buildings: |
No NT's
Police Departments: |
Hospitals: |
Fire Stations: |
Bulletin Boards: |
Others: |
Schools 3, Churches 2, Auto Repair 5, Railway Stations 1
Suburb Number: 53
Lerwill Heights is a suburb of Malton, located in the west of the city. The most recent and active revive point is at the the Pollitt Monument [26,56]. Other known revive points are located in the carpark at [22,53] and in Ebsworth Row [29,51]. For a full list of useful buildings in and around the suburb, refer to the page for the Sebright Museum. The northwest corner of the neighborhood is generally safest for low level survivors.
Short-wave Radio Info
The Lerwill Heights suburb has the following active radio stations.
Freq: 26.04: South-West Malton Freq: 27.77: Tarasius General Hospital and Four Corners area
Resource Buildings
NecroTech Facilities
▋ St. Columbanus's Hospital (23,52)
▋ St. Willibrord's Hospital (25,57)
▋ Tarasius General Hospital (29,59)
Police Departments
▋ Farewell Place Police Department (20,51)
▋ A factory (20,57)
▋ A factory (24,51)
▋ A factory (26,50)
▋ A factory (29,58)
Auto Repair Shops
▋ Beament Auto Repair (20,53)
▋ Bence Auto Repair (23,50)
▋ Dibben Auto Repair (26,53)
▋ Mear Auto Repair (22,57)
▋ Wedderburn Auto Repair (24,58)
Bulletin Boards
Revive Points
Building Status Key
▋ Safe ▋ Rebuilding ▋ Under Attack ▋ Under Siege
▋ Ruined ▋ In Zombie Hands ▋ Pinata ▋ Unknown
Lerwill Heights Information Resources
The Lerwill Heights Building Information Center contains status reports and updates on key buildings in the suburb.
View zombie activity and locations in Lerwill Heights from External Military Reports, Scentoral scan data charts and NecroWatch.
Recent News
Please: recent news at the top (signed & NPOV). Old news can be archived.
Nearly every building in ruins, no survivors spotted on my pass through, only a few zombies. A small group of survivors could probably retake the suburb if desired. Esoldier (talk) 02:50, 6 December 2020 (UTC)
Revive Points
There are three revive points in Lerwill Heights located at a carpark [22, 53], Ebsworth Row [29,51], and the Pollitt Monument [26,56]. Post a request in the appropriate thread on the Lerwill Heights revive board, and you should receive a revive within 24 hours. All survivors are asked to DNA scan any zombies at these revive points as rotters have been known to stand in line to avoid being killed - if rotters are found, they should be killed immediately.
Squadron1111 maintains Bragg Park (30,60) as a revive point.
Update Link
Lerwill Heights
22, 53
Local survivors and the LHDF
Revive requests made via DEM tool, OBR forum, or Lerwill Heights revive board.
Blacjak 07:00, 14 August 2013 (BST)
(Update Lerwill Heights)
Lerwill Heights
29, 51
Local survivors and the Order of the Black Rose
Revive requests made via DEM tool, OBR forum, or Lerwill Heights revive board.
Lola Rennt, 12:30, 12 October 2011 (UTC)
(Update Lerwill Heights)
Lerwill Heights
26, 56
Local survivors, the Order of the Black Rose and the MFU
Revive requests made via DEM tool, OBR forum, or Lerwill Heights revive board.
Lola Rennt, 12:30, 12 October 2011 (UTC)
(Update Lerwill Heights)
Lerwill Heights
30, 60
Squadron1111, MFU
DEM tool
→Son of Sin← 00:50, 16 October 2011 (BST)
(Update Lerwill Heights)
You can update the revive point listing here.
Barricade Policy
For full details, see Lerwill Heights Barricade Plan.
Extremely Heavily Barricaded
Very Strongly Barricaded
No Barricades
Suburb Map
The Malton Suburb of Lerwill Heights