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Elizabeth Dement – Roving Researcher

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Elizabeth Dement
Joined: 12/03/2008
Character Details: Elizabeth Dement
Current Level: 15
Character Class: Scientist
Favorite Equipment: "Clipper," her DNA Scanner
Favorite Weapon: Pistol
Backup Weapon: Toolbox
Current Status: On NecroWatch assignment
Location: Southwest Malton
Kills: 3
Revives: 11
Deaths: 6
Group: None
Catch-Phrase: "Think of the lowbies!"

Elizabeth was just a graduate student, trying to make ends meet. Answering an ad in the local paper, she signed up for an internship at NecroTech. In progess...

Now she's trapped in a quarantined city with hordes of shambling undead. A.L.I.C.E. assures her that this is all part of the internship, but Liz is starting to have doubts about ever seeing that course credit.

Current Status

Long-term Goal(s):


The Four Corners

When not working for A.L.I.C.E., Liz spends a great deal of her time trying to organize survivors in the Four Corners, and has gotten pretty good at building barricades and patching together generators with duct tape.

Liz sez...