Elizabeth Dement
Character Details:
Elizabeth Dement
Current Level:
Character Class:
Favorite Equipment:
"Skipper," her DNA Scanner
Favorite Weapon:
Backup Weapon:
Current Status:
On NecroWatch assignment
Southwest Malton
"Think of the lowbies!"
Elizabeth was just a graduate student, trying to make ends meet while working on her dissertation. Answering an ad in the local paper, she signed up for an internship at NecroTech. It promised course credit in exchange for participating in cutting-edge biotechnical research and laboratory work. She moved to Malton, got an apartment in Ruddlebank and reconnected with her younger brother Patrick, who had recently joined the Malton Fire Department.
Things started off well enough. Her first few weeks at NecroTech were fast-paced and intellectually exciting. But gradually, things started to change. As outbreaks of MRSA and bird flu threw Malton into a panic, rumors started to circulate at NecroTech about a bold new Project, one which would change the very meaning of life and death. Some of Liz's colleagues began to look haggard, and were unwilling to talk about their work. Shipments of laboratory animals started arriving late at night, and large biohazard dumpsters were trucked away each morning.
One sunny afternoon, it happened: the NecroTech facility went into lockdown, and along with dozens of other employees, Liz was herded into the lower levels by armed guards. But something was loose in the facility, something that armed guards could not stop. When the doors finally buckled inward and gave way, the trapped people started screaming. That was the last thing Liz remembered.
When she woke up again, Liz was in a smashed laboratory, lit by shaky fluorescent bulbs. Her head throbbed, her neck was sore. A figure in a ripped lab coat was vanishing down the hall, dropping an empty syringe. Liz called after him, but her voice was weak and he didn't look back. She made her way through the facility, her breath coming short as she passed blood spattered walls and wrecked equipment. When she reached the lobby, the reality of the situation became clear: the dead walked, the city was a warzone, and all that remained of the NecroTech Corporation were ragged paramilitary groups of technicians and a somewhat erratic artificial intelligence unit called A.L.I.C.E., who had united all the ruined facilities into a Malton-wide scanning web called NecroNet.
Now she's trapped in a quarantined city with hordes of shambling undead. Not knowing what else to do, Liz works with NecroWatch to try to bring the city back under control. A.L.I.C.E. has assured her that this is still part of the internship, but Liz has started to have serious doubts about ever seeing that course credit.
Current Status
Objective(s): To keep A.L.I.C.E. happy by completing as many NecroNet scans as possible. Because when A.L.I.C.E. is happy, Liz doesn't have to worry so much about that sinister, unblinking eye everywhere she goes.
Location(s): Currently, in Jensentown.
Long-term Goal(s): Make the Four Corners safe, upload NT Scans, try to convince others to do the same, and keep those lowbies alive!
A.L.I.C.E. Is Watching...
Liz is NOT paranoid. Liz knows her every action is being closely monitored by A.L.I.C.E. and that she is manipulating everything and everyone to her own ends. It's all just one big test... ending with cake.
- February 18, 2009: Uploaded her 25th scan, earning Rank 2: Recon Scout.

- February 19, 2009: Earned both All-Seeing Eye and Barville Tour of Duty.

- March 1, 2009: Earned Rank 3: Ranger Scout.

- March 6, 2009: After 64 uploaded scans, Liz has now reported at least one scan from every NecroTech facility in the southwest quadrant of Malton, earning Southwest Recon Master.

- March 23, 2009: Earned Molebank Tour of Duty.

- March 28, 2009: Earned Latrobe Honorary.

- March 31, 2009: Reporting from the Sweeney Building, Liz uploaded her 100th scan to NecroNet, earning Rank 4: Black Ops Scout.

- April 13, 2009: After finishing a sweep of Roywood, Liz updated the suburb's status and earned Ghost Recon.

- April 18, 2009: Earned Extinction Vigilance.

- Liz repaired the Attwell Building for 78AP on March 25, 2009.
...and to her surprise, survived! Wah-hoo!
The Four Corners
When not working for NecroWatch, Liz spends her time trying to organize survivors in the Four Corners, and has gotten pretty good at building barricades and patching together generators with duct tape.
Liz sez...
NecroWatch Map
2009 NecroWatch Reconnaissance Map
A.L.I.C.E. has thoughtfully assembled this map to track the progress of licensed NecroTechnician Elizabeth Dement as she reports NecroNet scans from the many NecroTech facilities spread across the city of Malton. Delicious cake awaits.