User talk:Karen Sanger

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Revision as of 00:38, 4 February 2006 by Conndraka (talk | contribs)
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A Griefer tagged a building with your charachters name. Unfortunatly a newbie took that as reliable. On behalf of the DHPD we would like to apologise for the situation. The Newbie realized that might not have been wise and apologised to the Cotty Street Precinct, but unfortunatly that doesnt help you. We try to keep such tags sprayed over, and don't condone execution unless warranted. Once again, we apologise and invite you to post your profile on our science page if you ever have a problem with getting a revive.

Conndraka (edit:although Tasselhoff has DHPD in his profile he is not on our official roster...I will investigate further)

To awnser re:the syringe:Either Coffins drive or St Lorenzos Church. Mrh at either Cotty Street Monito, or BrakIV who will be at those locations respectivly.
