Malton Marshals/Recruitment

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Malton Marshals
Malton Marshal Badge
Abbreviation: MM
Group Numbers: 19 and growing
Leadership: Structured Chain of Command
Goals: To Claim Justice For Those Slain Unjustly
Recruitment Policy: level 10 and above
Contact: DEM Forum

After the outbreak in the summer of 2005, the city of Malton descended into madness. Some individuals gathered into groups to protect each other and their territory. Others decided they couldn't bear with the constant fear and took their own lives, only to rise again as zombies. Yet amongst all this violence and death there was a third group of people, those who devoted themselves to the slaying of their fellow humans. Nobody is sure why these people have chosen the path they did, but the citizens of Malton have had enough and are now fighting back.


The Malton Marshals are a special branch of the Malton Police Department whose sole purpose is to try to hunt down PKers and bring them to justice. Operating under the policy umbrella of the Department of Emergency Management, they are held to a much higher standard and are expected to behave professionally at all times. The Marshals operate only from the Rogue's Gallery, nowhere else. Additionally, the Marshals are mandated to go after the worst offenders in the city and ignore the first-time offenders. Only PKers with three or more kills on their head are of concern to this group.


We are currently accepting all classes for consideration as bounty hunters. The current restrictions are that you don't kill indiscriminately, that you are willing to work within the DEM Policies, and that you can be meticulous with your paperwork. Every claimed bounty needs to be recorded with a screenshot of the kill; the only exception to this rule is if you are a zombie and kill a live PKer. Additionally, we are only accepting players that are level 10 or higher.