Jeffries Auto Repair

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Jeffries Auto Repair

Dakerstown [1,8]

Hogue Street a junkyard Lomas Boulevard Fire Station
St. Matthias's Church Jeffries Auto Repair Britton Park
Stobbart Walk Police Department Freeth Auto Repair The Crespin Building

Basic Info:

  • Auto Repair shops have no internal descriptions.
  • Auto Repair shops can be barricaded normally.

Jeffries Auto Repair


Barricade Policy

Current Status


Right now Michael Sleeman and Irontoe is holding Jeffries Auto Repair together with other survivor in Darkerstown, mostly people from the FUACK. The plan is to use it's strategic location to rebuild Darkerstown. If Sleeman and Irontoe will stay longer and be a more permanent member of the Darkerstowns community is still unclear. --Michael Sleeman 20:36, 21 April 2009 (BST)

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