User:Dark Butters

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Dark Butters





Right Hand Man / Team Badass


The AZS.

The Story

Dark Butter’s Odyssey

Part I

Thump Thump Thump.

“Who the F*** is up at this hour?” I throw the blanket off of me as I walk out the bedroom to the door. In the background the news is running, “Breaking News! Unknown Man caught kicking ass on local freeway. Identity still unknown but some reports stat that a man named Forensic Hoffman was seen killing large numbers of infected. How will this affect your weekend? More at six.” I throw on my black shirt and pants with my dog tags hanging around my neck. They read Dark Butters and directly underneath you can see the #40 followed by Project Zombie.

I look through the window and see two agents wearing Necrotech Jackets. Opening the door the immediately hand me an envelope. I open it and read it. “Hey you guys wait up!” I grab my two pistols and place two rounds in their heads, right between the eyes. I dropped the letter that read, “Kill the agents, its time.”

I run back inside and grab my jacket. It’s a long coat with Kevlar woven into it. I place both of my six round .45 pistols in the holster, exposing the Shadow and Rouge on the side of the pistols. I get to my closet and grab my .35, named Big Boy, and place it in my ankle holster. I finally grab my shotguns. I strap the first to my back and place the other snuggly inside my jacket and head out into my Jeep parked in the street.

I pick up my phone and dial The Number. The Director answers the phone, “I see you received my message.” I reply, “I’m headed to the spot now. I am prepared to finish this.” As soon as I hang up the phone, a zed lurches in front me causing me to swerve and destroy my car. I killed the infected one with the collision but badly injured my arm in the process. Limping down the street, I hear a gunshot and groans. I work my way to the building where I heard the noises and kick in the door. I see a man being dragged by two zeds. I pull off my shotgun from my back and fire. “F*** I missed. Must be the arm.” I put the shotgun back and pull my pistols out. I fired two rounds and both zombies. I grab him by the shirt and say, “Hurry, through the bodies outside and block all entrances" He looks at me and says, "Ok, but what the hell is going on???" "I’ll explain later" We make it out into the street then he asks "Who are you?" I answer like the smart ass I am, "Why, I’m Dark Butters and I just saved your ass". He gives a chuckle and replies, "I suppose you did." As we head out I look at him and say, "You owe me one". He replies with a witty, “sure”. I think to myself, great, another wise-ass like me. "Come on, we've gotta get you cleaned up", I say. We head to the nearby mall and make it to the drugstore. I find some painkillers for both of us. I pop open a bottle and realize that all I’m doing is feeding my habit. “After this I’m done with ‘em”, I think to myself. The guy looks at me and asks, "Where do you think everyone is right now?" "Either dead, or evacuated". His face shows that he’s not surprised. "Why weren’t you evacuated Butters?" I look at my phone and say, "Had some unfinished business with some guys, you?" "Truck never came for me" I give a smirk "Bummer".

Part II

So the next morning Bhuw comes to me and tells me about some local group called the Anti-zombie Squad. Looking at the situation, figured that strength in numbers was the way to go. So we headed over to some brick building nicknamed the Bell. We met up with Eric who was the leader of this ragtag group of survivors. We were introduced and assigned to Alpha. Bhuw got dragged off on some assignment while I was free to go off and do whatever the hell I wanted to do. Figured it was a good time to begin my work.

While I spent some time in Poll Mall, I got a lead on my business. My intel told me, the target was in Styles Bank. I was told that it was filled with murderers and scumbags, she had to be there. I came in through the back, and found the place pitch black. I began to investigate the bank in search of her. I found two guys by a fire feasting on what appeared to be a human thigh. I turn around, disgusted by what I saw, and then I see her.

All of the memories come back to me....

March 31, 2002. She walks in and the group of Necrotech scientists can't help but stare. I roll my eyes and mock all the guys under my breath. "Sucks you'll never have a chance guys." From across the room I hear, "Shut the F**k up Butters." What I didn't expect to hear was the loud bang of Desert Eagle followed by the sound of the .50 cal bullet ripping through the flesh of one of the scientists. I turn around to see one of the female scientists laying in a pool of blood. Bang! Bang! Two more shoots are fired but they don't seem to affect me. The face of the young woman, had my complete attention. "Alexa....." Bang! I feel a sudden pain in my left arm. I look to see a massive hole in my arm. I fall to the ground in pain. I hear her footsteps as she gets closer. I grab a vial of chemicals off a nearby table and throw it at her as she walked around the corner of the table. Whatever it was, it burned like hell. It quickly burned through the flesh of her face. I remember thinking, that’s going to leave quite a scar.....

Its that scar that brought it all back. I pull out my pistols and say," This is for Alexa..." Amber turned around. Bang, bang, bang. Two in the chest and one between the eyes. I knew I had to move fast. The others in the building would come to investigate soon enough. I run over to the body. Must have served in the military. Two dog tags. They read: Amber Waves of Pain. I pull one off, "hope you don't mind". As I run off in escape, I hear a low groaning....

I turn around. That scar is looking at me. "F**k...." As I run to escape the new recruit in the undead army, I'm cornered by those two psychos. Great. Corned by two freaks, a zed with a grudge and a window. Wait. A window! Crash. This shit is going to hurt.

I get up, and run off with a limp. I eventually make it back to the Bell. "Looks like someone had a rough night." Its Bhuw. "Shut the hell up..."

Darkness. We look at each other through the dark. Then move to a window. Suburbs left in darkness. "Shit is f**ked up right now"

BadgeDEM.jpg DEM Ally
Dark Butters is an ally of the DEM
DontGK.jpg GKers Suck
This group thinks that destroying generators is a pussy move.
BHP.gif Anti-Zombie Squad
Dark Butters is currently a member of
The Anti-Zombie Squad
Bounty Collectors

Keyhole2.jpg Just Lock the Freaking Doors Already!
This user can't figure out why survivors don't just lock their doors to keep out the zombies.

Bounty Hunter.gif Bounty Hunter
This User or Group hunts and kills

Pie.jpg WE WANT PIE!
This user wants pie, if not, you may be in the verge of death...

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