Umbrella Biohazard Containment Service/History

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The UBCS was founded on September 26th, 2008 at around 1:00 AM GMT. Since the timezone difference, most UBCS members consider September 27th to be the true founding.

The founding members are listed by the date they joined:

  • Haliman (Founder) (Active)
  • Carlos Oliviera (Founding Member) (Retired)
  • William Lanfried (Founding Member) (Retired)
  • Ephraim Reigner (Founding Member) (Active)

NOTE: The list does not include everyone who joined. It includes just the members the founder himself asked to help him.

Current Leadership

This is a list of our current leaders:

  • Current Leadership
  • Grand Marshal Haliman
  • 2IC, Secretary Grand Marshal Krauser
  • Director of Division One, General Lord K
  • Director of Division Two, Admiral Rohanzap
  • Director of Division Three, Air Marshal CLASSIFIED

Past Leadership

Grand Marshal

The Grand Marshal serves as the lead commander of the UBCS. Only one person has held the title of "Grand Marshal." A Grand Marshal's term is 3 months.

  • Founder of the UBCS, Haliman111 (Sept 27 - Now)

Secretary Grand Marshal

The Secretary Grand Marshal serves as the Second - In - Command of the UBCS. Four people have held the title of "Secretary Grand Marshal." An SGM's term is 1 month.

  • Original 2IC of the UBCS, Enzyte Bob (Nov 12 - Dec 17) (36 Days)
  • Former 2IC of the UBCS, Dwight Easlebrough (Dec 17 - Feb 23) (68 Days)
  • Former 2IC of the UBCS, William Lanfried (Feb 23 - May 10) (77 Days)
  • Former 2IC of the UBCS, Lithedarkangel (May 10 - Jun 26) (46 Days)
  • Curent 2IC of the UBCS, Colonel Krauser (Jun 26 - Now)

Notable Mentions


Not to take away from the other honorees, but this one deserves to be on the top. I think we can all agree on that. Li is so incredibly important to the UBCS, we would never be where we are now without him. He always pulls through. He may be a leader, but don't think he doesn't care about the regular members! He chats with them every day!

Li will go down in UBCS history as the meth addict in command. He's a dedicated player, a good commander, and a hell of a good friend.

We're glad to have you on our side, Li. ~ Haliman - Talk 06:17, 27 June 2009 (BST)


Megameh has been an invaluable help ever since his first day in the UBCS. Some of his achievements include running propaganda, serving as a liaison, serving as Charlie Team's CO (All at the same time), and serving as Omega's CO and founder. He was the main man on the UBCS's side that ended the UBCS / UC war.

Always to challenge himself, he would always challenge command, and propose alternative decisions. He has helped create the UBCS into what it is today.

Megameh will go down in history as the original UBCS spammer. A title he holds close to his heart. ~ Haliman - Talk 06:17, 27 June 2009 (BST)

Probably one of the first members I met. Has many jobs to fill in which he does in an awesome way. Is always ready to help. What more to say? He is decisive, has a different point of view and is in general a pilar to the UBCS. ~Li

Colonel Krauser

It's funny how High Command member Colonel Krauser first came into the UBCS. He was originally a member of the Umbrella Corporation sent in to spy on the UBCS. He went from a cadet, to a spy, to a cadet, to a full member, to a 2IC of a Team, to Drill Sergeant (All in about a week). We're pretty sure that's never been done. Ever. Anywhere.

Although he hasn't been apart of the UBCS for as long as most other members, he is still a vital part of the group and a very cherished member.

Krauser will go down in history as a political powerhouse, who has shown his excellent debating skills in his election against Carlos for Drill Sergeant (Which he won). ~ Haliman - Talk 06:17, 27 June 2009 (BST)

One of the most interesting acquisitions in the UBCS, from spy to Drill Sergeant. He is awesome as a trainer, deadly at debates and elections. May not be original from UBCS, but then...neither I. His actions are always for the good of the group and basically I have nothing to complaint about him. (Just remembered the no pants mondays...)~Li