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Character Profile: Robin Flagg

Affiliation: Malton Street Patroll

Age: 27

Height: 5ft. 7inches

Weight: 175lbs. kinda gaining some too.

Eyes: Brown

Favorite Snack: Iguana-on-a-Stick Yum!

Favorite Beverage: Coors Lite


The outbreak didn't quite take this mild-mannered salaryman by surprise. For years he's been quietly preparing for the undead with the help of his childhood friends and Dungeons & Dragons buddies. Their backyard live-action roleplaying was augmented with a few real-world skills by uncle Robert who was a Desert Storm vet with a love for all sorts of firearms & survival training. They formed a secret group called the Miltown Watchdogs in case the Chinese Communists ever invaded or if the dead would come to life. Apparently it was the latter that took place.

When news of the 1st outbreak came out, their group was one of the 1st organized civilian resistance groups. They were even getting it right from the start as their network kept tabs on the initial phase of the crisis. For a while, The Watchdogs organized the 1st serious anti-deadite resistance in various townships in Malton. Tragedy struck when Robert; who was group's charismatic leader, was infected and went on a bloody PK spree that took the lives of nearly everybody as they took refuge in his grandma's basement. For reasons unknown to Robin, Robert got infected by an accidental bite never told the others about it. Robin barely made it out with the help of another childhood friend Trevor White. After eluding the initial chaos for three weeks, the two gone separate ways since the 2nd fall of Caiger Mall and have not been in touch.

After learning to survive on his own, Robin was taking refuge in a small Junkyard when he met Redd Eyed Jedi of Malton Street Patroll. Since then, he's worked hard to defend Roachtown alongside his comrades.


In his former life Robin was pretty good w/ balance sheets, the weekly audit report & could do your taxes in a jiffy. Back at his job with Nuka Cola, Robin was the king of the Accounting Staff's weekly beer drinking competitions.

His closet weekend-warrior training w/ his other formerly-laughed-at Dungeons & Dragons buddies helped him develop rudimentary martial arts & firearms skills. What he lacks in physical conditioning & athleticism , he makes up for in enthusiasm and a real devotion to the defense of Roachtown.

Current Status

Robin's been recently revived by Jessie Curtel after he was killed by the zombie named Green and Gray Ghoul while defending The Haim NT Building. He's busy looking for fuel cans since taking care of the NE side of the Mansion.

He's looking to keep tabs on the deadites congregating around the mansion.

Weapons & Equipment

Robin Flagg's Zombie Apocalypse Weaponry

Other Notes

Robin is an advocate of these policies.

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.