Bacardi Company/Staff

From The Urban Dead Wiki
Revision as of 19:50, 10 August 2009 by Alvaromesa (talk | contribs) (→‎Staff)
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Bacardi in malton/ Outside Malton/Barman:Alvaromesa / Staff!/Events


Bacardismall.jpg Member of Bacardi Company
Alvaro Mesa is Bacardi Representant in Malton

Alvaro Mesa is a Barman and made:1 event

Alvaro Mesa is a Mechanic and Repaired:5 clubs

Working on "Mesa productions!"' Baccardi Happy Hour!!

Mesapro.jpg Mesa Production
My job is make you parteehh!!!

Character name: alvaromesa


Want to be part of the staff?

Bacardistaff.jpg Bacardi Staff
This user work in Bacardi Staff and enjoy the partehh!!

[ask here]

Bacardi T-shirts to the staff.

Bacardi shirt.jpg

Help Wanted

MPR is hiring and wants you to be apart of the team! Join and become an advertiser, a reporter, or become the anchor of your own show!

There are two kinds of jobs. There is the wiki job and the in game job. A player may have only one in game job, and as many wiki jobs as they want.

In game Jobs

These are the jobs that take place in the game


An advertiser is simply as the name states: to advertise MPR. Your job is run around Malton yelling to crowds and spray painting MPR promotions on to walls.

Required Skills:

  • Tagging
  • Free Running

Broadcast Manager

The Broadcast Manager is assigned to a certain show, in which, they must make sure everything is running smoothly.


  • Refuel the generator
  • Bring in new generator if one is not there
  • Bring in a new radio transmitter if one is not there
  • Repair ruined broadcasting station
  • Keep barricades at EHB

Required Skills:

  • Free Running
  • Construction
  • Shopping
  • Bargain Hunting


The broadcaster has a very important job. They are the main voice of MPR. A broadcaster must be able to broadcast a decent show to the people of Malton.

This show should have minimal grammatical and spelling mistakes.

Must have great writing ability

Required Skills:

  • Radio Operation

Preferred Skills:

  • Free Running (Not required, but helpful)

Wiki Jobs

These are the jobs that take place on the wiki


A reporter has a very important job. They must go around Malton (or the wiki) searching for stories. They then must post the article on the news page of MPR.

Must have writing and little wiki coding ability.


An editor is the wiki surfer. They must inspect MPR's wiki and keep it clean fixing spelling and grammar errors. They also at any time may upgrade the page.

Must have enough wiki coding ability to create a decent page.


If you would like to apply, fill out the form below and post in "PUT FORMS HERE".

  • Name:
  • Requested Job:
  • Do you have experience with wiki coding?:
  • Link to some work you have done on the wiki if any:

Fill out yes or no for each skill if you have the skill in the following list:

  • Radio Operation:
  • Free Running:
  • Shopping:
  • Bargain Hunting:
  • Tagging:
  • Construction:

Write one or more paragraphs with at least one hundred fifty (150) words stating why you would like the job.



- (You may make more lines if needed)



If wanting to be a broadcaster, describe the show you will be doing or list the show you will be joining.


- (You may make more lines if needed)
