Grayside Police Dept

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Revision as of 01:32, 15 August 2009 by Delta Nitroxs LP (talk | contribs)
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Grayside Police Dept
Abbreviation: GPD
Group Numbers: en el ranking
Leadership: Delta Nitroxs LP
Goals: Loyalty, Bravery, Integrity
Recruitment Policy: Any pro-survivor located in East Grayside or West Grayside

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Grayside Police Department

We are ex-Fuerza Latina members Working on Grayside dedicated to protect both suburbs, but now we are accepting english-speaking players.


Grayside suburbs are two very dangerous suburbs, pkers everywhere, zeds come and leave. Home of the Pole Mall and the Clapton Stadium, here takes place lots of mall tours so there's tons of work to do, are you ready to be a Grayside Officer? if you are so, join us!


We just use simple ranks:

  • Commander:The leader of the group, Delta.
  • Barman: Delta's best friend, Alvaro
  • Captain: Delta's confidence people
  • Police Officer: The brave officers who make grayside a better place to live
  • Cadet: New people in the game, they graduate when they learn the necesary skills, learn about teamwork, and mainly how to have fun.


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