Special Tactics and Rescue Service/Members

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STARS The Members STARS's Allies and Enemies STARS Intelligence Division STARS Policies and Templates

As STARS is a Pro-Survivor Group, it feels it has to have some form of Leadership in which to keep the group running smoothly. It also feels members need to be rewarded when they do something that deserves rewarding.

Board of Commanders

Central to any group, is command. Without a leader, a group is just anarchy. The Board of Commanders is STARS's Central Authority, setting down what members can't do, can do and just there to guide the way.

Currently, the BoC consists of -


  • Hakimaru - Supreme Commander in Chief - General Commander of Alpha, Bravo, Charlie Teams and Delta Force. Also General Commander of the Departments of Recruitment and Territorial Security. Director of Intelligence/Member of the Intelligence Board and Forum Admin.

The Board

  • Kewabara - The Co-2nd in Command - General Commander - The Right Hand of STARS, Also Forum Admin and Maintainer.
  • Linda Milley - The BoC Representative/Co-2nd in Command - General Commander - She basically is the spokesperson for the Boards decisions. She also runs the groups Delta Force ... when it's Operational. Also a Professional Ball-Remover. Diplomat and Assistant Director of Intelligence/Member of the Intelligence Board.
  • XMegaDeathX - Forces Commander/ 3rd in Command - Commander of STARS Bravo Team. Also The 3rd Member of the Intelligence Board
  • TheLeader - Forces Commander/Co-4th in Command - Commander of STARS Alpha Team
  • Rebecca Chambers - Department Commander/Co-4th in Command - Commander of Department of Territorial Security.
  • Serge - Diplomat for STARS. Also Advisor to the Board of Commanders aswell as an Honourary Member of the Board. 4th Member of the SID Intelligence Board.
  • John Killah - Board Advisor - Overal Kick-Ass guy, Ex-SCIC.

Members and Ranks

STARS, like many other groups, has ranks for members. Here, we follow the same ranks as the British Army. Any other rank is for Commanding Officers. Starting from Officer Cadet, ranks increase.

Supreme Commander In Chief - Hakimaru

General Commander - Kewabara, Linda Milley

Secretary Commander - XMegaDeathX

Forces Commander - TheLeader

Non-Commissioned Officer - LeonKennedy454

Board Advisor - John Killah

Officer Cadet - Loïc Jeanne, charlotte billingam, Lt Marzzarella, Doc Wallace, Tinith, Robkiller5, Yocum, G4361, Robz_06, Surviverghost, Assilius, Jackal Jones, Jackson 77, Rafj200,

Second Lieutenant - Jonathan Hutchins, DDTKID

Lieutenant - God Damn Commies, Jill Valentine, elven2006 starssoldier,

Captain - Currently, there are no members holding this rank.

Major - STARS Brute

Lieutenant Colonel - Currently, there are no members holding this rank.

Colonel - Currently, there are no members holding this rank.

Brigadier - Currently, there are no members holding this rank.

Major General - Currently, there are no members holding this rank.

Lieutenant General - Currently, there are no members holding this rank.

General - Serge

And for the retired members: Field Marshal - Meinstorm

STARS Ribbons

These are the members who deserve awards for the actions in the line of duty.

We Ask Recipiants to please put them in your Wiki Profile

  • Commanders Ribbon.jpg
The Commanders Ribbon: Given to Members of our Board of Commanders.
Members who have received this Ribbon: John Killah, Leon Kennedy 454, Kewabara, Linda Milley, XMegaDeathX, TheLeader, Hakimaru, Serge and Rebecca Chambers.
  • Ribbon of Honour.jpg
STARS Ribbon of Honor: This Ribbon is for showing bravery in the face of mortal peril and going beyond the call of the mission and for achieving a higher rate of success within said mission.
Members who have received this Ribbon: None so far.
  • Revival Ribbon.jpg
Revival Ribbon: For either risking life and limb to help revive a comrade, or reviving a certain amount of people.
Members who have received this Ribbon: John Killah
  • Outstanding Service Ribbon.jpg
Outstanding Service In Battle Ribbon: For exceeding the objectives in any given mission and increasing the success rate of said mission. Also given to fallen members in any given mission who had been killed in action while accomplishing great things within said mission.
Members who have received this Ribbon: None so far.
  • Purple Heart Ribbon.jpg
Purple Heart Ribbon: For being wounded in the course of any given mission.
Members who have received this Ribbon: None so far.
  • Intelligence Medal.jpg
STARS Intelligence Ribbon: Given to those who have given intelligence reports that has led to the kill or capture of a wanted criminal, or a group of oncoming foe zombies.
Members who have received this Ribbon: John Killah, Linda Milley, XMegaDeathX
  • Bounty Hunter Ribbon.jpg
STARS Bounty Hunter Ribbon: Given to those who have tracked down and hunted those on the STARS bounty list or are a known UD Bounty Lister.
Members who have received this Ribbon: TheLeader
  • Medical Ribbon.jpg
STARS Medical Ribbon: Given to those who have provided unparralleled medical assistance to members of the group and general public
Members who have received this Ribbon: None so far.
  • Ultimate Ribbon.jpg
STARS Ultimate Ribbon: This is a special Ribbon given to those who achieve 4 or more of the amount of Ribbons available at STARS.
Members who have received this Ribbon: None so far.

The STARS Hall of Fame

Yeah, cause somebody deserves to be here at this minute. Honestly.

Previous Entrants: Please refer to The Old STARS HoF

  • JD Ryerson
  • Aran helix
  • Stephen Wolfe
  • Chris Hollis
  • Meinstorm
  • Greg Melayne

Pending Entrants: John Killah is currently pending Induction to The STARS Hall of Fame v