+Pistol Training (An extra +25% to hit with a pistol.)
0Advanced Pistol Training (An extra +10% to hit.)
+Shotgun Training (An extra +25% to hit with a shotgun.)
0Advanced Shotgun Training (An extra +10% to hit.)
Hand-to-Hand Combat (+15% to melee attacks.)
+Knife Combat (An extra +15% when attacking with a knife.)
+Axe Proficiency (An extra +15% when attacking with an axe.)
Free Running (Can move between adjacent buildings without stepping outside.)
NecroTech Employment (Player is able to operate DNA Extractors, and can identify NecroTech offices from the street.)
+Lab Experience (Can recognise and operate basic-level NecroTech equipment.)
0NecroNet Access (Player can access terminals in powered NT buildings, allowing map scans and syringe manufacture.)
First Aid (Player is able to heal an extra 5HP when using a first-aid kit.)
+Surgery (Player can heal a further 5HP if working in a hospital with power.)
+Diagnosis (The HP values of nearby survivors are displayed next to their name.)
Shopping (Player may choose which stores to loot, when searching a mall.)
+Bargain Hunting (Player is 25% more likely to find something when searching a mall.)
Body Building (Player has a maximum of 60 Hit Points instead of 50.)
Tagging (Player's spraycans last longer. XP bonuses are awarded for tagging certain buildings.)
Construction (Player is able to barricade buildings.)
Headshot (If you kill a zombie, it must spend an extra 5AP to stand up.
Scent Death (Zombie can sense the largest nearby group of zombies and corpses, and distinguish revivifying bodies.)
+Scent Fear (Survivors with fewer than 25HP are shown as 'wounded' in room descriptions, and asterisked on the map.)
+Scent Blood (The HP values of nearby survivors are displayed next to their name.)
+Scent Trail (Zombie is able to sense the new positions of survivors it's had recent contact with.)
Digestion (Whenever the zombie deals bite damage, it gains HP equal to the damage dealt.)
+Infectious Bite (Bitten survivors become infected and lose 1HP per action until cured.)
Vigour Mortis (Zombie gets +10% to hit with all non-weapon attacks.)
+ Neck Lurch (Zombie gets an extra +10% to hit with bite attacks.)
+ Death Grip (Zombie gets an extra +15% to hit with hand attacks.)
+ Rend Flesh (Hand attacks deal an extra 1 damage.)
+ Tangling Grasp (If the zombie hits with hands, its further attacks on that victim are at +10% to base attack until it loses its grip.)
Memories of Life (Zombie is able to open doors to buildings.)
+Death Rattle (Zombie is able to communicate through a limited, groaned form of speech.)
+Feeding Groan (If faced with a survivor, the zombie can emit moans audible outside up to six blocks away.)
+Ransack (Zombie is able to damage the interior of abandoned buildings, making them harder to search until they are repaired.)
Lurching Gait (Zombie can walk as fast as the living.)
+ Ankle Grab (Zombie only spends 1AP standing up.)
You could say this is John Killah on a bad day
Books from John Killah
John Killah has a Survivor Diary. To date, there have been over 200 entries, split into 21 Books. They are as follows:
Currently, John is preparing to release his 22nd Diary - The Final Trial, which will be his 5th and Final Book in the Grant Killah Chronicles Series and the last in Quarantined Malton.
He also has made entries regarding his actual struggle in Malton -
Ribbons from time with the New STARS
John Currently has Three Ribbons from the New Special Tactics and Rescue Service -
- The Commanders Ribbon: Given to those on the Board of Commanders at STARS.
- Revival Ribbon: For either risking life and limb to help revive a comrade, or reviving a certain amount of people.
- STARS Intelligence Ribbon: Given to those who have given intelligence reports that has led to the kill or capture of a wanted criminal, or a group of oncoming foe zombies.
Medals, Forum Awards and Championship Titles from Old STARS
John had 7 medals from the old Special Tactics and Rescue Squad
- Board Of Leaders Badge: Awarded to those who are members of the teams Board of Leaders.
- STARS God Award: The highest ranking a STARS member can recive. They are the foundation the STARS need.
- Revival Award: For risking life and limb to save a member.
- Gold STARS Award: Given to those who have shown that they are willing to give the time and dedication that the S.T.A.R.S. needs.
- STARS Bounty Hunter Award: Given to those who have tracked down and hunted those on the STARS bounty list.
- STARS Forum Top 10 Posters: Given to those who have made it into the top 10 of the STARS Forum (Meaning those who talk way too much).
- STARS Basic Training Medal: Rewarded to those who either Command part of BT, or those who have gone beyond their mission statement and done extremely well.
- Winner: John Killah (2007)
Ribbons and Medals from Task Force 141
- Operation Repossesion Participant
- Operation Danger Close Participant
- The Corporal Medal
Civilian (level 41) The Cop
Character Details:
Urban Dead profile
Civilian (level 41)
Character Class:
Favorite Equipment:
Revive Needle
Favorite Weapon:
Glock 17 or .44 Magnum
Backup Weapon:
Remington M110
Current Status:
Alive and looking good'
East Greyside
Current Level:
Currently Lost Count, Probably over the 1250 mark (HOLY CHET!)
roughly about 215
over 90
Task Force 141
[[Journal:[Survivor Diary]|[Survivor Diary]]]
The Cop Supports: 90 Templates at last date!
Theme song
John Killah's theme song is Voices by Rev Theory.
Battleship Cannons Fire!
This user thinks that if any battleships are patrolling in the ocean near the location of Malton, they should open fire upon the areas high in zombies because it would be cool to watch them get blown into pieces.
This user can haz cheezburger.
DUDE! It's a Template!
This user has been known to say the word "Dude" from time to time.
This user enjoys sneaking up behind people and fondling their backsides.
Fuckin' rockin' all the time
If you think it's time to fucking rock, and fucking roll, out of control,
well then you know you got to rock the block,
and fucking suck my fucking cock,
if you think it's time to fucking rock.
Everybody's Human
This User or Group believes that survivors should always stand together, because everybody's human! Except, well, them.
This User > Jesus
This user claims to be better than Jesus
Just Lock the Freaking Doors Already!
This user can't figure out why survivors don't just lock their doors to keep out the zombies.
This user is going to Hell.
Zombie Massacre
This user loves going on zombie massacres.
Upstanding Member
This user learns from his mistakes and has become an experienced, er...normal?, member of the UDWiki community.