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Head recruiter and publicist for AZS.

Rough Draft: How to create your very own suburb-wide Survivor Resistance Squad with just five AP a day!(working title)

A treatise on how to unite all the survivors in a group with just sixty seconds of your time and just five AP, without having to go through the hassle of forming a group or meta-gaming.


Q: What's so important about uniting a suburb?
A: Zombie mobs are well-coordinated, as we all know. They can get twenty people together to concentrate all their firepower on , and knock out Now, imagine how freaking powerful WE survivors could be if we had that kind of teamwork. We have the superior firepower. We have the highly AP-efficient barricades. We have the building-to-building mobility that they lack. We the survivors can compensate for our enemies' coordination just by

Q: So, why the hell should *I* care about talking to others when I could be killing zeds/building stuff/having fun by myself?
A: Because the fun stops once the suburb is raped dead by zeds, AND you have to waste at least 10 APs fleeing the suburb (more if you die). IF you choose to unite the survivors under the flag of La Resistance, at worst, you waste five AP out of fifty every day, and at best, you play a major role in repelling a zombie assault with superior survivor coordination AND you get to stay alive too. Good survivor communication benefits ALL SURVIVORS. Period.

Q: How can I help unite the resistance and take back the suburb from those damn zeds?
A: Simple. Read the guide's name. Devote merely FIVE of your AP to broadcasting, talking and spraying helpful advice and status reports on the suburb. Read the quick version at the bottom of this page if you don't have the time.

== In-Game Communication methods ==

  • Profile See relevant section
  • Talking The best and most common form of communication in UD. Tip: you can and should fit exactly 256 characters into 1 AP of talking. Don't waste your breath talking in tiny bursts.
  • Spraying walls/billboards/interiors
    Spraying is limited to only 50 characters. This is just enough to post a useful but permanent message. You need a spray can and the tagging skill to be effective, so this method is mainly limited to a few survivors with both.
  • Broadcasting: A very useful alternative to talking, because you'll reach a larger audience, but need more AP for your message. For maximum results, broadcast on a Mall frequency. Mall frequency info:
  • Newspaper whacking: Nearly useless. Use it only to privately let someone know you're there.
  • Mobile Phones: Nearly useless. Only good for communicating privately with a few of your contacts.
  • Signal Flares: Fairly useful. Use it for attracting both zombies and survivors to a location (preferably one under attack, since attracting zeds to it doesn't hurt).
  • Satellite Phone: Somewhat useful. A superior alternative to mobile phones, but still limited to only a select few survivors. See link: for details.

What you can do

Public Service Announcements, aka PSAs (Spoken/sprayed/Broadcasted)

Help others to stay alive enough to save your ass:

  • "Scan before reviving"
  • "Rogues gallery (List of PKers) at"
  • "Brainstock (PKer reporting forum) at"
  • "Mall defence process: Kill, dump, heal, 'cade" (?)
  • "Hide in low-profile areas"
  • Spread the word of The Resistance: ______-
  • "UD Tool for Firefox:"
  • "Urban Dead Strategy Guides:"

Sprayed reports

Give useful information about the surroundings to help others save their AP (and your ass):

  • "Keep at VSB" or "Keep at EHB" (inside important buildings)
  • Directions to revive points (outside NT buildings and Malls).
  • "___ is a PKer- do not revive" (revive points)
  • "Entry points at ___" (Entry points are buildings maintained at VSB so that people can enter)

Alerts (Spoken/Broadcasted)

Because an ignorant survivor is a dead survivor (and an informed one will save your ass):

  • Say/spray "___ building is ruined/under siege/repaired/PKers inside"
  • PKer/griefer/spammer locations

Survival Strategies

When it come right down to it a bunch of uncoordinated survivors hiding in an unpowered building isnt a good place to hide. Or is it? Here will address delemas like that one

River tactics- This is a type of tactic that involves avoiding hordes, like a river flowing around a rock. Survivors hide out in a suburb under attack and when the zombies leave they fix the place up. Survivors say that mega hordes like the MOB and Feral Undead cannot be beat and must be avoided. It works in theory but in reality it isn't very smart. If a group is organized enough to trash a suburb then they will check every building. So avoid this strategy unless absolutely necesarry.

Dam Tactics- The counter to river tactics, it is generally used in malls, forts and isolated necrotech buildings. It involves survivors over-barricading their safehouse and sorrounding buildings and trying to survive the zombie horde outside. History tells us that when survivors are motivated enough, such as at Caiger Mall and the Blackmore building, they can hold off massive amounts of zombies for months and may even win. But unfortunately most seiges using dam tactics fail because resources and ap run out. Personally i like this strategy because it makes the game more fun and theres nothing more satisfying than trumping a mega-horde :). So if you want to use dam tactics bring lots of supplies and plan on not surviving.

Generators and ruined buildings- Everyone in a suburb trashing situation thinks they need generators and hole up in resource buildings. But what no one thought about is the fact that lit buildings are the first to go down! So NEVER light a building up unless you have a death wish. If you walk in on a lit building explain it to the survivors inside then destroy the generator. They should understand. Ruined buildings are perhaps a survivors best and worst friend. They are a pain to fix up and cant be used effectively until they are. On the flip side if you're travelling across a red suburb or just survived a seige they provide nice, comfy sleeping places. Zombies wont check inside a ruined building because they know a survivor builds cades wherever he is. So remember those two things.

Those startegies are essential for survival. But in the end its up to you whether you want to go down in a hail of bullets or wait out the storm in a safehouse.

Your Profile

Believe it or not, your profile is actually a useful form of communication. Put in some PSAs, if you can fit any space, in order to to educate your allies.

If you are *not* part of a group, it's actually possible to use the group tags to your advantage. Just type "___ Building Temporary Task Force" to state your intentions to liberate an important building. Others will be motivated to join your little task force and help you out.


  • Spread the word of Urban Dead Strategy Guides: ___, ___, ____, ____
  • Spread the word of Rogues Gallery and encourage others to bookmark and use it: _____
  • Inform your fellow survivors which buildings are ruined, need assistance or have been recently repaired
  • Rat out PKer locations.
  • If you're part of a group, spread the word about it.