User:The Colonel

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This user

This user probably hates you.

This user hates Cornhole


This user hates the wiki.

Nofeed.jpg Troll Warning
This user is a troll. Back under your bridge. Don't feed!
209-rabbit.jpg Mr Fluffles
This user loves to huggle a cute, fluffy, darling, lovable bunny every single day!

Balance scale.jpg Fair Tactics Player
This user has signed the Coalition for Fair Tactics Player Pledge.
SPFC.jpg Susan Popham Fan Club
This User acknowledges Susan's greatness.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you I am a wonderful person, the fact is I am not. I anger easily and hardly forgive. I have my skeletons in my closet and in general the world knows them. If you see me nowadays you don't have too much to worry about, in general I hunt down zergs full time all across the board. Hell even my 2 killers don;t exactly just target at random, in general you have to do something to get killed by them.

Need someone killed, talk to me, AidenFurry runs Good Grief and we are based off contracts or our own personal want for killing people, very few are immune to being targeted. Those are listed in private on our forum for our own reasons.



Umbrella Killer

Everyone hates him


Jimmy - He makes me feel really old sometimes when I see retired groups I used to fight against

Timmy - idling him for a while again (Timmah is on again off again, if im bored at work i play him)

Watcher - a on again, off again character that sadly I donated for, he now hunts zergs assuming there isn't a higher PKer in the area, in which case he just might make a report or two to the RG. Probably played every other day these days

Robert - long ago was Robert idled and recently came across the password to said account, now he hunts zergs like so many others. Played on the opposite days of Watcher.

Just about idled

This user loves horizontal lines and think wiki nazis should allow others to use however many they want

Zerg Huntin'

So understandably I am not the most liked character in game, and for that I can only smile, because it means I have effected you so much, that I am on your mind. Love me or hate me I'm in there.

So recently I have decided to put that to better use, as such the bulk of my character now zerg hunt, and I am very, very good at it.

  • Note: any postings I list here are over a week old, so do not constitute them on actual intelligence as per where my characters are located, or other zergs

ie:no griefing me :P

The Urban Dead Universe and You Guide Book

Guide Book - Please check back after the holidays as I will update some stuff over the break, but the majority/spell check/grammar check/actually do the whole thing right post holiday season

Getting in Contact with me

You can reach me on my talk page

here at Barhah, I am also active on Brainstock, PKA, or The Streltsy board (Karl Denke)

I also may be found in #rrf-ud on the nexuswar server irc, my name there is Timmah

Fan Club

  1. ) Duncan Idaho - Apparently I killed the right person
  2. ) الله_من_الخدمة - I am referred to as Colonle Cunt :D
  3. ) The entire UBCS for stalking me after I quit, if you don't believe me, the iwits speak for themselves [1], [2], and [3] note the distance Imthatguy ran to find me after one of my kills was reported in Locketteside. Not to mention the number of them I wounded as "warnings" to leave me alone. I am sure the list will go on, as they seem to be unable to stop me from killing them.
  4. ) The majority of users who hate me :D
  5. ) I am not longer allowed to leave comments on User:Cornhole's talk page

Stop lurking or I KEEL you!