User:The Colonel/The Urban Dead Universe and You

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Page Holder to my post Holiday project. If I save the page now. I will get forced to edit it later


Many of you have come to Urban dead with the sole purpose of shooting some zombies, maybe you are on of the crazier one's who instead of zombies decides to turn his gun on a poor innocent survivor; of course you may always be just one of those survivor types, trying to stay alive in the zombie world. This guide book is a tell all, how to manual. It includes details for zombies, killers, and survivors. I have added into it Metagaming things, as well as various links to other guides that I have cited from, or links to several groups that I list throughout the guide.

How to play

Urban Dead is based off of an action point system. Each hour you gain 2 action points (AP for short). Each movement or action in Urban Dead causes you to use one AP, should you move from one building to another, this uses 1 AP, to search for stuff, 1 ap. Want to communicate, that is fine, but guess what 1ap. You will learn over time how to better manage to budget your AP usage, this guide can help you learn what to avoid, what to find and how to use it effectively, while in UD.


So you want to be a zombie. The power of barhah compels you, then welcome! This is almost a perfect game for you to see how a zombie would interact in a post apocalyptic world inhabited by zombies.


To be a zombie is a rather hard life in Urban Dead, you are subject to headshot and no this does not mean you are dead for good. Headshot is a skill that survivors or for that matter anyone over level 10 may purchase, when they do it requires an extra 5ap for you to stand up. Remember when I was referring to AP, this is a big deal, baby or babah zombies (babah is Death Rattle for baby. Further reading can be found here. [1] ) To start a zombie player off solo is not an easy task, taking 10 to 15 AP to just stand up has now reduced your ability to move and claw, not to mention it actually costs you 2AP to move from one square to the other. I would imagine you are beginning to wonder just how exactly people can proclaim zombies to be winning in a never ending battle. I would imagine you are also starting to lose some feeling you once had for your zombie, constantly taking head shots, costing 2AP to walk, do not worry, overtime these hardly begin to affect you. Your first task is that you need to gain what is known as experience points or XP for short. To do this is simple, claw things, breaking down the barricades by 1 level, counts for 1 XP (I do not recommend this for newer zombies as doors can be a pain to open), clawing other zombies can gain you 1 XP, and clawing humans or harmans (Death Rattle again) can gain you 2 XP.


Now I am sure you are wondering how exactly you can manage to gain yourself 100 XP to buy a skill, well this is your section. The first thing you need to do is find an area where someone is dumb enough to stand outside a building and thus allow you to eat them, this is not always do to a "stupid survivor" this often times can happen by accident when someone over barricades an entrance point (scroll down to survivor for details on entrance point). If you use this wikipedia effectively you can find yourself in a suburb with people who just stand outside and wait to be eaten (see Suburb Map) click that map, and go to any green suburb you want. To locate your suburb you are currently in, just log yourself in and in the upper left hand corner of the screen you will see a grey bar with a grey colored name, this is your suburb, just check out the suburb map for which suburb you are in and how far away a green one is. Fear not the distance, it is well worth it, if it takes you 3 days to get there then do it. These suburbs often times have people standing outside buildings because they got lost, stuck outside, etc, etc. Do not even worry if you get revived, just keep heading there, you will feed some other zombie just like you who is looking to gain XP. Another tactic would be to follow a mob of zombies around Malton, you can usually tell on the map where they have been by the red suburb's or perhaps you use the MoB locator which lists which suburb MoB is currently attacking, by visiting these suburbs and following what are known as "groans" you can find open buildings with wounded survivors who you can claw at and kill. Another common way of attacking people in groups is the X:00 tactic which helps you indicate to other zombies at what time (based around the GMT clock) you strike at, and you can view what time they strike at. This allows you to join in on a strike with random or feral zombies.


Congratulations you have managed to gain 100 XP, what skill should you buy? It is simple you need to prioritize AP usage specially when at a lower level. Skills such as Death Rattle, or Flailing Gesture while comical offer now real advantage to you actually doing something. Focus on the following

  • Ankle Grab/Luching Gait
These go hand in hand! They will allow you to walk to targets a lot better and with more AP should you join a group or even allow you to follow feral groans better so you can feed yourself. Of course Ankle Grab is just as essential as it now grants you so much more AP to actually use when standing up
  • Claw upgrades
These will give you an advantage, I would recommend getting higher percentage to hit ratio before anything. Getting yourself a chance to deal 3 damage at around 35% is not as effective as 2 damage at 60% (leave feeding drag and bite attacks for later).
  • Scent skills
Once you can attack effectively you need to know who is better to target, obviously someone sitting outside is a prime target but is this person at a low health because of a drag, or did they just happen to get stuck outside and still have a full 60 health. Being able to tell who is wounded makes a huge difference when collecting XP, as each kill grants you extra XP gained from killing someone. Primarily you need to focus on Scent Fear and Scent Blood before the other ones, as they are less important, even when in a group, they just are not needed till the time comes that you have no others to buy.
  • Memories of Life
This skill track should not be ignored, a single closed door can stop your now killing machine zombie. You can walk into a building and kill 3 people, but you cannot manage to open a damn door! This is part of what I was referring to when I initially said your skill set will vary depending on what it is you are up to. Yet opening doors, and being able to ruin are prime skills your zombie needs, the groaning, is right up there but not as important, if you followed a groan then someone else will be able to follow it.
  • Biting skills
Now you can focus on those nibbling skills, getting a tasty piece of flesh. While these skills are nice to have they generally do not need to be used often, while it is nice to bite someone while they are dying, the infection is just a minor problem to them.
  • Remaining skills
If you followed this guide then you should have the following skills left Scent Blood, Scent Trail, Death Rattle, and Flailing Gesture. Personally, I love to Death Rattle and point at thing before I knew the position of say, some trenchy who shot me in the streets and is not sitting in a EHB building. I do remind you though that it is all up to you, should you feel at any point and time you wanna be able to speak before say infecting then by all means, enjoy your rattle.
  • Brain Rot
Rot gets its own little section here at the end only because it should always be the final skill you purchase. The reason it should be so, is to allow yourself to find a revive and purchase human skills (yes you can buy those too). The largest problem with rot is say down the line when you actually want to be revived, you have to visit Rot_revive clinic in order to find yourself amongst the living again. Some people purchase rot in the attempt to make their game play harder or better depending on how they play the game. This is their choice, personally I do not advise rot ever, unless you are 100% sure that you do not want to be revived. I do own a rotter, but out of all my characters I only own 1 rotter for a reason. I would like to add that once you do purchase Brain Rot there is never a need to be revived as you can purchase Flesh Rot and this will act the same was as a Flak Vest(note: these do not stack).


Pro Survivor


Two styles of Game play

  • Rambo
  • Medic




So you have been wondering around collecting various objects and using them and alas you finally managed to get 100XP (75XP depending on your starting class). Now my first question to you is what sort of survivor do you wish to be, as I already went over the two basic types of survivors but depending on which you are will dictate which skills you wish to get first.

Military Skills
  • Basic Firearm Training - This skill is often times already presented to you in several of the classes when you start. By giving you an addition 25% chance of hitting a target when you shoot at them you allow yourself to be more accurate with a firearm and thus gain more XP as you hit your intended target more.
  • Basic Pistol Training - I feel personally as though pistols are more effective at killing particular characters in the long run of the game as such I always purchase this skill next in my Military skills tree. By purchasing this my chance of hitting my target jumps to 55%.
  • Advance Pistol Training - In general I consider this skill to be not as important. You already have purchased your basic training allowing you to hit targets at 55% now you need to focus on other things like resource gather, identifying targets, etc. The additional 10% chance of hitting is nice but it isn't what I would consider to be cost effective.
  • Basic Shotgun Training - This is a skill I would highly recommend you purchase as perhaps your 3rd or 4th skill. By purchasing this just like with the pistol you can now have a 55% chance of striking your targets. I already went over my views on shotgun versus pistol.
  • Advanced Shotgun Training - While nice I still consider this to be one of the last skills I purchase assuming I am going medic as my career, if I have elected to take a more Assault like style of play then I still recommend this be one of your last skills to purchase. The same as advanced pistol it only offers you 10% increase and there are many other skills you will need to get ASAP.
  • Hand to Hand Combat* - This is a prime skill to purchase right off the start as well. By allowing yourself to be more effective with melee weapons you increase your likeliness of getting kills with them (remember folks your axe or knife does not need ammo to kill a target).
  • Knife Combat - this skill I always prioritize and I believe I already went over why I prefer to use knives. I recommend it right after you purchase your basic weapons stuff. It always comes right after I get hand to hand.
  • Axe Proficiency - this skill is very similar to that of the knife combat, axes are a little less common but your basic fire fighter class starts out with an axe and this skill. It is great to have to help lower barricades or to smash in the skulls of your intended victims/targets.
  • Free Running - This skill is THEE must have skill. As you have noticed as you started that you can only enter certain buildings based on their barricade levels and cannot jump from one building to the next. This skill is how you get around in Malton by allowing you to jump from one building to the other with ease. It usually is the very first or second skill I purchase so I can get to where I need to go (TRP's)
  • Scouting Safehouse - Filler till I experiment with this some more
Scientific Skills
  • NecroTech Employment -
  • Lab Experience -
  • NecroNet Access -
  • First Aid -
  • Surgery -
  • Diagnosis -

Misc. Skills
  • Shopping -
  • Bargain Hunting -
  • Body Building -
  • Tagging -
  • Construction -
  • Radio Operation -
  • Headshot -


common groups, how to locate good ones, common things to look for

Player Killer



How to Operate

Bounty Hunter

Meta Gaming


list common forums and uses

IRC communication

list common public IRC channels and why we use them

The Wiki

how things work, how to avoid A/VB, editing, and how to get help