User:Spiderzed/Alts/Kool Aid Man

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Revision as of 12:31, 4 May 2010 by Spiderzed (talk | contribs) (New page: {{character| char_name=Kool Aid Man| char_image=Coming...| char_joindate=2010-04-13| char_class=AH -!AAH! ZAMBAH!| char_equip=AH -!AAH! HANNZ ZA GHRAZH HAH GHA!Z| char_profileID=1726524| ...)
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Kool Aid Man
Joined: 2010-04-13
Character class: AH -!AAH! ZAMBAH!
Favorite equipment: AH -!AAH! HANNZ ZA GHRAZH HAH GHA!Z
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: AH -!AAH! ZAMBAH!
Character group: Feral / None
Character stats: OH YEAH!
Journal: No journal for Kool Aid Man
DarkFeral.jpg Feral
This user could be anywhere, doing anything, and only one thing is certain: It involves blood.
Skull1 small.gif Death Cultist
If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Red Mage.gif Roleplaying Notice
Notice: This User or Group enjoys the RPG aspect of MMORPGs, the category of games that Urban Dead falls into. As such, there is probably quite a bit of roleplaying and/or creative writing on this page and in said User/Group's in-game actions. In other words, if you think the difference between IC and OOC is "One has an 'I' and the other has two 'O's," buzz off.

Killsacredground.PNG Fuck 'Sacred Ground' Policy!
This User or Group couldn't give a shit about Sacred Ground Policy & acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered fair game for evil fuckers.
Cowtipper.jpg Cow Tipper
This user is a Cow tipper and treats marked revive points as they would a cattle ranch. They particularly enjoy shooting zombie-cows with their buddies.