Fort Creedy Zombie Army

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Fort Creedy Zombie Army

Fighting to keep Fort Creedy free of survivors scum since 2008

To join us, just deposit $100.00 to our bank account hidden on the moon then sell us your soul and your first born child. NOT, I'm joking and I say again I am joking about that first sentence because the way the world is today someone would actually believe it. To really join the group just add Fort Creedy Zombie Army in the group part of your profile and get your rotten ass over to the fort and cause some trouble for the breathers and maybe kill a few and don't forget to say hi to your fellow zombies while you are there. We can carry on a educated conversation unlike the breathers who drool over their weak boomsticks and waterguns.

Also to answer a question we have been asked quite a few times. This is all the wiki presence we are going to have. We don't need a jazzed up group page that gives away our numbers or plans like most group's pages on here do. Just a joke, the pitch line and a little poking fun of the breathers is all you are gonna find here, nothing too advanced.