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This is the article for the in-game safehouse function. For the glossary article on safehouses see Safehouses (Glossary).

As per the 16 August, 2010 Update:

  • Survivors and zombies alike are finding it easier to navigate the familiar wreckage of the city streets. Survivors can get directions to a nominated safehouse; zombies automatically focus on the most recent groan or scent trail.
  • Settling in for the long haul, some survivors have been modifying and memorising their safehouses. Those able to scout a safehouse can spend 30AP to survey the building, giving them approximately 5 extra AP per day within their nominated safehouse, until they die or the safehouse is ruined.

Setting a Safehouse

Whilst alive, all survivors have the option to select a building as a Safehouse. You begin the game with no default safehouse set. This message is displayed directly below the Minimap on the left of the page.


It should be noted that you do not need to possess the Scout safehouse skill in order to set a safehouse.

To set your safehouse click the "Set Here" button below the mini map. This automatically makes the current location your safehouse. Curiously you can be outside a location or even in an empty street. This costs 1 AP. You will then receive a message stating You familiarise yourself with the building. or Location if outside. From now on directions to your safehouse will be displayed below the minimap.

Your safehouse can be changed and set:

  • Several times in the same day.
  • Even if the building is ruined.
  • As well as when the building is dark.
  • Even if you're standing outside a building.

It seems every type of building can be set as a safehouse, including malls. In fact, open blocks such as streets can be set as a safehouse as well, strangely enough.

Scouting a Safehouse


Once the relevant skill is purchased. You may scout your safehouse using the "Scout the Building (30ap)" button. This gives you a message reading You spend some time clearing sight lines, and surveying and memorising the layout of the building. You can only scout a building when inside.

The benefit of scouting a safehouse is a 10% chance that an action taken within the safehouse will not cost an action point. When this occurs a message reading You move quickly through your safehouse. appears with the usual text for the action performed to indicate that the action did not consume an action point.

Once the building has been scouted, the scout the building button is no longer available. However setting a different safehouse, and then returning to the original safehouse and attempting to rescout again is possible, although no additional AP can be gained, so you would be wasting 30ap.

Ruined buildings may not be scouted in this manner. When pressing the Scout Building button you receive the message. The broken doors, wreckage and debris make the ruined building impossible to scout effectively. You use only 1AP doing this (CHECK)

This rule goes for Dark buildings as well. When pressing the Scout Building button you receive the message: You cannot scout a building in the dark. Just as with Ruined buildings, you only waste 1AP doing this. This means cinemas, banks and clubs need a generator in order to scout. It's unknown at this point if bonus AP is achieved when the building goes dark, after it being successfully scouted.

It's unknown if the effect of scouting a single corner of a large building (such as a mall) carries over to the other corners as well.

Losing the scouting effect (UNCONFIRMED)

The effect of earning 5 bonus AP in a safehouse can be lost under the following conditions:

  • The ruining of the building that was scouted.
  • The death of the player.
  • If the building can, and goes Dark (UNCONFIRMED)

If the first two things happened then the player has to re-scout a building, meaning he or she will have to spend another 30 AP. Note that even though the scouting effect is lost, the affected building will still be set as the safehouse. When the third option is put into affect, powering the building through a genny and fuel will be sufficient. (UNCONFIRMED)

Some buildings, like junkyards can also be used for a tactical advantage since junkyards cannot be ruined or go dark, therefore a player never has to worry about his safehouse, just his own safety.