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The Misadventures of Mr Weed

His adventure in Borehamwood started back right when the town opened, or closed depending on your take. Weed was a free-lance survivor just going from building to building looking for a place to hang out and grab a beer.

He then found a few pals including lunea the neko77777 and PowerWave among others, saddly none of them knew how to survive in a town like this. So they all decided to portect Dowsett Row Police Station in the north west, but after the first few attacks they thought better of it and decided to move into raddlet.

Unfortunetly the map that Mr Weed was reading didn't tell him that Raddlet was past the fields, so after deducing Raddlet was a myth Mr Weed meet back up with lunea (who also couldn't find Raddlet). Then Mr Weed went on recon for the other missing members of the group ran out of energy and had to spend the night hiding in the middle of the road.

The Good and The Bad

Lunea and Mr Weed got seperated, sad news. But it was quickly followed by the moment that changed that changed the coarse of Mr Weeds time in Borehamwood. He joined up with a group of 50-60 well organised survivers, all by pure accident while he was searching for his pal. with only 700 people left it town it seemed impossible for a group to be this well organised. It was here where Mr Weed meet up with some of his drinking new found buddies.

The Club Ha Misfits

It was mostly smooth sailing from there on, moving once every three days or so, but eventually the numbers in this group dwindled. They eventually got down to 20 close nit survivors most of which are now known as the Club Ha Misfits. They were known as this becuase durring one of thier countless drinking binges the group ended up spending a night at Club Ha. The only problem was that some members of the group had drank themselfs into commas. Mr Weed and the other survivors couldn't just watch to see if thier friends would make it out. So in the face of the zombie attack they stayed, fought, and healed until thier friends sobbered up enouph to move on. Ever since then the other survivors called us The Misfits, and hell. They were right.

That was the start of the greatest and best survivor group still active in Borehamwood.

Taking a Break

After months of continued survival in the town of Borehamwood Mr Weed decided to lock himself in a bank vault with a few dozen 30 racks. He need some time to rest and relax the misfit way.

The Return

In mid 2010 the doors to that vault opened up, and emerged a man who didn't realise bank vaults weren't suppost to be opened from the inside. He had been forced to break out his tool box and pick to lock, not an easy thing to do when your knee high in beer cans. But after he got out he quickly joined up with his old pals who were glad to see him back.

Although ever since he came back somthing was wrong, Mr Weed knew that he was going to die and he even mentioned this to the other survivors who looked at it as a joke. Being a Misfit Mr Weed didn't want his death to cause any of his pals to fall with him, so rather than making another move Mr Weed remained. He sat at the door with a shot gun in one hand and a beer can in the other. He fought as hard as he could, but its hard to kill an enemy that just keeps getting back up.

Mr Weed died on September 2nd 2010, he left behind a group of awsome pals, that even tried to save him durring his final stand. But at least now that he's a zombie he won't have any problem hitting every bar in borehamwood, first up Club Ha

Future Plans?

Mr Weed plans on living out his zombie days drink what remains of his liver away.

There has been news that Mr Weed would be returning if another permi-death city was made.

Deadset.PNG Survivor
This user was one of the Borehamwood 100