The Borehamwood 100
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This page is meant as a tribute to the last 100 active survivors in Borehamwood after quarantine was declared. It is based upon Monroeville's The Monroeville 100.
As of February 7, 2009, over three months after the city opened, only 104 survivors remained alive in Borehamwood, of whom 100 had been active through the preceding weeks or months. These are The Borehamwood 100, alive due to determination, teamwork, or just plain luck. Well done, have fun, and may they all find a much deserved rest without undeath.
On January 10, 2011, User:Binlaggin nominated this song for the Borehamwood 100.
The Borehamwood 100
Presumed Inactive
kmkg3 - Idled out, early March, 2009, returned date unknown but prior to October 22, 2009
Punct - Idled out, early March, 2009, returned date unknown but prior to October 22, 2009
Amir Saladin - Idled out, early March, 2009
Bubbles McBud - Idled out, date unknown
Da Mule - Idled out, date unknown
Dr Walter Bishop - Idled out, early March, 2009
Hank Aaronson - Idled out, early March, 2009
Joe Mofo - Idled out, date unknown
kazypoo2 - Idled out, date unknown
Lord Timmy - Idled out, early March, 2009
Louis Ormonde II - Idled out, early March, 2009
Michelle Ravage - Idled out, date unknown
Richard John Turner - Idled out, date unknown
Schwob - Idled out, early March, 2009
Sharp Cookie - Idled out, date unknown
Sir Melkor III - Idled out, early March, 2009
Snowmiser - Idled out, Christmas Day, 2009
Storm Jameson - Idled out, date unknown
Zeffire - Idled out, date unknown
Confirmed Dead:
Aldus Bishop -- Despite the efforts of his friends and acquaintances, Aldus could not be roused from his comatose-like state. He succumbed to the undead hordes April 21, 2009 inside a junkyard. He will be greatly missed.
Alex Bronsky -- killed in a junkyard [540,31] in northwest on August 24, 2009 by Bill Restrick
Alexia Orosco -- Killed inside Club Wanstall - 18 March 2009
Alistair Darling -- killed by mob of angry taxpayers - or possibly a zombie - 17th March 2009.
Auretious Taak - Survived 788 days straight no idling, till the 7th January 2011. Exactly 26 months and 1 day after first awakening to the apocalypse, he was Killed by Housemate in Phelan Street Fire Station, South Borehamwood. Meant to be a temporary jump between safe houses, Taak had just come off of 6 weeks straight inside the ruined and opened Cullen Building in South Borehamwood but had to move when a zombie was spotted within 2 blocks. Taak's most notable achievments were his continued survival against the odds being the last of the outcasts and thus the last solo purely player in Borehamwood; being able to safely lay claim that at least 80% of the graffitti on the entire map (go check the countrysides ;)) is because of him, and for spending 10 months between 2009 and 2010 in just 4 locations, 3 buildings inside the city proper (3 months inside a Library without moving; 6 weeks inside Cullen Building; 2.5 months in another building) and the other being a picnic in the Eastern Countryside whereby 3 months to the day were spent in the fields including spending the full 50 AP for most of those days. He also had the most experience hoarded as a survivor to this date. His group, RNS-SDW suicide-fixed buildings in the West Countryside as well as at both farms - special thanks to Fart Shrapnel and Rambo Ninja Spidrman for making the past 788 days of life incredibly awesome and enjoyable. We got further then any of us had imagined and now I have almost one of every melee zombie weapon on me. Here's to you 2 and every other player who has stuck it out this long, especially the zombies without whom the city would have died. :)
Auretious Taak 2 -- After a brief exchange of good-natured taunts, the stealing of a truck load of beer, drunken grafitti'ing of random buildings and trees, got caught and clubbed like a baby seal in the woodlands [516,67] just north of the Elstree Golf Club [517,71][518,71] in Countryside (West) by Channah Dal Samosa of the Indian/Pakistani Leftovers around 8:30 p.m. EST on February 24, 2009 (Day ahead of you all guys, and EST is also our Australian Eastern Standard Time).
Baern White -- Killed on March 1, 2010 in Club Ellacott [525,95] in [Elstree] by gonk droid after being found and nicely tenderized by allteeth allthetime. Screenshot of allteeth allthetime's fine work. Screenshot of the fatal follow-up by gonk droid.
Bream -- Idled out, date unknown, returned by October 30, 2009, when he died under suspicious circumstances. His location was posted by wiki user DBunten, who noted his presence in the control room [550,84] of Elstree Studios with a truncated screenshot. Notably, the screenshot was of a survivor's profile, indicating probable PK intent. Never ones to turn down a snack when offered, zombies immediately responded. Housemate and Phil Dodds smacked the unfortunate harman around before he was finished off by Mr Falco Macleod, who then fed on the body. Whether a deliberate suicide or a victim of a savage PK, Bream was delicious. The zombie hordes would very much like a second helping, if you please.
Carson Drew -- Killed January 7, 2010 in Club Gammon [569,25] in Northeast Borehamwood in a follow-up siege orchestrated by a handful of zombies after a siege earlier in the day had been repelled. The initial break-in had been reported on the Indian/Pakistani Leftovers sightings page by Toothy as of 18:31, 6 January 2010 (UTC), but the initial assault was reported by Permanent Wave as repelled by Nemesis MK2 as of 01:39, 7 January 2010 (UTC) . Various activity was reported throughout the day, including Chronofly (40HP) standing out in the open at one point, but no harmans were successfully killed until later when gargula, Malai Kofta and Evader3 broke into Club Gammon [569,25] again and found Victor XIII (60HP), Carson Drew (60HP), Deadwood Joe (60HP), groggy nodbeggar (60HP), kmkg3 (60HP), Dipsomaniacal (60HP), Doc Sparks (60HP), asdironh (60HP) and Punct (60HP). The action raged on throughout the day, with the harmans actively 'cading and evacuating with zombies still inside the building and gathering outside until Toothy finally brought down Carson Drew, who was last in place and unable to evacuate. The battle was reported over as of 01:16, 8 January 2010 (UTC).
Charles P Cramer -- Cornered in Popham Bank [558,10] by the Borehamwood Party Crew March 12&13. Feeding groans attracted a passing Jim Edwho finished him off.
Cillian Merrow -- killed in a junkyard [540,31] in northwest on August 24, 2009 by Bill Restrick
Circus Midget- Killed in a junkyard [525,60] in West Borehamwood, between July 16-17, 2009, 16 minutes before he logged on. Ol' Midget had planned to run a screen for his comrades, but just didn't log on in time. Credit where credit is due - my demise was brought about by the combined efforts of gargula, Joe's Pizza - who did the lion's share of the work - and Schof who dealt the killing blow. Gotta give 'em props, these guys have been chewing on cades for weeks, often with little to show for it. So I say good game to them. Still, if you're a survivor and you happen see any of them around, be sure to give 'em a head shot for me. Now I guess it's my turn to rummage around for...BRA!NZ!!!
clients revenge -- Killed in Club Woolaway [553,20] in North Borehamwood by J J Jones on February 12th, 2010. clients revenge was the second victim of the siege that also resulted in the death of Isaac Yardley. With his demise the fatwa put out on him by the Indian/Pakistani Leftovers was finally fulfilled... a call for his death had been made due to his being the first harman to appear before Channah Dal Samosa upon the death of Malai Kofta. While there was nothing personal about the fatwa, it was still a call for his death which seemed to spark a hostility between clients revenge and the zombies, and he was for a while aggressively confrontational towards them. Now however, he's just dead. clients revenge gets snuffed
Codename L -- suicide
crabcake2 -- killed by some zombie in Elstree
Cradman -- killed in a junkyard [583,86] on August 24, 2009
Deadwood Joe killed in Cembrowicz Cinema [567,70] by Nnaws Lecram on August 16th, 2011
Defender811 -- Killed when he didn't doublecheck where he was-March 30th
Dermot O'Leary - Idled out, late september, returned October 25, 2009. Eaten On Christmas Eve 2009, by an enterprising Feral. Dermot is almost relieved by all this. His greatest achievement? The 350ap Repair of The Israel Building in early November. Of course not mentioning to any other survivors he had done it for the first 4 days of the coma was a bit foolish, but he pulled through in the end. It should be noted that Dermot was the first survivor to be killed after the Snow started showing footprints in Borehamwood, after some fool asked Kevan if it could be implememented.
Druitt -- killed in a junkyard [540,31] in northwest on August 24, 2009 by Ed Jim
drusis111 -- KIA, details unknown
Edward Vargas -- Killed by survivors for saying WUT too much (and other suspicious activities)
FFS Sean -- KIA, details unknown
Firechief Grimlock -- Holed up in an east countryside barn (594, 31). Kelly Tripplet finally broke through the barricades and killed him April 13, 2009.
Frank Garrett -- Killed in Reay Square School [574,17] in Northeast Borehamwood on August 30, 2009. His companion Stakka Lee got to watch as Joe's Pizza savagely beat him and Malai Kofta brought him down.
George Island -- Killed himself in late February to preserve the balance
GILA MONSTER -- KIA, details unknown
gonk droid -- Badly wounded by Phil Dodds, he retreated into St. Aloysius's Hospital only to have his jugular immediately torn out by a rabid, vicious zombie rottweiler on May 29, 2009.
groggy nodbeggar -- Found and killed outside Club Ray (575,47) in East Borehamwood on February 9, 2010 by Channah Dal Samosa after wiki user Dr Cleary posted a tip on the Indian/Pakistani Leftovers Sightings Page about him.
GuyZero -- KIA, details unknown
Harry Winslow -- KIA, details unknown
Isaac Yardley -- Killed in Club Woolaway [553,20] in North Borehamwood by Evader3 on February 12th 2010 in a raid carried out by Malai Kofta Evader3 and gargula we gotta give props to "Team Toothy" for breaking in and discovering the infestation. The aftermath
- With Isaac Yardley's death the contract put upon his head by Rambo Ninja Spidrman's group and paid for in harman blood was fulfilled, though Rambo himself died shortly before Yardley by unknown hands.
Jane York -- Killed in a factory [570,29] in Northeast Borehamwood on November 17, 2009 (actually 11-18-09_02:54:07 Malton Time, but I usually go by U.S. Eastern Standard Time) by Joe's Pizza after a savage mauling by KaisarDragon left her at 2 HP. Screenshot
Jin S Kwon -- After a long siege at Gautrey Bank, he was dragged into the streets and killed by Zombie3A on April 24, 2009.
Jhoe Strummer - Died on March 20th, 2009. He was the last defender of the Shopping Center. Killed by Kappleman. Friend to Mac Smith. One of the last 64 left alive in Borehamwood. Goodnight sweet prince.
Jupiter XII -- Killed in Radlett, March 18, 2009
Lennart Torstenson -- Killed on 29th of July 2009 after being dragged outside from Club Walmsley'
Lewin Nyatanga -- Killed by Phil Dodds in a junkyard [525,60] in West Borehamwood during an ambush carried out by Evader 2, Malai Kofta, Phil Dodds, Mr Falco MacLeod, and Mike Dodds.
Mac Smith -- killed by a rat bastard zombie. Farewell my friend. ~Jhoe
moonoises -- Killed inside The Plough [564,52] in Central Borehamwood by Evader 2 after Cathy Saunders signaled his group's presence with a feeding groan between August 31 and September 1 2009. Screenshot
Mr Longbaugh - Idled out, early March, 2009, returned date unknown but prior to October 22, 2009, then died March 2, 2010. Caught in South Borehamwood in Club Aelred [552,77] in an ambush by Phil Dodds, Mike Dodds and Mr Falco Macleod. Mr Longbaugh had forgotten to get his hand stamped on the way in, so Mr Falco Macleod instead stamped his skull while helping himself Mr Longbaugh's brains after killing him off. Screenshot of the kill.
Mr Weed - " Mr Weed Returned to Borehamwood in mid 2010 after a long leave from the game. Mr Weed knew that he was going to die, he saw what was going to happen. But in true Misfit manner he diecided to end it all his way by having a brew filled last stand where he killed nearly every zombie in his path, but after passing out from all the drinking he was easy prey. The zombiefiyed Mr Weed still plans on helping out his pals, after he finishes going to every bar in Borehamwood. First up Club Ha.
Namaster -- After several days of being chased by zombies from one safehouse to another, he finally sucumbed to exhaustion and was eaten by many. Mid February.
Neal Sterling -- Got dragged out of the Popham Bank [558,10] in North Borehamwood and was killed by Drinking Gravy of the Borehamwood Party Crew between March 12 and 13, 2009.
No Fear Cavalier -- Had an arguement with Savarga Tamasi over who was more expendable, fixed a police station and put himself at -34AP. Borehamwood Party Crew turned up in North East Borehamwood and ended up killing him before he woke up.
Paul Whensley -- Killed on September 8, 2009 by Joe's Pizza in St Bartholomew's Hospital [553,60] in Central Borehamwood after a good working over by Kicking Bird.
Pedro Bare -- KIA, details unknown
Permanent Wave -- Killed in a junkyard [543,60] in West Borehamwood by Evader3 on September 20, 2009 with the assistance of Jim Ed and Housemate. Evader3 got another trophy of harman ears, and the zombies all had a tasty snack. This harman tasted like sushi!
PravusBrother - After being idled out for a long long time logged back in only to get eaten on the streets on 18th of October 2009 by Let Him Kill You.
Rambo Ninja Spidrman - KIA, details unknown apart from comments in his comrade Auretious Taak's profile stating he was killed Feb 4 (2010) "on the run". UPDATE - Rambo was eaten by Reggie the Veggie, shortly after his return from fulfilling a promise to a friend. He and his zombie wife Layre now happily ever after in a little ruined house by the river.. His last words were - "I knew when mom made me eat my veggies it would come back to bite me." His first words as a zombie were - "I had no problem with Isaac, what's all this contract business? Uh... I mean... Graaaah!!!"
Rolandoh -- Killed after responding to a fake SOS in the farm to the East of NE Borehamwood. After he got there, he saw the place overrun by zombies. Ran out of AP as he was trying to escape. Zombies caught up to him.
Rough Lee Hune -- Killed by Phil Dodds in a junkyard [525,60] in West Borehamwood during an ambush carried out by Evader 2, Malai Kofta, Phil Dodds, Mr Falco MacLeod, and Mike Dodds.
Sarvaga Tamasi -- Died after an argument with No Fear Cavalier lead to him exhausting himself immensely. Heroically sat outside for 8 hours before attracting the attention of roving Borehamwood Party Crew Zombies in North East Borehamwood and moved inside to die protecting her exhausted comrade.
Slappy Bombdick -- Killed after a week of zed attacks while holed up in an east countryside barn (594, 31) and nearby buildings. Firechief Grimlock, who was killed a few days earlier, attempted to defend his friend - and failed.
Solsinfin -- KIA, details unknown
Stakka Lee -- Killed by Jessica Restrick on September 12, 2009 in a junkyard [561,42] in Central Borehamwood after Phil Dodds broke in and gave him a couple of good initial smacks upside the head. He thought he rolled with mad style, but in the end he just got rolled like a drunk. It's the hard knock life for Stakka... or rather, it was. As of this writing, his profile proudly states "Survival time: 318 days, continuous."
St0rmrunner -- KIA, details unknown
Sun Hwa Kwon -- Killed by Reggie the Veggie after being dragged out of Club Wolseley on April 22, 2009.
Tedd E Bear -- Hugged for the last time in Club Pilkington by Jim Ed. Details of the hunt:[1].
ThePunisher666 -- Killed in Pulling Bank [567,60] in East Borehamwood on September 15, 2009. HugoRune found and infected him, then 313Killer and Zombie Rottweiler joined in before Uncle Scruff finished him off. His demise was another brutal blow to the ever-dwindling Rambo Ninja Spiderman's Special Dark Watch. NOTE from RNS: Punisher was AP'd after cading his companions in tightly. He couldn't get far enough away afterward, and so died a hero.Screenshot
Tronton Foosh - Killed by the cross-dressing zombie, Cathy Saunders inside the ruined Hundred Acres Pub in Southeast Borehamwood on Sunday May 16, 2010. Mr. Foosh is treating his undeath as a kind of vacation; touring the city, and continuing his research.
Victor XIII -- Killed by zombie. No longer a Club Ha Misfit. Bye, guys. It was fun.
xDirgex -- Killed by Evader 2 February 2nd 2010 during a raid on St Eusebius's Hospital [522,39] carried out by Evader 2, jack jangle and Channah Dal Samosa xDirgex last breath
Zak Crabb -- Was savaged by an undead rottweiler inside Rexworthy Bank, and finished off by Alexander Piegsa on May 20, 2009.
Zomnipitant -- Killed in Club Dedeystere near the midnight from 10th to 11th August 2009 (BST) by HugoRune. Half of the harmans in Borehamwood were all assembled in one place, and he's the one who drew the short straw when the zombies came knocking.
Survivors absent from the Borehamwood 100 list
This section is for survivors not included in the Borehamwood 100 list, but who have subsequently reemerged in Borehamwood. They are not included in the Borehamwood 100 list as they were idle when the list was drawn up. However their accomplishments are noted with their inclusion below:
Presumed Living / Active:
ColwynMyselff - Idled out by October 22, 2009, date unknown, probably much earlier
Imperial Fist - Idled out by February 10, 2010, date unknown, probably much earlier, never even accumulated 1 XP up to that point, but wanted to be on the list? Whatever. Presumed pathetic
Mailick Deckren - Idled out early on reemerged January 15th, 2010, as of February 10, 2010 had accumulated all of 1 XP
Confirmed Dead:
aaaaaa10 -- Killed in a junkyard [561,42] in Central Borehamwood on September 23. His hideout was spotted September 21 by Gargula, pried open by Let Him Kill You on the 23rd, and Mike Dodds arrived and pried back his skull like a Pez dispenser and consumed the precious candy within to finish the job.
Alicia Lockerherz -- Killed by zombie Ed Jim in West Borehamwood on August 21, 2009 in the Malby Building [529,47].
Crash Erthilo -- KIA, details unknown
Doctor Zorbra -- Killed in Farrand Square Garage [574,66] in Southeast Borehamwood by gargula on October 18, 2009
fizzelwick -- Killed in St Bartholomew's Hospital [553,60] in Central Borehamwood by HugoRune on October 15, 2009 after Evader3 breached the barricades. Zombies organized a successful assault on an alert provided by zombie Permanent Wave
Hallucinogenic Hippo - Killed October 16, 2010 at level 3 in a factory [521,60] just 30 minutes after he got Free Running and his first contact with other survivors. Poor luck and poor choice of sleeping place. Ah, what could have been.
lasttweak -- KIA, details unknown
Max Fortress -- Killed in the Pike Hotel in Northeast Borehamwood on December 4th, 2009 by Gargula. He appears to have been a harman sacrifice, as a message was spraypainted on the hotel wall -- "Merry Christmas, Mr. Zombie! Enjoy your dinner!" Again, another tasty treat! This is at least the second harman fed to the zombies in the last couple of months. Of course, zombie hunger is all consuming, so a third helping would be greatly appreciated, if it's not too much to ask of our harman benefactor. Might we perhaps get a nice, tasty, high-level harman? Their flavor improves immensely with age, and their constant running makes them lean and delicious. Again, thanks for the nomz!
Nizari -- "A dark, silent man who seems detached from those around him." He's even more detached from his brain. Killed 24 March, 2010, 22:12:35 Malton Time.after being dragged out of Club Brennan [583,51] in East Borehamwood in an ambush sprung by Kicking Bird, Evader3 and Malai Kofta. Kicking Bird and Evader 3 did the majority of the early work, taking down most of the 'cades and lowering Nizari's HP while Malai Kofta suffered through agonizing lag, then Malai dragged and dropped Nizari as he gradually worked the stiffness out of his joints. Dead Nizari in the middle of the road
PravusBrother -- Killed outside The City Tavern [544,64] in Central Borehamwood in the early morning of October 18, 2009 by Let Him Kill You
Pvt Sanders -- Killed in the Whitesides Museum [524,67] in Southwest Borehamwood on August 15th 2009 by Evader 2, who greatly enjoyed taking his ears. Screenshot
Pyroblade -- Poor lass provoked the wrong mob of zombies, only to end up dead and feasted upon in a factory [582-53] in East Borehamwood
R Lockhart -- Killed in Northwest Borehamwood, January 9, 2009, when a zombie attack interrupted her vacation nap. Dearly missed, but frankly she's doing more damage to the zeds now than ever.
RJ Fighter -- Killed in St Simeon's Hospital in Northeast Borehamwood between June 1-2 by a zombie controlled by Wiki User Pandoras emptiness.
S H4 -- Killed in the Bissley Building [533,59] in West Borehamwood on November 3rd, 2009 by Malai Kofta after being spotted and nibbled on by gargula. He got unlucky and was found hiding in a ruined building after hungry zombies in the area made a failed attempt on the life of groggy nodbeggar in Lomax Cinema [523,61].
Scott Thomrant -- KIA, details unknown
Sir Haliman -- KIA after hearing distress calls from BSLS... >:|
xmousey69 -- Killed in a supermarket 26 April, 2009 by Bananapants.