Following the events of the October Revolution of 1917, the Russian Civil War saw the revolutionary Red Army fighting the anti-revolutionary White Army. October Bash immortalizes these events with an October Revolution inspired event.
Red October is a month long anachronistic murder event in which two teams, the Red Army and the White Army are pitted against one another. Points are awarded for successfully killing opposing team players and the winning team is that with the most points at the end of the event.
Rules of Engagement
Please take a moment to read over these rules. For more detailed list of rules, CLICK HERE
No zerging.
No leaving the playing field once the event starts.
Only kills between 10-25-2011 and 11-22-2011 within the playing field will count.
Kill Reports must be submitted before 11-23-2011 to count towards points.
Please post links to kill report screenshots, do not post the images themselves.
Only Kills as a survivor will count.
Team with the most points at the end of the event wins.
Team numbers will need to be mostly balanced before the event begins. Please keep this in mind when picking a team.
War Room
Sign up, report kills and discuss the event from the talk page. Sign-up is open until 10-17-2011. The event begins one week later.