Talk:October Bash 2/Red October 2

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Playing Field

Lamport Hills OB2rotleft.png
Yagoton Millen Hills Raines Hills
OB2rotright.png Shearbank

Red Army Sign Ups

Add your name and link to profile below

  1. Axe Hack's Mudkip - I'm so dedicated to the Malton Manhunt that my Mudkip has been camping around the area since a night before the playing area was added! I guess I have some kind of psychic power that allows me to accurately guess where the area will be. ;D --Axe Hack Talk 16:14, 5 August 2011 (BST)
  2. Com. Alex Koponen - I've had my fun now. ;p --Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 01:11, 6 August 2011 (BST)
    [1] WHY?!?! I was happy being the only one on Red... T_T --Axe Hack Talk 01:16, 6 August 2011 (BST)
    Face it, Axe hack, apart we shall accomplish nothing. But together we shall accomplish DOUBLE NOTHING.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 01:18, 6 August 2011 (BST)
    I was making somewhat decent progress the past few Manhunts... T_T --Axe Hack Talk 01:20, 6 August 2011 (BST)
    Bro, I've beaten you in every manhunt for a year. :P --Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 16:56, 7 August 2011 (BST)
    At least I don't die 11 times. --Axe Hack Talk 20:07, 9 August 2011 (BST)
    It doesn't matter if I die 100 times, so long as the enemy dies too.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 08:56, 10 August 2011 (BST)
    I just realized you were marked for death on the Death Note. I smell friendly fire soon. xD --Axe Hack Talk 18:29, 25 October 2011 (BST)
  3. 'Mad' Larkin I got the time--Mad LarkinStaying Mad◆◆ 02:48, 6 August 2011 (BST)
    Shaun A Jenkins well with two weeks without someone joining Red I guess I'll have to do it.--ZIPO/Talk/◆◆/CAPD 08:55, 21 August 2011 (BST)
  4. Jonah75 Death to the counter-revolutionaries! - sorry for not properly signing this - wiki remains a mystery. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Jonah75 (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.
    It's ok I got you bro. Thanks for joining. Hope to see more of your comrades get on board. ~Vsig.png 16:25, 24 August 2011 (UTC)
  5. Anton Nilsson, proud member of the Communist Party of Malton signing up! --Krastavac 18:00, 25 August 2011 (BST)
  6. Mongol Swede, Communist Party of Malton. Many comrades, one Left. The Red Army unites the working class and brings victory to the masses. User:Mongol Swede/signature 04:15 GMT -5, 26 August 2011
  7. Nithus Member of Desu Noto I've been in the area since 10/14 --Radio 12:08, 21 October 2011 (BST)

White Army Sign Ups

Add your name and link to profile below

  1. Vinetown Scout, Master of all he surveys! Pretty Much guarantees Yon won't be on my team. --Rosslessness 16:17, 5 August 2011 (BST)
    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! ---Axe Hack Talk 16:22, 5 August 2011 (BST)
    He really is that bad. --Rosslessness 16:24, 5 August 2011 (BST)
    Alexander Kerensky, ready for service.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 20:13, 5 August 2011 (BST)
    I am shocked! ~Vsig.png 20:17, 5 August 2011 (UTC)
    Waaaa? --Rosslessness 20:18, 5 August 2011 (BST)
    I died laughing. xD --Axe Hack Talk 20:35, 5 August 2011 (BST)
    Can we claim that? --Rosslessness 20:56, 5 August 2011 (BST)
    Haha. I might allow it if I can see a screenshot. ~Vsig.png 21:05, 5 August 2011 (UTC)
    I'm kinda liking the fact that so far everybody is on the White team, while I'm the only one registered for the Red team. Can we keep it like that? Everyone vs a Mudkip? ;D --Axe Hack Talk 21:32, 5 August 2011 (BST)
    No teams need to be somewhat more balanced. If it is way unbalanced towards the start of the event I will ask people to change teams. ~Vsig.png 21:35, 5 August 2011 (UTC)
    Oh darn it. I was hoping to rename this event into "Axe Hack's Mudkip vs The World". :P --Axe Hack Talk 21:44, 5 August 2011 (BST)
    Probably no need to worry. It's still very early and I'm quite certain of a few that will join red when/if they sign up. Oh course I thought that about Yon and he went all Kerensky on us. Which I guess makes him neither red or white. More pink if you ask me. ~Vsig.png 21:48, 5 August 2011 (UTC)
  2. JR BobDobbs Not much of a monarchist but Slack sure ain’t red.--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  20:31, 5 August 2011
  3. Twinz redz iz dead!     : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 20:58, 5 August 2011
  4. Fiona Hatherley, loyal servant of the Holy Empress, offers her help in a diplomatic alliance.--Colette Hart 21:54, 5 August 2011 (BST)
    Shaun A Jenkins the teams needed balance.--ZIPO/Talk/◆◆/CAPD 03:55, 27 August 2011 (BST)
    Sorry due to life I'm gonna have to back out completely. Sorry again. At least the teams will be completely even now.--ZIPO/Talk/◆◆/CAPD 08:39, 29 September 2011 (BST)
  5. Lt christopher Guess I'll be on the white side.-- Pvt christopher 01:03, 28 August 2011
  6. Sgt Erikson To fight for the White! --Belisarius17 04:29, 30 August 2011 (BST)

Report Kills

Report your kills below this line

I (Jonah75) have killed Lt Christopher. Can't seem to upload my screen save here - I'll post it on the CPM blog when I get home. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Jonah75 (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.

The event hasn't even began yet. >_> --Axe Hack Talk 14:33, 6 October 2011 (BST)
We don't play by your bourgeois rules. we are the RED ARMY!--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 17:15, 6 October 2011 (BST)
  1. First blood for white. --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Tuesday, 25 October 2011
  2. Second blood for white.     : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 00:22, 25 October 2011
    Better shot. 7 shots wasted. And with this, my master plan has been kicked off. Thanks for wasting your shots. You all failed to notice I'm hiding in obvious locations for easy pickings just to let you all waste your shots so I can get you all when you're reloading. >:D --Axe Hack Talk 00:26, 25 October 2011 (BST)
    With strategic genius like that against us, we may put down this rebellion before it begins --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Tuesday, 25 October 2011
    One fails to realize I have 17 fully loaded pistols with spare clips in reserve. I don't need to stop and reload for a bit. ;) --Axe Hack Talk 00:30, 25 October 2011 (BST)
    My strategy is to let you all waste your stuff before firing back while you're all busy resupplying. And two of ya have already fell for my plan. After all. Why should we waste our supplies if we can let the enemy deplete theirs first? ;) --Axe Hack Talk 00:34, 25 October 2011 (BST)
    Tsk Axe, you were in a building with Kennshawn Mtn Landis and you did note fulfill the Death Note? I am ashamed. ~Vsig.png 02:32, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
    And was that Arkham Pete I spied? And raaaaalphy? The shame. ~Vsig.png 02:37, 25 October 2011 (UTC)
    Eh...I'm sure bobby pegleg can handle it for me. He is a Holder, after all. My shots are reserved for when the Whites start resupplying. Which should be pretty soon. :P --Axe Hack Talk 05:47, 25 October 2011 (BST)
    I would think you didn't spy Arkham Pete. However, if you are lonely I'm sure he'd be willing to pay a visit. --Kirsty Cotton Org XIII 22:57, 25 October 2011 (BST)
  3. White Team - For the Tsar! --The Holy Empress Colette 01:14, 25 October 2011 (BST)
  4. White Team - chalk up another--Pvt christopher 04:17, 25 October 2011 (BST)
    Took four of us to do it and a lot of ammo but worth it in the end. Nice job Chris--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Tuesday, 25 October 2011
    I forgot this started today.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 17:06, 25 October 2011 (BST)
  5. And I didn't even have to fire a single shot :P --Axe Hack Talk 18:16, 25 October 2011 (BST)
  6. Go back to Vinetown, White scum! --Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 20:07, 26 October 2011 (BST)
  7. White Team - Another Red is dead!--Belisarius17 04:45, 28 October 2011 (BST)
  8. Woke up being attacked by a member of RDD, walked next door and found JRbobdobbs. Superfun.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 20:24, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
  9. Yon was disappointed I was the only member of Team White without a kill. --Like Moss and The Dude..... 16:58, 31 October 2011 (UTC)
    Can I turn traitor? I think Yon is working more against my odds than for. >_< --Axe Hack Talk 02:05, 1 November 2011 (UTC)
    Sure! Lets arrange a time and place. You show up, tell me where you are, sign off, and I will arrive with...a fully-loaded membership packet :D --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Tuesday, 1 November 2011
  10. Mudkip used Hydro Pump! VT Scout's Pokemon were knocked out! VT Scout blacked out! --Axe Hack Talk 00:19, 3 November 2011 (UTC)
    you MONSTER! poor Vinetown *sob*     : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 00:23, 3 November 2011
  11. ...I was two minutes too slow to gain the AP needed to get to my usual hiding spot... --Axe Hack Talk 02:25, 3 November 2011 (UTC)
    Vengeance belongs to white! For the…who were we fighting for again?--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Thursday, 3 November 2011
    Hey you took all the fun out of it for posting my kill, I thought I had to post for it to count and it was good timing.--Pvt christopher 02:32, 3 November 2011 (UTC)
    Well you posted now. Besides, in Axe's shot you can see the murder in your eyes :D --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Thursday, 3 November 2011
    I had everything timed down to the exact minute when I would gain the AP I needed to move to the hiding spot that I managed to survive in for a week. And what do I find but that final AP needed coming two minutes too late? By the way, the teams need to be re-balanced. There's only two Reds even active in the playing area, which makes this event a handicap match (2 Reds vs 6 Whites). >_> --Axe Hack Talk 02:38, 3 November 2011 (UTC)
    Post your kill-view too. I wanna watch AH's death through clean White eyes. WOT!? only 2 active reds? No wonder I can't find any of them. Why the no-shows? Sounds like typical Red behaviour.     : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 03:02, 3 November 2011
    There you go Twin :P--Pvt christopher 05:15, 3 November 2011 (UTC)
  12. Got one of the white imperialist running dogs (Lt Christopher) - posted the image on (Jonah75)
  13. White Team - For the Empire!--The Holy Empress Colette 19:35, 3 November 2011 (UTC)
  14. with my last breath! That extra level of HB you were depending on was no match for my fire axe.--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Thursday, 3 November 2011
  15. Since we are reporting other's kills Silly Mudkip. To think you would kill me and not expect reprisal. White's vengeance will be swift. --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Friday, 4 November 2011
    Well, I was gonna withhold this for a few hours, but since it's out in the open now... --Axe Hack Talk 04:30, 4 November 2011 (UTC)
  16. Swift White vengeance!    : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 04:11, 4 November 2011
  17. White Team - Someone must hate me... --The Holy Empress Colette 23:05, 5 November 2011 (UTC)
  18. White power!     : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 22:34, 6 November 2011
  19. White Army strikes again     : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 04:30, 9 November 2011
  20. White Team - Aren't we the best? :D --The Holy Empress Colette 19:25, 9 November 2011 (UTC)
    poor alex, twice in one day     : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 23:48, 9 November 2011
  21. another brave White Army kill     : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 03:02, 10 November 2011
  22. White Team - another kill for the good guys!--Pvt christopher 04:24, 11 November 2011 (UTC)
    That does it. Whenever I see Yon, I am shooting at him so you Whites can't kill him. 50+ times in a single day. >_> --Axe Hack Talk 04:33, 11 November 2011 (UTC)
  23. White Team - Axe Hack will be mad :D --The Holy Empress Colette 22:28, 11 November 2011 (UTC)
    This event would have been soooooooo much better when I was the only one registered on the red team...It would have been epic to see the event renamed, "Axe Hack's Mudkip vs The World". :/ --Axe Hack Talk 00:22, 12 November 2011 (UTC)
  24. White Team - Words cannot describe such joy --The Holy Empress Colette 21:23, 13 November 2011 (UTC)
    I could have sworn the only EP to those three, St. Herman's was at VHB when I last saw it at server reset. Unless that zerg group inside the factory knocked it down a bit...Those zerglings in there have been annoying me for the past week. <_< --Axe Hack Talk 21:36, 13 November 2011 (UTC)
    Sure, blame it on the zergs...--The Holy Empress Colette 21:42, 13 November 2011 (UTC)
    You'd be annoyed by them too if they were doing that whole "shoot and FAK" method to XP farm off of you. For a week. --Axe Hack Talk 21:52, 13 November 2011 (UTC)
    Your fault for staying there >_> --The Holy Empress Colette 22:06, 13 November 2011 (UTC)
  25. White Team - I will Crush The Revolution and/or Yon!--Pvt christopher 01:52, 14 November 2011 (UTC)
  26. White Team - Stalin is dissapointed D: --The Holy Empress Colette 22:18, 15 November 2011 (UTC)
  27. Picking off one of the stragglers while we sort things.--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Thursday, 17 November 2011
  28. ╘~ --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Friday, 18 November 2011
  29. White Team - Probably the last kill of the event --The Holy Empress Colette 20:27, 21 November 2011 (UTC)
    I knew it. Yon is just holding me back. Seriously, out of all these kills, most of them involves him dying. >_< --Axe Hack Talk 20:38, 21 November 2011 (UTC)

Request a Revive

Request a revive below this line. A reeve will try to get to you as soon as possible

Allder row, Shearbank.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 10:51, 28 October 2011 (BST)

Gotcha. ~Vsig.png 14:32, 28 October 2011 (UTC)
Hammet Way, Lamport Hills.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 17:26, 31 October 2011 (UTC)
Might be a while. I used up my IP hits searching for pumpkins with a few different alts. Hopefully you get a poke from someone locally. If not I'll try to make it over your way when I get to a different computer. ~Vsig.png 17:44, 31 October 2011 (UTC)

Belben Lane Shearbank.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 23:26, 3 November 2011 (UTC)

Someone got you. Or killed you. ~Vsig.png 00:30, 4 November 2011 (UTC)

Stoward Monument.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 11:15, 9 November 2011 (UTC)

Inside Factory 50,12 --Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 11:49, 10 November 2011 (UTC)

Nestle Way.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 11:33, 11 November 2011 (UTC)

Ridyard Plaza. Stupid zombies, they're not even part of this game. Revive, please? --The Holy Empress Colette 19:22, 11 November 2011 (UTC)

Inside urben Towers.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 22:58, 12 November 2011 (UTC)

The classey monument.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 12:55, 14 November 2011 (UTC)

Puckard Park.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 10:24, 18 November 2011 (UTC)

Nulty Lane.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 00:01, 22 November 2011 (UTC)

same place.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 18:09, 22 November 2011 (UTC)
The event is over, man. I think it's time to move on. >_> --Axe Hack Talk 19:53, 22 November 2011 (UTC)


I won't be all that active this month but I expect this event to still happen. If there are any questuons about rules (there always is) its best to get them in now so I'll have time to answer them before the event. I'll answer all the stupid questions in advance. "Fuck Off". If you don't like that answer, then you can fuck off. Now go kill commies and stuff. ~Vsig.png 23:29, 7 October 2011 (UTC)

Starts Oct 25th - is this GMT or BST?     : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 12:05, 20 October 2011
12:01 AM UTC on October 25th. It's just easiest to use the wiki's time format. ~Vsig.png 15:32, 20 October 2011 (UTC)
Erm, make that 12:01am (BST) since the wiki is set to BST not UTC. ~Vsig.png 22:04, 21 October 2011 (UTC)

Tags? Do we have to wear them? --Hey Sweden! 20:47, 22 October 2011 (BST)

Nope. That's complely optional though it may not be a bad idea. I'm going to assume everyone signed up is using the alt they've signed up with and everyone knows how to distinguish players on their own team from players on opposing teams. ~Vsig.png 20:55, 22 October 2011 (UTC)
Time check --Like Moss and The Dude..... 20:12, 24 October 2011 (BST)
The time is currently 20:12, 24 October 2011 (BST). ~Vsig.png 20:34, 24 October 2011 (UTC)
The event starts in 3 hours and 21 minutes at precisely 12:01am BST. We're using BST. And yes I realize that BST will end in like 5 days but that's irrelevant to the start time. ~Vsig.png 20:40, 24 October 2011 (UTC)
*Has an itchy trigger finger* --Axe Hack Talk 23:08, 24 October 2011 (BST)
I can tell you where Yon is, if it helps. --Like Moss and The Dude..... 23:15, 24 October 2011 (BST)
My 138PP for Water Gun are reserved especially for you, VT Scout. ;) --Axe Hack Talk 23:22, 24 October 2011 (BST)
And I just realized I missed one minor detail...Oh shi- --Axe Hack Talk 23:23, 24 October 2011 (BST)
Only 6 AP from me. --Like Moss and The Dude..... 23:28, 24 October 2011 (BST)
I ran to the next suburb. :P --Axe Hack Talk 23:35, 24 October 2011 (BST)
Even closer! --Like Moss and The Dude..... 23:38, 24 October 2011 (BST)
I never said which suburb. For all you know, I might have went diagonal into the top suburb. ;) --Axe Hack Talk 23:41, 24 October 2011 (BST)
Hey ross, you are the only one not in the satphone loop. If I run across you or if you run across me, we will have to fix that.--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Monday, 24 October 2011
Sure. I have Obese twins number from last year, and they should have mine. --Like Moss and The Dude..... 23:48, 24 October 2011 (BST)
They didn't say they did earlier so you might want to drop them a line and they can forward it around.--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Monday, 24 October 2011
How hard is it to guess Ross's number? I mean, he flaunted that "404-0404" number everywhere back in the days. >_> --Axe Hack Talk 23:53, 24 October 2011 (BST)
Thats little chris' number. Personalised bitches. Ill send you an email with the other one doc. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Rosslessness (talkcontribs) at an unknown time.

Is it go time? --Axe Hack Talk 00:04, 25 October 2011 (BST)

It is by my clock--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Tuesday, 25 October 2011
So far Ive found 2 members of my own team and sailor moon. Catch up guys!--Like Moss and The Dude..... 00:07, 25 October 2011 (BST)
How's this for catching up? --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Reminder about Revives

Don't forget I am on hand to give revives if needed. You don't have to use me if you want to use local RPs or teammates but remember that you must be living in order to make your kills count. Your target does not need to be alive but you do. ~Vsig.png 18:10, 25 October 2011 (UTC)

I'm at Mussabini Square in Raines Hills. Do your stuff, mad max.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 22:46, 25 October 2011 (BST)
There are two dead bodies here. One of them smells strange. You recognize Alex Koponen. You were either revived before I arrived or killed while standing at an unmarked RP. Let me know if you a revive after standing. Also, please use the header up above for revive requests. I almost didn't see this one. ~Vsig.png 04:20, 26 October 2011 (UTC)
I was revived before you got there.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 11:46, 26 October 2011 (BST)
Every time I bump in to you I keep almost killing you because you're still on my contacts list from AHMH. <.<--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 13:30, 27 October 2011 (BST)
Heh, I've had to resist the urge a few times myself. I've almost forgotten a few times that I'm not here to kill you all. I have to wait about a month to do that in AHMH5. ~Vsig.png 15:44, 27 October 2011 (UTC)

I'd like to say in general that revives in these suburbs are dire. I've witnessed one in two days of random RP surveys. Where's zombies when you need them? --Like Moss and The Dude..... 13:49, 27 October 2011 (BST)

Wow, I'm revived faster than that inside Ridleybank. I'm pretty well stocked on needles and I'm not burning any AP so I'll try to be quick if you post a request. ~Vsig.png 15:44, 27 October 2011 (UTC)

Spare one outside Club Pengelly (57,27)? --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Friday, 4 November 2011

Thanks--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Friday, 4 November 2011


7 shots. Maybe more. Colette knows what I'm talking about. I'll put a screenshot of her fail later. :P --Axe Hack Talk 21:11, 28 October 2011 (BST)

Sounds like someone needs to install a satphone and call for backup next time--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Friday, 28 October 2011

Well, at least this stinky Red trash has been hurt. Colette - D S S ! ! !     : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 22:26, 28 October 2011

Her fail. PS: I'm not hurt anymore. ;) --Axe Hack Talk 22:49, 28 October 2011 (BST)

Lady Luck was on your side today, but you and your Bolshevik friends won't be so lucky next time... --The Holy Empress Colette 06:44, 29 October 2011 (BST)

Report HotPink Pretty Soldier Kills

  1. Moon gets Skoll --SailorMoon ^^ 12:13, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
  2. Jupiter gets Juan Cabrillo --SailorMoon ^^ 12:13, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
  3. Moon gets Skull Grin --SailorMoon ^^ 12:13, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
  4. Jupiter gets Skoll --SailorMoon ^^ 12:13, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
  5. Moon gets Psychout --SailorMoon ^^ 12:13, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
  6. Mercury gets Juan Cabrillo --SailorMoon ^^ 12:13, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
  7. Moon rights wrongs and triumphs over evil - and that means Skoll --SailorMoon ^^ 12:13, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
  8. Moon shows Juan Cabrillo her MOON - TIARA - ACTION! --SailorMoon ^^ 12:13, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
  9. Mars ignites Psychout --SailorMoon ^^ 12:13, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
  10. Some Moon Tiara on Skoll action --SailorMoon ^^ 18:52, 7 November 2011 (UTC)
  11. Moon introduces Juan Cabrillo to some light-hearted genocide --SailorMoon ^^ 18:52, 7 November 2011 (UTC)
  12. Sailor Jupiter asks: "Psychout, do you come from a land down under? Where women glow and men plunder? Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder? You better run, you better take cover."
  13. Mercury caught her some Juan Cabrillo --SailorMoon ^^ 22:30, 14 November 2011 (UTC)
  14. Jupiter caught Psychout --SailorMoon ^^ 13:36, 19 November 2011 (UTC)
  15. Moon showed SkolI the light --SailorMoon ^^ 13:36, 19 November 2011 (UTC)

Have also made a su-pa pretti overview ^^ Hope subpage is ok since we help with the event. If not just move please. --SailorMoon ^^ 14:30, 30 October 2011 (UTC)

XD Nice. ~Vsig.png 15:05, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
Is Skoll actually part of the Jamberries? I did not have him on my list. --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Sunday, 30 October 2011
He is
  1. a PKer with a bounty
  2. member of an ally group of RDD
  3. hangs out at their forums with member access
  4. and is constantly seen in the same buildings as them.
One or two of those points wouldn't be sufficient, but with everything combined, we treat him as a Jazzberry Jam. We have barely enough standing targets to shoot aniwaii, when i look at the lifebars we keep around of RDD, so we can't be too picky ^^ --SailorMoon ^^ 20:08, 30 October 2011 (UTC)
Fair enough, I will pencil him in as a possible target when I can't find reds. Thanks for the tip. --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Sunday, 30 October 2011

Another couple of kills. Would have nabbed them earlier, but we were pretty long without legitimate, non-zmobiefied targets. This shadow war continues to be pretty one-sided. --SailorMoon ^^ 18:52, 7 November 2011 (UTC)

Maybe if we cared? But we don't. Take your SaiIer bullshit and shove it Spider.   URGGGGGGGHTalk PSYCHOUTTalk STAN SATANTalk 00:04, 11 November 2011 (UTC)
Check you, not caring, but posting nonetheless, cos you don't care like. Does someone need a huggle?. Hugs.gif ~ Kempy “YaketyYak” | ◆◆◆ | CAPD | 00:14, 11 November 2011 (UTC)
Someone get this guy a cushion, cos I'm detecting a major case of butthurt here. Bah.gif ~~ Chief Seagull ~~ talk 12:12, 11 November 2011 (UTC)
The box. You opened it. We came. Now you must come with us to taste our pleasures. --SailorMoon ^^ 12:39, 12 November 2011 (UTC)

Did Jazzberry Jam Army kill ANYONE so far?

Juan Cabrillo got me once, but apart of that I haven't heard anything about any of them killing any of the participants, and it is now 5 days into the event. Anyone been killed by them so far? --SailorMoon ^^ 12:17, 30 October 2011 (UTC)

Not that I'm aware of. We've got a month though and they may be incited now. I don't mind if you track your kills here but its mostly up to the players in the event. ~Vsig.png 15:04, 30 October 2011 (UTC)


i just realized i'm smack dab in the middle of this bash. just stopping by to say hi... TheSonOfSin 00:11, 31 October 2011 (UTC)

Red Army Status

  1. Axe Hack's Mudkip - ACTIVE
  2. Alex Koponen - ACTIVE
  3. 'Mad' Larkin - NO SHOW (He sent me an email saying he's unable to attend.)
  4. Jonah75 - ACTIVE
  5. Anton Nilsson - INACTIVE (He has been dirt-napping ever since he was killed in the Manhunt.)
  6. Mongol Swede - UNKNOWN
  7. Nithus - ACTIVE

And that's the Red's status. As you can see, only two Reds are even active in this Manhunt, making this Manhunt event highly unbalanced in favor of the Whites. I think the inactive-ness of all the other Reds can easily be confirmed by the fact that not a single one of them was killed ever since first dying, compared to the active Reds, who are constantly dying. --Axe Hack Talk 02:48, 3 November 2011 (UTC)

Ha! Looks like an easy victory for Whitie     : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 03:04, 3 November 2011
Not quite. It means there are far fewer of them to kill as well. No wonder they are so hard to find if we are hunting 5 suburbs for 2 people. I am not sure how accurate that is though. I was tracking Jonah75 before the event stared and he was active at the time; his profile has his satphone though. Nithus was also active at the beginning, was killed once, and is alive again and standing somewhere. Mongol Swede I do not know about but is in the same group as Jonah75 so he might be able to find out. I would be more inclined to chalk it mostly up to the inherently disorganized nature of their sneaky commie rebellion. --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Thursday, 3 November 2011
Sorry Axe and Yon. This is completely my fault for not confirming with contestants before the event started. I got caught up in RL stuff recently and time slipped away. I contacted CPM recently but so far I have not received a response to thread bumping on their forum. This is the first that I've heard that Mad Larkin was a no show.
I've been considering how to best deal with the situation. It may be simplest to just ask for volunteers to move to Red. We'd need two players switching to make it re-balanced. The question would be whether their kills would move over or if they would stay with the team for which they were made. I've also considered a handicap scoring system but while this may help in the final score, it does not help much to solve the problem of unbalanced collective team AP, which I feel is the biggest problem with unbalanced teams. There may be a way to come up with a system this if we're willing to do the math and we're ok with a bit of guesswork along the way. I have also considered inviting players which have not sign up for this event to join to help balance things. I may even switch from reeving to hunting if it is really needed to balance things out again. I'm open to ideas and want you guys to discuss how you'd like for it to be addressed instead of relying solely on me to come up with something that could potentially be wholly unfair to anyone. Let me know what you think. ~Vsig.png 04:49, 3 November 2011 (UTC)
Mad Larkin's no show is reinforced by the fact that bobby pegleg has been in the area with FoD during the duration of this Manhunt event. They are both Michaleson, after all... --Axe Hack Talk 05:02, 3 November 2011 (UTC)
Yeah sorry about that, was meant to post earlyer to say i couldn't make it. Forgot all about this untill i checked my emails.--Michalesonbadge.pngTCAPD(╯°□°)╯ ┻━┻ 18:21, 3 November 2011 (UTC)
As for re-balancing the teams, I'm fine with the scores staying the way they are. But if you're gonna implement a handicap scoring system, that's fine too. I nominate Al to do some mathematical research for the right handicap scoring system. --Axe Hack Talk 05:06, 3 November 2011 (UTC)
It's fine. Same thing happened last year. No big deal.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 13:38, 3 November 2011 (UTC)
That's not true. The only Red who was inactive was the Enforcer. Every other Red and White were indeed active, making last year's hunt a 4-on-5, which was still balanced out a bit compared to this year's event. --Axe Hack Talk 13:57, 3 November 2011 (UTC)
Neither did trinidad mary.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 18:18, 3 November 2011 (UTC)

Changing status of Jonah75 to active. Yon's informed me that Jonah75 is indeed somewhere in the area. That still leaves Mongol and Nithus under UNKNOWN. --Axe Hack Talk 14:00, 3 November 2011 (UTC)

Nithus has tried killing me twice already. --Like Moss and The Dude..... 18:13, 3 November 2011 (UTC)
Have we ruled Anton as inactive? With Larkin out, that evens the teams to 6/6. That means if both Anton and Mongol turn out to be no shows, we need only one person to jump ship. If One of them is still in it, we have 5/6 which is still workable without restructuring the teams. Correct? --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Thursday, 3 November 2011
5/6 is balanced enough. 4/6 may still be ok. I'd feel more comfortable if a highly active person joined Red to help out, I think. That could be either a white team player switching, I could switch from reeve to hunter or we could invite an outside player. ~Vsig.png 19:41, 3 November 2011 (UTC)
Just to let you know, I killed Nithus just a while ago, which means he's probably active. --The Holy Empress Colette 20:21, 3 November 2011 (UTC)
Jonah75 killed Chris a little before that so he is definitely active. His kill shot is a link to the CPM forum. If anyone wants to find out about Mongol or Anton, might I suggest popping on there and asking?--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Thursday, 3 November 2011
Alright, good to know they're still in the game. I popped onto the CPM forum about a week ago to remind them that the game is still on. I'd suggest maybe a Red team member getting in contact with them about coordination efforts. ~Vsig.png 20:35, 3 November 2011 (UTC)
That's waht I've been trying to do since this event began. >_< --Axe Hack Talk 00:24, 4 November 2011 (UTC)
Try the blog? ~Vsig.png 00:35, 4 November 2011 (UTC)
Since the reds weren't doing it, I posted to their blog where Jonah posted the kill shot and asked him to come on and clarify about Mongol and Anton. We shall see if that bears any fruit. I presume you have already tried their wiki talk pages? --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Sunday, 6 November 2011
Are you kidding? Jonah doesn't even answer his SatPhone. Or email. -_- --Axe Hack Talk 00:28, 6 November 2011 (UTC)
I meant for Mongol and Anton. --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Sunday, 6 November 2011

Can't we find out his IP, then visit him at his home, dressed as Russian soldiers?     : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 01:18, 6 November 2011

Who do you think we are? Jay and Silent Bob? --Axe Hack Talk 01:50, 6 November 2011 (UTC)

Let me answer the question that was earlier posed so that there is still time to discuss it and hammer out details before the event ends. As far as a equalizing handicap if it comes to that, I suggest that either after the event or immediately upon the teams being equalized, the red team be awarded points equal to the total number of white kills at that time, divided by the number of white team members (6) multiplied by the difference in team numbers (2 or one depending on mongol) rounded up. That would seem fair to me. That would be a benefit of 6 points right now assuming Mongol is not participating (16/6*2 rounded up)but you would not want to impose such a thing until either the event is over or the numbers have been leveled. Alternately, if you want to account for the reduced number of targets that accompanies a smaller team size, you could reduce this number by 1/3 making it currently 4. This would be accounting for the 4 targets to 6 targets hunting deficit.--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Saturday, 12 November 2011

Thanks, Al. Let's plan on going forward with this plan as soon as the event is over. At this point I don't think there will be any rebalqncing acts. We'll just have to come to a fair handicap agreement. The above looks fair to me at a cursory review. ~Vsig.png 01:04, 13 November 2011 (UTC)
I don't think it's needed anymore. 4 v 5 is balanced enough. Well...Assuming Yon STOPS DYING!!!! >_< --Axe Hack Talk 02:24, 13 November 2011 (UTC)

Could someone please remind me...

I just got a screenie from one of my teammates. Could someone remind me what this is about so I know what kind of kill taunt to leave? I know it was on the talk page before it was cleared for the event I just figured I would ask instead of digging through history. --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Saturday, 5 November 2011

Not sure but I archived all the discussion when I cleaned up. Link to archive at the very top of this page. You shouldn't need to dig through history. ~Vsig.png 19:26, 5 November 2011 (UTC)
Never mind, I found the reference in last year's Red October page. It was unrelated. This was probably just random. --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Saturday, 5 November 2011

DEATH TO BLACK ARMY! DEATH TO RED ARMY!     : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 01:20, 6 November 2011

So random in fact it has happened 5 times--Rapture 21:22, 7 November 2011 (UTC)
All of our operators are busy with the actual event. Your cry for attention is important to us. Please stay on the line and a gun toting counter revolutionary will be with you shortly.--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Monday, 7 November 2011
I guess parody is lost on you, I'd better wait for the Organ grinder and not the monkey--Rapture 03:02, 8 November 2011 (UTC)
hold music begins to play Tall and tan and young and lovely, the girl from Ipanema goes walking And when she passes, each one she passes goes ahhh silence thank you for holding. Your cry for attention is still important to us. If you want to resolve this issue yourself, you can try to look up a working definition of parody. Please stay on the line and a gun toting counter revolutionary will be with you shortly. hold music begins again but each day when she walks to the sea, she looks straight ahead not at me. Tall and tan and young and lovely…--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Holy Cow!

Yon broke his death record! :O --Axe Hack Talk 16:30, 12 November 2011 (UTC)

Im officially retiring from this death match for real life constraints. I will remain in the zone so yon can get a pity kill. --Like Moss and The Dude..... 16:40, 12 November 2011 (UTC)
That being the case, if you do go for a handicap, it would be 2 (17/6*.66 rounded up)as of the time that Ross dropped.--Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Saturday, 12 November 2011
Sorry to see you dropping, Ross but I understand the real life constraint issues. Good luck, Yon. I won't tell you where Ross idled VT Scout but I think you'll find him. ~Vsig.png 01:09, 13 November 2011 (UTC)
Its north. --Like Moss and The Dude..... 21:42, 13 November 2011 (UTC)
I'm actually barely able to participate myself because of real life problems, which is why I've been dying so much and doing much worse than I did in the first week.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 22:44, 14 November 2011 (UTC)
That makes three of us. I'm moving this weekend and might be without internets for the end of the event. Cable company is supposed to connect us on the 21st. We'll see. I'll try to have a tally of everything as close to the end of the event as possible and apply handicaps as necessary. It looks like it may not be entirely necessary at this point but in the interest of fairness I am willing to do it. ~Vsig.png 01:16, 15 November 2011 (UTC)
Don't bother, there's not really any point and fiddling with scores afterwards will just make people sad pandas.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 10:15, 15 November 2011 (UTC)

Whites! We must slay our deserter before those Red vermin get a point off him     : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 22:08, 13 November 2011

Dark times call for dark deeds- and the steely will to do them! Well done Lady of darkness- Long live the Whites!--Belisarius17 01:26, 15 November 2011 (UTC)

Nithus leaves the competition.

I'm leaving the competition it was fun while it lasted... --Radio 01:04, 17 November 2011 (UTC)

Too bad, it was fun to play with you :(. Good luck! --The Holy Empress Colette 02:12, 17 November 2011 (UTC)


I thought I might add that I have been watching Jonah for the last few days and he has been inactive since the last time he was killed. With Nithus dropping, that brings the red army down to essentially 2 people. Might we consider a reduction in the playing area for the last week of the event in light of reduced numbers? We could also fracture the white army into an official black army and finish this out three ways or just leave it as it is and deal with it. --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Thursday, 17 November 2011

They could just declare their revolution a failure and surrender. Since less than a week remains, I believe it's too late to change the rules of the game. --The Holy Empress Colette 04:25, 17 November 2011 (UTC)

Let's just declare RO2 a failed event. Unlike last year, this year highly favored the Whites. Sure, White won last year, but at least everyone was actually active for the entire event. --Axe Hack Talk 04:26, 17 November 2011 (UTC)

Not our fault, Hack. I wasn't the one who balanced the teams... --The Holy Empress Colette 04:36, 17 November 2011 (UTC)
I'm fine with reducing the playing field. How about just doing a free for all for the last week? No teams. No coordination. Just good ol fashion manhunting. The current score will remain and White Army will be declared victors but we'll continue the event for bragging rights. ~Vsig.png 05:20, 17 November 2011 (UTC)
If we do that, I'll drop out after the team event ends, because I'm not really active enough to participate, but I'm staying for now to make up numbers.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 10:29, 17 November 2011 (UTC)
Yes, if the team event ends I'd prefer to retire as well. The revolution was already crushed (Long live the Tsar! :P). I say we should just declare an end to this event and move on. We had our fun. --The Holy Empress Colette 19:16, 17 November 2011 (UTC)
I'll keep it going if people are going to drop. If people want to just stop now then yeah I'll end it early. I didn't expect so many to be inactive and didn't want to go rebalancing things midway through the event. Based on everyone's input I figured it was just best to keep it going and either add the handicap or let it go. Sorry it was so imbalanced, though that was a real drag. Next year I may do away with teams or figure out some other way of splitting them up or making sure the balance of truly active players is correct before the event starts. ~Vsig.png 19:42, 17 November 2011 (UTC)
Being honest, I don't see the reason to keep the event going. I haven't seen a single Red player being active in days. Not even the pesky Mudkip. And being realistic, with two players left there's no way they can change the end result in a few days. It's too late to rebalance all over. The Red Team was completely inactive, and it was unfortunate that it happened, but there's nothing to do anymore. I say we should declare the event over. Let the Reds keep a bit of the dignity they have left ;). --The Holy Empress Colette 20:33, 17 November 2011 (UTC)
I will abide by a group decision but personally I think if we end it, it is a failed event. If we see it out for the rest of the week, it is a poorly attended and unbalanced event but still an event. With the number of people who would drop if it was altered, I would cast my vote for just sticking it out to the bitter end. The Czar does not pardon war criminals! That said, I suppose it is mostly up to what is left of the red team if they feel like they would like to keep going. --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Thursday, 17 November 2011
Event did not fail. It was just an easy White victory (as it will be every year). Desertion and AWOLism are common in war and obviously effect outcomes. Let's see this out till the end date, even if we spend the rest of the event defiling enemy corpses to set an example --  ●~*  ::AH::  C   M   22:13, 17 November 2011 (UTC)

Red Army check!

  1. Axe Hack's Mudkip - ACTIVE
  2. Alex Koponen - SEMI-ACTIVE
  3. 'Mad' Larkin - NO SHOW
  4. Jonah75 - INACTIVE (Dirt-napping since he was last killed in the Manhunt.)
  5. Anton Nilsson - INACTIVE (Dirt-napping since he was first killed in the Manhunt.)
  6. Mongol Swede - INACTIVE (Shows up on the Contacts List crossed off, meaning he hasn't been active for a month.)
  7. Nithus - INACTIVE (Dropped out.)

White Army check!

  1. Vinetown Scout, Master of all he surveys! - INACTIVE (Dropped out.)
  2. JR BobDobbs - ACTIVE
  3. Twinz - ACTIVE
  4. Fiona Hatherley - ACTIVE
  5. Lt christopher - ACTIVE
  6. Sgt Erikson - ACTIVE

As you can see...It's essentially 1½ vs 5. I doubt there's any need to continue this event. --Axe Hack Talk 04:04, 19 November 2011 (UTC)

Didn't you want the event to be you against everyone else? Now you got what you wanted (sort of), so don't go whining about it ;). White team, let's give that pesky Mudkip another good whacking! --The Holy Empress Colette 05:13, 19 November 2011 (UTC)
Now, see, if it were me vs everyone, then all those other kills should not be counted. And the only kills that should be counted are the ones against me. Now that is truly me vs everyone else. ;) --Axe Hack Talk 06:06, 19 November 2011 (UTC)
Only an official Red surrender should end this early. Hopefully another firing squad too --  ●~*  ::AH::  C   M   16:17, 19 November 2011 (UTC)

It's Over

That's what the header says. 24 hours to submit any final kill shots starts now. If I have the timing down correctly. --Axe Hack Talk 00:02, 22 November 2011 (UTC)

Another uprising laid to rest. The Twins will sleep soundly tonight. Good bloodshed everyone. --  ●~*  ::AH::  C   M   00:04, 22 November 2011 (UTC)
Blood was shed, Reds were massacred, fun was had, passive voice was used; on to the next murder-fest. Thanks to the white team for being such a great group to work with; thanks to the red team for being such attractive if scarce targets; thanks to the sailors for bouncing some of the undesirables. --Albert Schwan Albert Schwan  Tuesday, 22 November 2011
The rebellion has been crushed. Congratulations, my fellow teammates. And congratulations to Fiona for serving so well to me. Let me know when the next event starts. If there are no inconveniences I'll be there.--The Holy Empress Colette 06:08, 22 November 2011 (UTC)
The next event is December 2nd - January 2nd. The free-for-all brawl known as Axe Hack's Manhunt 5. It's taking place all the way at the bottom southeastern corner of the map. --Axe Hack Talk 06:12, 22 November 2011 (UTC)

Am now hunting the Red Army's no-shows. I think I know where they at --  ●~*  ::AH::  C   M   20:37, 22 November 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for playing

I know the event is not officially over yet but I just want to take the time to thank everyone that participated. It may not have been as fun for everyone involved as the last Red October and I'll have to take that into consideration for next year. Team events really only work when you have a reliable team to back you up. Obviously the White Army had that but the Red Army did not. While I put the burden of team organization on the teams, I can't help but feel responsible for the severe unbalance in teams. I won't touch the final score since it doesn't sound like that is wanted but I applaud both Axe and Yon for sticking it out. I don't think it would be apt to hold a firing squad this year. Wouldn't be right. I'll wait until the time ticks over and then count up the kills and declare a winner. We'll do this again next year but with modified rules. I hope everyone had fun despite the problems and I'll see you at the next Manhunt. ~Vsig.png 21:31, 22 November 2011 (UTC)

My zombie self is standing at Nulty lane, so if any whites want to treat that as a fire squad, feel free. I'd also like to take this opportunity to first, thank Vapor for throwing another great event, and second, plug the MMI qualifiers. There's loads of info on their pages, so I'll just link them, and I hope that anybody who isn't already get's involved. Main event, Qualifier 1 and Qualifier 2.--Yonnua Koponen Talk ! Contribs 23:38, 22 November 2011 (UTC)