Talk:Havercroft Barricade Plan
Free-Running Nexus Points, Proposed Barricade Plan Revision
I've been noticing lately how a fair number of important free-running points are marked as VSB. The most obvious example, and the specific one I just noticed, is the Junkyard at at [32,48]- a non-resource, free running nexus marked at VSB, located right next to a completely non-vital, also non-resource building (the Limbery Arms), which is marked as EHB. Is there a good reason for this which I haven't seen? If not, I'd like to suggest that the two buildings be switched in designation.
In either case, I'd also like to propose a general review of the barricade policy in terms of sense and optimization, to see if there are any places which it could be improved. --AlexanderRM 02:33, 7 December 2011 (UTC)