Galbraith Hills History

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Galbraith Hills, a suburb located in the southwestern sections of Central Malton, shares a great deal of interesting history with many of its natural surroundings. Long before Zombies freely roamed its gloomy streets, there was already an entrenched tradition among its storytelling citizens regarding ghostly tales of the undead.

Early Period

Sparsely inhabited and agriculturally worthless Galbraith Hills was once thought to be home to little more than scattered communities of Celts during ancient times. However in 1975, archeological excavations indicated that Celtic artifacts were stolen from other locations in the British Isles and buried in the hills. Scholars now believe that the general Galbraith Hills region was home to an unknown pagan tribe, and settled shortly after the Roman withdrawal from Britain. Little is known of these peoples, although the uncovering of burial sites has revealed gruesome, deformed, human remains like none other before.

Origin of Name

Once a hilly region, Galbraith Hills now no longer resembles its namesake geographically, but old legends die hard. The region's original inhabitants used to believe that if they buried the dead in the hills that the bodies would return to life. This generally pagan practice may have survived as long as the 1600's, when it was finally squelched by the Roman Church. Clergy and their supporters threatened to execute anyone caught in this heretical act, a ritual that many 17th-century Christians derided as one responsible for making the hills smell of "Gaul's Breath". This colourful terminology has gained in popularity over the centuries, and 'Galbraith Hills' is directly derived from 'Gaul's Breath Hills'.

Colonial Period

Final moments of Captain Richard Beckley.

Residents of Galbraith Hills have played a minor part in British imperialism around the globe. Sir Walter Croft of Galbraith Hills was the first colonist to claim British Central Africa for the Crown, ten minutes before being consumed by a lion. This pathetic attempt at colonization was not given any later recognition or serious credit, although it would later prove to be the focus for one of Malton's oldest running jokes. His son, Walter Croft II, attempted to singlehandedly subdue the Congo but was killed by a lion after collapsing from disease minutes after planting his standard in the Dungu River. Walter Croft II's oldest son Charles Croft led the initial expedition to seize the Cape of Good Hope, but was attacked and consumed by a lion before any progress could be made.

Walter Croft II's younger son, William Croft, was also eaten by a lion while visiting in India with the Maharaja of Mirajanpore. Malton historians are still puzzled as to how the entire Croft clan was wiped out in such a similar fashion.

Richard Beckley, another native of Galbraith Hills, served in South Africa during the Anglo-Zulu War and became a living legend for his incredible tales of battle. During one relatively minor skirmish, Captain Beckley foolishly exposed himself to a fierce enemy warrior and was speared to death. Much to the horror of his fellows, however, Beckley mysteriously revived several hours later and even stood to his feet. His commanding officer, Major Clippenden, recounted the tale in his journal, swearing that the captain's precise words were, "We must not let them come! The creatures of the hills!" It was later assumed that Richard was simply delirious. Despite the momentary recovery, he quickly collapsed, and nothing more could be done for him. His remains were lost but the prophecy of doom on Beckley's dying tongue soon rang horribly true; that same date decades later, the old soldier's beloved Galbraith Hills fell victim to the Zombie outbreak.

Adney Towers

The Adney Towers were built in the 1930's by Nikolai Panfilov, a Communist. The police from Burdekin Alley Police Department surrounded the towers believing they were a front for funneling money back to Russia. Nikolai Panfilov refused to surrender so the police rushed the towers. The battle of the towers was later described as "A Blood Bath of Police Brutality Among Conspiracy." The police report says that Panfilov wasn't a Communist but a cultist who was digging up the skeletons of the beasts that founded the suburb. To cover up the whole thing the Police Chief of Burdekin Alley was sentenced to life for the death of innocents. The Chief was shot to death by alleged cultists on his way to jail.

To be cont...