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Alice Pond

The Malton Suburb of Alice Pond
woodland woodland woodland Ferris Trail a field Clark Road a field Jackson River woodland woodland
woodland woodland a clearing Ferris Trail a field Clark Road a field Jackson River woodland woodland
a clearing Ferris Trail Ferris Trail Ferris Trail a field Clark Road Grissom Mill Jackson River woodland woodland
Ferris Trail Ferris Trail Alice Pond Alice Pond Alice Pond a bridge RP Jackson River Jackson River woodland woodland
Jackson River| Jackson River Alice Pond Alice Pond Alice Pond Clark Road a field a field a field woodland
a field style="Template:Fishing Store"|Amber Bait and Tack Alice Pond Alice Pond Dock a field Clark Road a field a field woodland woodland
Cedar Road Cedar Road Cedar Road Cedar Road Cedar Road Intersection a field a paddock woodland woodland
woodland a field a dirt road a field a field Clark Road a field a paddock some stables woodland
woodland woodland Curtis Cabin a vegetable garden a field Clark Road a field a field woodland woodland
woodland woodland woodland woodland a field Clark Road a field woodland woodland woodland


Grissom Mill is an old watermill. Nothing of use can be found.
Jackson River cannot be crossed. If attempted, the message; "The river is too deep and strong to cross here." is displayed and no AP is wasted.
With the exception of block #44 in Alice Pond, the rest of Alice Pond can be crossed. If players attempt to cross #44, the message: "The pond is too deep to cross here." is displayed and no AP is wasted.
The bridge is a revivification point.
Amber Bait and Tack is a fishing store. Beer, books, newspapers, candy, and knives can be found.
Alice Pond Dock is just a simple wooden dock extending over the pond. It has nothing.
The field at location #57 has a tagable billboard advertising Nintendo Land.
The paddocks are just fenced-in fields. They have nothing.
The stables has first aid kits and knives, but it starts out at decay level 10.
Curtis Cabin has books, knives, newspapers, shotgun shells, and shotguns.
Curtis Vegetable Garden has seasonal pumpkins.

Montgomery Farm

The Malton Suburb of Montgomery Farm
woodland woodland woodland woodland a field Clark Road a field woodland woodland woodland
woodland Montgomery Farmhouse a garage a shed a field Clark Road a field a cemetery a cemetery a cemetery
woodland a vegetable garden a yard a yard a dirt road Clark Road a field a cemetery Abbey's Chapel RP a cemetery
a cornfield a cornfield a barn a cornfield a cornfield Clark Road a field a field a dirt road a field
a cornfield a cornfield a cornfield a cornfield a cornfield Intersection Fiver Road Fiver Road Fiver Road Fiver Road
a cornfield a cornfield a cornfield a cornfield a cornfield Clark Road a field a field a field a field
a cornfield a cornfield a cornfield a windmill a cornfield Clark Road a field a field a field a field
a field a cornfield a cornfield a field a field Clark Road a field a field woodland woodland
woodland an abandoned homestead a field woodland woodland Clark Road a field a field woodland woodland
woodland woodland woodland woodland woodland Clark Road woodland woodland woodland woodland


Montgomery Farmouse has books, knives, newspapers, shotgun shells, and shotguns.
The garage has crowbars, fuel cans, lengths of pipe, spray cans, and toolboxes.
The shed and barn have beer, crowbars, knives, and shotgun shells.
The vegetable garden has seasonal pumpkins.
Abbey's Chapel is a revivification point.
The windmill allows the use for binoculars.
The abandoned homestead is unbarricadable.