Josephine's Jokers
{Groupbox |group_name= Josephine's Jokers |group_image=File:Josephine General.jpg |group_abbrev= Dude, lame: you cant be bothered to type 18 characters? |group_membership= One twisted lunatic, so far. |group_leaders= We dont have any, you show up and jam. |group_goals= Tear down the damn christmass lights, it's after new years already! |group_recruit= Show up, add the tag, and your in. |group_contact= Just hang out at Josephine General, we're around. }}
Josephine General Hospital
Penny Heights [97,77]
Basic Info:
Josephine General Hospital |
A Lame Begining
It started late newyears eve, one lone zombie decided that his present location near fort creedy was kinda boaring, so he headed up north east to Penny Hights. There he found a sleepy burb folowing its baricade plan and generaly not doing much, but great gods the freaking christmasslights, chrismass lights everywhere! There were christmass lights up more than a week after christmass! This would not do. So this grinchy little zombie decided to do soemthing about this, and began trying to break into Jospehine General Hospital to tear the damn things down, and thus were Josephine's Jokers born. (Or should we say "Joker", singualr.)
A Simple Manifesto
Not content with so short term a goal as putting paid to the prolonged christmass the zombie decided to reach for a grander goal, and found one, the compleete ruination of the ofending hospital. Though curently unable to come up with the full means to bring down the building he figured that geting some tools and a few more zombies might allow him to realy mess the palace up, and have more luck taking out the cursed lights. So he formulated a stratagy.
- 1: Seak revive whenever posible.
- 2: While living shoot zombies at revive points, but dont kill them, just farm for xp.
- 3: Also while living grab tools that can help as a zombie, like crowbars, and flak jackets.
- 4: Learn Survor skills that can help you as a zombie, like body building and daignosis.
- 5: When you have all of your gear, and the skills that will help you, and a few hundred spare XP to buy your basic zombie skills, start prying open the baricades on the damn hospital from the inside!
- 6: If you get that done before you get shot nix that freaking gentrator too.
- 7: Once the baricades are gone wait, your zombie bretheren will soon break in and bring you back over, and you can help them KEEP that hospital dark!
- This is the core manifesto of the Jokers, but there are two lesser points.
- 8: All chrismass lights must go from the end of one december untill the begining of the next.
- 9: If all that is acomplished for the suburb, then go trash the Lumbar Mall, the place is an eye sore lights or no lights and aught to be bulldozed.