The Walking Dead

From The Urban Dead Wiki
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We represent the zombies who counter-balance the survivors living in Woodbury. We do not hold anything against the town itself, but as representatives of the undead we feel that the town needs an advisary to match.

This group exists to fascilitate the in-game role playing experience, we are not here to take micro-managing orders from a captain, we do not have some secret agenda. We are here for a role playing brainz BBQ.

Oh so tasty Delicasies!

We are conniossiours of taste, and thank each and every survivor when feasting upon their beautiful brainmatter.

Play fair

We believe you are allowed benefit from survivor skills you got while amongst the living, but there is no reason to be a zombie spy. If you got combat revived: DON'T PANIC. Stick with the your zombie friends, ask them to bite you, or go jump off a building. Don't get mad and go killing survivors when alive, we do not condone or support PKing either way - do not take the fun away from yourself and your zombie friends!

Respect Sacred Ground

We recognize the Sacred Ground Policy and thus will not stand in cemetaries clogging up revive queues. The same goes for open lanes or rows, except if the lane is known not to be a revive point and the group is huddled together for safety.

Our 4-step plan for Zuccess
  1. Gather a congregation of shambling followers.
  2. Moan and groan, stumble, roll and shuffle towards Wyke Hills.
  3. ???
  4. Profit!

  1. We are in the first step. We are having a lazy gathering in Pitneybank to start off, for details see the Talk page.

Get Involved

Need a holiday destination? Taking a vacation? Come Walking with The Dead! Even Zambahz from other groups are welcome to visit us.

We would love for you to join our band! Permanent participation is not required, and you are free to shuffle with us for as long or as little as you like - it is the thought and brainz that counts, after all!

These are all optional:

  • set "The Walking Dead" as your character's group name.
  • post in our wiki attendance list.
  • If you get combat revivified and have a spraycan:
    • The Walking Dead
    • Come Walking with The Dead
    • Walkers Unite! Free Snacks!
    • Grab a Bite with The Dead

The Intellectual Zambahz

Some suggested reading while munching on those harmburgars:

FigBrains.jpg Fig Brains
This Group eats Figs because they look like Brains.
Brainpic.png BRAIN FOOD
I love brains for breakfast!
Zombie.jpg Zombies
This user or group thinks that the zombies should outnumber the survivors, at least 2:1 (at minimum), and would probably vote Keep on any suggestion boosting zombies or making it worse for survivors. Why? Becuase have you ever seen a zombie apocalypse where there were more survivors than zombies? I don't think so.