UDWiki:Administration/Policy Discussion/Signature Text Policy Revision
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This policy would adjust the UDWiki:Administration/Policy Discussion/Signature Policy to expand the ban on images over 14 pixels high, to include any signature which obscures other text on the page.
The revision would read as follows:
What wouldn't be allowed
- Signatures which have images higher than 14 pixels high.
- Signatures which overlap, obscure or render illegible other text or images on a page.
- Signatures which generally break the wiki in some way either through formatting or other means.
- Signatures which impersonate another user.
- Signatures which link to any of the following special pages: Special:Userlogout or Special:BlockIP.
- Signatures which link to external links that perform malicious actions (closing the browser for example).
- Signatures which contain images larger than 50kb.