User:ZombGG/The Great Scourgin Part V

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The following is the fifth part of a personal account by Roftwood local ZombGG [1] about the third week of The Great Scourgin' of Roftwood, February 2018. Catch Parts I-IV here!


February 14, 2018

My Valentine’s Day begins warmly with the Malton Civil Defense Unit’s commanding officer Andy Bauer[2] responding to my welcoming introduction to Roftwood, the RCC and our current affair against The Scourge. To my great delight, I discover our goals align -

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Lostfire[3], head administrator of the Malton Medical Staff is also present and greets me :-)

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I am fired up now! A good night’s rest in the safety of my home suburb, blended with waking up on Valentine’s Day to good news and warm welcomes, has invigorated me! I feel like The Flowers of Decay just lit me up with every round in Cupid’s arsenal <3

Eager to share this feeling with my Roftwood family, I enter the Roftwood Coordination Center and learn that a Valentine’s Day party is going down later tonight over at Rathbone Cinema in our neighboring suburb of Edgecombe.

Using the powered greatness of the Greenhow Building’s employee cafeteria, I whip up some sinfully delicious wings from all these fallen Scourge corpses littering my beautiful Roftwood landscape. I also found a couple frozen pizzas from July 2005, “the exact month and year of Malton’s quarantine”, aaaaannd I tossed them in the oven.

Packed down with survivor party snacks, I make a mad dash across the hellhole that is the Scourge-controlled immediate Hildebrand Mall area.



I spot a zombie in front of Eligius General Hospital. I know this zombie… He is Darth Dragon[4], He a high profile zombie from The Scourge.


I note his position and continue forth – wait... WHAT THE #%&*!!!


Literally in single seconds I am clawed at twice! Does he want me or these hellacious wings? Perhaps he just wanted to know what love is, or he wanted to show me, on this Valentine’s Day… T_T </3

Regardless, adios amigo! My AP is not for you today. I continue forth.

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The battleground is still covered in darkness, smears of gore, and broken windows. Hildebrand Mall and the Herbert Building are gloomy and desolate places. A mob of 4 zombies are maniacally bashing the barricades at the Rawlins Row Police Department like they’re collecting on an overdue blood debt!

I keep my distance and continue worth, wishing the best of luck for the soon-doomed souls inside :|

Alas I arrive at Rathbone Cinema! I offer my wings and pizza to the party. It’s more than a feeling tonight, it’s love. I am one lucky dog to be celebrating Valentine’s Day in the comforting company of my Roftwood homies Alicia Huberman[5] of the Malton Medical Staff, as well as the lovely Pibbit[6] and smellysoccermom[7] from the Quartly Study Group :D

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For one night we forgot about the living dead ravaging our homeland and honored Valentine’s Day by celebrating affection. Here is an official transcript of events kindly recorded, submitted and narrated by Alicia Huberman -

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And a good time was had by all ^_^

February 15, 2018

Never mind. Last night’s good time was downgraded a touch upon awaking to see that the only dent into my hellacious Scourgin wings was accomplished by myself. No one else tried one? Not even smellysoccermom’s golden retriever?!

I check my emotions and go for a scout run through Roftwood.

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There is a rebuilding effort headed by great friend Imgonnadiesoon[8] aka Sunflower of the MMS. Eager to help, I call in my Roftwood Elite brother-in-arms, leafpine[9], who restores the hospital to its full glory by installing and fueling a generator inside.

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Soon the lights attract other survivors. Of note is Alica Huberman. The mood is bright. We finally have first aid kits back in supply. Also, Dempsey Grove Police Department to the north-west looks barricaded and in the process of being restored! I close my eyes for a peaceful snooze, proud of the days teamwork and accomplishments.

February 16, 2018

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Of-freaking-course, my first morning back in Roftwood I awake to the all too familiar (shell)shock of a flawlessly timed X:00 strike by The Scourge. My first sight of the day is poor Drew Weller getting feasted on haphazardly by a mob of Scourge zombies.

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I tally myself another headshot off the prestigious Elaine Summers[10]

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I talk some mild-mannered trash to the remaining Scourge and --- WOAH whuuuat?!

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Elaine Summers is no joke! I flee the hospital and say sayonara to yesterday’s efforts, like losing a sand castle to the ocean.

I check into the Roftwood Coordination Center and learn everyone is scattered. The Scourge has us completely divided and in full scurry mode. There is no more order in eastern Roftwood, only chaos.

I relocate to the south-eastern side of Hildebrand Mall and noobishly seek shelter in a powered factory. I am joined by my fellow Roftwood Elite brother-in-arms Doc Spalding[11], and Roftwood locals MasterFS[12] and Brickbat Bob[13].


Here’s a rookie tip I learned tonight, the hard way: powered buildings attract zombies.

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Around 6pm eastern standard time, I pull guard duty. Immediately, I notice the generator destroyed by an unknown entity. Upon further investigation, I am terrified to learn this Vyol[14] character is from the Scourge :0

The scene reminds me of the “Ice Cream Man”, played by Doug Jones, in the 2010 film “Legion”[15]

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My body surges with adrenaline. Our cover is blown. Is this the beginning of the end?! I am on full alert!

Except for a narrow 24 minute window X_X

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I am dead, my brother-in-arms Doc Spalding is half-eaten, and The Scourge are flexing with six strong. I begin my shamble back to the sanctuary of western Roftwood, hoping for a speedy revive at The Greenhow Building.

In my journey I notice Hildebrand Mall standing and being contested by 5 zombies. Eligius General Hospital is still dark and ruined. The streets are still littered with dead bodies and smears of gore.

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In this chapter, I celebrated Valentine’s Day in the close company of great friends! I discover a delicious wing recipe and join up with my fellows leafpine and Sunflower in a rebuilding effort at Eligius General. We lose the hospital to the Scourge and Elaine Summers freaks me out. I seek shelter in a powered factory and learn an important lesson about not sleeping in powered buildings as the Scourge quickly track us down and again, bring death to my face. This time I wasn't able to escape and they got my bra!nz. I end the chapter shambling back to western Roftwood, hoping for a speedy revive from the Greenhow building.

Thanks for reading and be sure to follow my other works hereUser:ZombGG/Journal!

As a final note, I am still smiling at how awesome my in-game birthday party was last Friday, April 20th, 2018. My sincere thanks to those who attended and made it a freaking fantastic time! :P