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People's Coalition of Personable Pistoleros
Abbreviation: PCPP
Group Numbers: 10+
Leadership: Eli Wallach, failing that some other suitably unshaven bandito
Goals: Shoot first, draw later. Oh wait...
Recruitment Policy: You know where to find us.
Contact: Jodie Foster

People's Coalition of Personable Pistoleros... Insert amusing text here.

Our Morning Routine

The People's Coalition of Personable Pistoleros believe in taking care of themselves with a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine, especially when stepping-out into the putrid undead-filled streets of Malton. In the morning if our faces are a little puffy, we'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. We can all do 1000 now. After remove the ice pack our members use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower we recommend a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then we apply an herb-mint facial mask which we leave on for 10 minutes while we prepare the rest of our zombie-killing routine. We always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

In T' Beginnin

"You killed my father" intoned Colders impassively "now prepare to die" He levelled his ornate duelling pistol at the grey-skinned figure bound to a chair in front of him.

The zombie just stared ahead, well not really ahead, one of the pus filled eyes stared slightly off on an angle probably due to copping the double blast of the saloon doors to the face as the great mexican brute of a gunman - Arkanis, who had been carrying the zombie under one of his girder like arms at the time, had used it's head like a fleshy battering ram, when really all the well oiled hinges of the doors needed was a soft push, the damage to the zombies eyesocket was due to the 'impulse' which is force over time or something anyway now we are running the risk of making this sentence impossibly long, long enough to give my sixth grade english teach, Mrs Waldorf another hernia and she is running low on cream, so I'll end it now with a lovely device I call a fullstop, use it, it's on every keyboard.

"ah Colders mate, he seems a bit 'underwhelmed' at your righteous revenge" Forseti remarked from the darkest corner of the saloon.

Forseti was mad as a hatter, and when he had run out on fingers on his left hand to test the sharpness of his axe-blade he had taken to using his tounge. Apparently it regenerated but hoiyes always claimed Forseti just like the taste of blood, it went along way to explain why hoiyes slept with a brace of loaded shotguns. None of the other pistoleros could remember when he had joined the gang of pistoleros, indeed he only ever use Marion (his axe), but no-one in their right mind was going to to ask him to leave.

"No he's not," Colders snapped defensively "he's just shocked into silence is all, wait for 'is predicament to sink in, I'm going to break this bastard before he dies"

As if to totally undermine Colders' point the awkard eyeball dropped from the dead mans skull without even the bat of an eyelid, of course they had long since decayed away but you could tell that had there been eyelids present batting would not have occured. It was just one of those things. The eyeball itself was no one to be constrained by it's undeadness and made a mad roll for freedom across the beaten floorboards of the Fools Golde Saloon, till it hit, with a percussive *pang* the old man Phoenix's spitoon. Phoenix 'Doc' Omega ('Doc' was added mainly 'cos he liked stick people with all manner of objects like some kind of qualified chuirgeon) practically lived in the Old Golde Saloon, hell you'd go as far as to say it was his world, his globe even.

Update - 21 June 06

Hey guys, Forseti here (AKA Gauer or Tacitus as you may know me by). Just wondering if the gang is still active, probably not but just a thought. Having not logged in for over a year now, it seems that you guys have long left the Golde Building. Oh well, hope to see you guys in-game while on a rampage. Oh, and uh, good luck with the whole Christian Bale obsession happening on the PCPP forums. :P (poor, poor Chewy)

Update - Aug. 22, 2006

A group for survivors from the Blesley Mall (Gulsonside) resistance and the Combat Revive Eligible Society will be passing through your jurisdiction in Wray Heights in the next 3 days. We are headed toward Buckley Mall to regroup with others of our clan. We invite any interested humans to join us at Buckley as we organize the retaking ouf our mall and suburb. colonel al