User talk:Rabbi Bob

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Revision as of 15:57, 5 October 2006 by Rabbi Bob (talk | contribs) (→‎Big Bash)
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Big Bash

I need to confirm someday how the surrounding events play out on each screen, however from the below, I'm wondering if I was the last survivor in Nichols Mall.

Since your last turn:

    * A zombie said "Graaaagh!" (9 hours and 50 minutes ago)
    * A zombie killed Eugene Barrett. (9 hours and 20 minutes ago)
    * A flare was fired 12 blocks to the east and 4 blocks to the south. (6 hours and 57 minutes ago)
    * A zombie destroyed the generator. (6 hours and 35 minutes ago)
    * You heard a loud groaning from very close by. (6 hours and 34 minutes ago) ...and again.
    * A zombie destroyed the radio transmitter. (6 hours and 8 minutes ago)
    * A flare was fired 11 blocks to the east and 4 blocks to the south. (exactly 6 hours ago)
    * discofan killed a zombie. (5 hours and 49 minutes ago)
    * discofan said "Stay and fight! Stand our ground!" (5 hours and 49 minutes ago)
    * A zombie destroyed the generator. (5 hours and 10 minutes ago)
    * You heard a loud groaning from very close by. (4 hours and 34 minutes ago)
    * SeeHomerRun said "the mall is lost.. everybody regroup at hildebrand mall to the east.." (4 hours and 31 minutes ago) ...and again. (4 hours and 29 minutes ago)
    * You heard a loud groaning from very close by. (4 hours and 27 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again. (4 hours and 25 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "Harh harh, M!N!ANZ grab harman, harm manbagz...B!G BAZH! Harh harh M!N!ANZ!" (4 hours and 7 minutes ago)
    * A zombie killed Yue Fei. (3 hours and 57 minutes ago)
    * Ashley Belmont killed a zombie. (3 hours and 57 minutes ago) ...and another. (3 hours and 55 minutes ago)
    * Eternia killed a zombie. (3 hours and 33 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "Harh harh....harmanz brag, zambahz grab harmanz bra!nz. Harh harh M!N!ANZ! Ahn B!g Bazh ahn ahh zambah grab manbagz. HAR HAR HAR" (3 hours and 31 minutes ago)
    * You heard a loud groaning from very close by. (3 hours and 24 minutes ago)
    * A zombie killed Jonesin. (3 hours and 20 minutes ago)
    * A zombie killed Chet Mason. (3 hours and 8 minutes ago)
    * A zombie killed Illuminox. (3 hours and 7 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "BARHAH!" (3 hours and 7 minutes ago)
    * You heard a loud groaning from very close by. (3 hours and 6 minutes ago) ...and again.
    * A zombie killed St33l. (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "HAR HAR HAR HARMAN HARBARGARZ!" (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "HAHA manbag Barah bannana gangbang" (3 hours and 5 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "BARHAH M!N!rNZ!!!!!!" (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
    * A zombie said "Barhah harman mrabag BANANA GANGBANG" (3 hours and 4 minutes ago)
    * A zombie killed TheCatt. (exactly 3 hours ago)
    * A zombie killed Nurbs. (2 hours and 53 minutes ago)
    * You heard a loud groaning from very close by. (2 hours and 43 minutes ago) ...and again. (2 hours and 42 minutes ago)
    * A zombie killed Superhawg. (2 hours and 41 minutes ago)
    * A zombie killed Nahxela. (2 hours and 32 minutes ago)
    * A zombie killed lumberjack man. (2 hours and 30 minutes ago)
    * A zombie killed Valley Girl. (2 hours and 28 minutes ago)
    * A zombie killed Jeblock. (2 hours and 27 minutes ago)
    * You heard a loud groaning from very close by. (2 hours and 26 minutes ago) ...and again. (2 hours and 23 minutes ago)
    * A zombie attacked you for 4 damage. (2 hours and 17 minutes ago)
    * The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a First Aid Kit.) (2 hours and 17 minutes ago)
    * You heard a loud groaning from very close by. (2 hours and 17 minutes ago) ...and again. (2 hours and 6 minutes ago) ...and again. (2 hours and 2 minutes ago) ...and again. (exactly 2 hours ago) ...and again. (1 hour and 47 minutes ago) ...and again. (1 hour and 45 minutes ago) ...and again. (1 hour and 1 minute ago)
    * A zombie attacked you for 4 damage. (37 minutes ago)
    * A zombie attacked you for 4 damage. (34 minutes ago)
    * DTAvenger healed you for 5 HP. (33 minutes ago) ...and again.
    * A zombie attacked you for 2 damage. (33 minutes ago)
    * DTAvenger healed you for 5 HP. (33 minutes ago)
    * A zombie attacked you for 2 damage. (33 minutes ago)
    * DTAvenger healed you for 5 HP. (33 minutes ago)
    * A zombie attacked you for 4 damage. (32 minutes ago)
    * The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a First Aid Kit.) (32 minutes ago)
    * A zombie attacked you for 4 damage. (32 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again.
    * A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. (31 minutes ago)
    * The zombie grabbed hold of you! (31 minutes ago)
    * A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. (31 minutes ago) ...and again.
    * A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. (30 minutes ago)
    * The zombie grabbed hold of you! (30 minutes ago)
    * A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. (30 minutes ago)
    * The zombie lost its grip. (30 minutes ago)
    * A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. (29 minutes ago)
    * The zombie grabbed hold of you! (29 minutes ago)
    * A zombie attacked you for 2 damage. (29 minutes ago)
    * A zombie attacked you for 2 damage. (29 minutes ago)
    * The zombie grabbed hold of you! (29 minutes ago)
    * A zombie attacked you for 2 damage. (27 minutes ago) ...and again. ...and again.
    * A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. (27 minutes ago)
    * The zombie grabbed hold of you! (27 minutes ago)
    * A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. (27 minutes ago) ...and again.
    * A zombie attacked you for 2 damage. (27 minutes ago)
    * A zombie attacked you for 3 damage. (27 minutes ago)
    * A zombie attacked you for 2 damage. (27 minutes ago)

You were the last harman there. I ordered the RRF to get you last. RAT was priority number 1. Sonny Corleone WTF 22:12, 18 July 2006 (BST)

Another Rabbi?!

  1. rabbi tuckman said "rabbi bob! shalom! how the f*ck are you?" (12-27 00:37 GMT)