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Revision as of 21:46, 10 November 2006 by Funt Solo (talk | contribs)
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Timestamp: The Mad Axeman 15:35, 2 November 2006 (UTC)
Type: Skill
Scope: Blunt weapons
Description: This idea is intended to make blunt weapons more useful. It adds a new skill under hand to hand training called Berserker. The berserker skill makes the survivors a lot more aggressive, as the name suggests.

When using a blunt weapon, the survivor always gets a +15% to hit bonus, brining them up to 40%, and an average damage/Ap of 0.8, which is still poor. However, extended combat causes the character to go berserker, and start to lay into their enemy with a a flurry of quick, savage blows.

This extra aggression is only of use when wielding a blunt weapon. Why? Bladed weapons have a tendancy to stick into what they hit, reducing the possible speed of attack. Furthermore, an axe is rather heavy to swing that quickly for a long time. On top of that it would unbalance the other weapons!

After making 12 uninterrupted attacks with a blunt weapon, the survivor flips out. From now on, evey time they click on the attack button wile using a blunt weapon, the survivor launches two attacks for on 1 Ap, bringing the damage per AP up to 1.6. If they do anything except attack with a blunt weapon the status effect is lost.

This means that a baseball bat/pipe does less damage to start with than the fire axe, but more latter. Compared to just attacking with the fire axe, using this skill does not become 'profitable' unless you are willing to spend 25 or more AP launching melee attacks with a blunt weapon. For a quick hit and run action, the fire axe is still superior.

By way of reference, it takes an average of 42 AP to kill a 50 hp target with an axe. With this skill, it's 37 Ap, saving 5 Ap. A zombie with maxed claws does it in about 29 AP, so it still inferior to zombie melee attacks. Also remember that even once the survivor has spent enough AP to reach the hightened state of aggression they still need enough AP to get back to safty.


This is pretty cool. I like the idea of frantically bashing a zombie with a crowbar.--Grigori 23:27, 2 November 2006 (UTC)

Does this transfer to zombies? I think your going to have some trouble with the 2 for 1 attack thing. What about after-frenzy penalties? That might offset the 2fer thing.--Pesatyel 02:05, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

I like it, a use for blunt weapons at last. I'd suggest that it not transfer over to zombies though. -- Ashnazg 0703, 3 November 2006 (GMT)

Even if it does transfer, as written, it would be of little use to zombies. As I pointed out in the main text, it less effective than a zombies natural attacks can become. It might be of use to a survivor when they switch over, but not much else.

Looking back at my description, I think I forget to say that all the attacks have to be made against living/undead targets, not barricades, generators or radios.

As for the two attacks thing, it is just a way of doubling the damage potential of the weapon, without just resetting it to 4, which seemed a bit excessive. If I was going to add an after frenzy penalty, it would be the inability to attack for about 5 AP. To be honest, though, I'd rather not. It just seems like an extra level of complication. The easiest way to modify the power level of this suggestion is to alter the number of attacks required to go berserk. The Mad Axeman 10:17, 3 November 2006 (UTC)

Anybody else got any thoughts? Or shall I just send it in as is? The Mad Axeman 10:06, 6 November 2006 (UTC)

I'd vote keep on this thing, no questions asked. It's about time blunt weapons had a purpose. --Reaper with no name 17:10, 6 November 2006 (UTC)

So, rereading it, it says "2 attacks for 1 AP." Does that mean the RNG rolls twice or the weapon simply does double damage? I think it could work for zombies, given that they have the ABILITY to use blunt weapons but not the REASON to. --Pesatyel 04:43, 7 November 2006 (UTC)

I had intended it to work so that it rolls twice... but looking back, it might be a better idea just to say that the survivor hits them twice for 4 damage. Less strain on the serve that way. Remind me, do zombies get bonuses to hit with blunt weapons from the hand to hand combat skill? I don't think they do. If I'm right, then having this skill will raise them to 25% chance to hit for 2 damage, plus the beserking bonus after awhile. That would make them better then un-upgraded claws, and so useful to the newly converted. If thats the case, I think I will allow zombies to use this skill. The Mad Axeman 10:36, 7 November 2006 (UTC)

Zombies get no benefit from the hand-to-hand combat skill. They should be allowed to use this. Heck, it may actually make more sense for a zombie to go berserk on someone with a length of pipe, since they're more "animalistic". --Reaper with no name 17:09, 7 November 2006 (UTC)

That's decided then. It will transfer to zombies. The Mad Axeman 14:53, 8 November 2006 (UTC)

Drag/Carry Survivor

Timestamp: Pesatyel 06:56, 9 November 2006 (UTC)
Type: Skill?
Scope: Survivors
Description: Given how many times this idea has been suggested, they all have the same flaw: allowing one character to move another character (be it survivor, zombie or corpse) anywhere, essentially against their will. I say THAT because Feeding Drag and Dumping Bodies are both, technically, "against their will" but they work and have limitations. I think some people see the idea as having SOME merit (otherwise it wouldn't pop up as frequently as it does).

So, my idea is simple: Feeding Drag in reverse. A survivor can drag another survivor INSIDE a building ONLY (not to another square or anywhere else). Requires Body Building (basically, a limitor in the way that Feeding Drag requires the survivor be at 12 HP or less). Could either be an addition to Body Building or a new skill under it). Barricades, I'm thinking no higher than Lightly (though Loosely might be better) Or perhaps NO barricades (which makes me wonder, can a zombie use Feeding Drag through a barricade?)


As you say, one of the problems with survivors moving each other is that the other person may not be willing. I can see this being the case with a zombie who has been combat revived and has decided to sit outside and be torn to pieces because the tall buildings have all been over barricades. Imagine how pissed off that zombie player would be if they came back to find that someone had moved them to unwanted safty.

How about adding an extra button, "Look for help". When pressed (for 1 AP) it raised a flag, and anybody who passes them outside sees a message saying "(survivor) is looking for help." While the flag is raised, survivors can move the character into the building they are outside for 1 Ap. The flag lasts until the survivor performs anyother action, is moved inside, or dies. This way, the survivor cannot be moved unless they want to be. The Mad Axeman 10:34, 9 November 2006 (UTC)

Oh shit - I just saw this, after I posted my suggestion - great minds think alike - I'll add a note - didn't mean to toe-tread. --Funt Solo 13:17, 9 November 2006 (UTC)