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Timestamp: The Mad Axeman 15:05, 21 December 2006 (UTC)
Type: Balance change.
Scope: Pker's, their victims and bounty hunters
Description: This suggestion aims to make PKing harder, but more rewarding. It should also leave Pker/bounty vs Pker combat largely unaltered. It gives each character a new stat called Karma, which is a combination of luck and cunning. It starts of at 50.

While a survivor still posseses karma; attacks against them by other survivors have half the normal chance of hitting. However each time a survivor attacks or is attacked by another survivor they lose 1 karma. This means that murder is bad karma for everyone involved! Once karma reaches zero, that person can be hit at the normal odds. Lost karma regenerates at one point per day, even if the character is a zombie. This slow regeneration puts a definite limit on a survivors luck.

What's in this for PKer? Under these rules, pking gives full experience for the damage inflicted. Even at the half chance to hit, this gives a net gain. For example a fire axe gives an average xp of 0.4 per attack currently, now it would give 0.6. Against a zero karma target, such as someone who has already been attacked more than once, another pker or a bounty hunter, that axe gives out the full 1.2 xp per ap, three times bettre than what is currently available! They also get the full 10 xp for a kill.

The fact that karma regenerates while the character is a zombie is also advantageous to pkers. It means that if they die and have to spend some time as a zombie, then when they get revived the karma they have regained will make it harder for bounty hunters to kill them again - at least until they go back to pking.

When pking, an attack will also list any change in the the targets karma. A characters karma is listed in the same box as experience and hit points. Your own karma changes are not listed after each attack!

Karma has no effect on combat between zombies and survivors or zking.

Discussion No. Just no. --Funt Solo Scotland flag.JPG 17:39, 21 December 2006 (UTC)

There is no IC reason for this. And, you get rid of the only thing that actually DISCOURGE people from PKing, the half-XP gain. Bounty Hunters may be able to gain a lot of XP mining PKers who are low on Karma...which is bad, bad indeed. Making Bounty Hunting easier is not that good. Remember, Bounty Hunters are PKers too, and boosting theme means you are boosting PKers and Bounty Bounty Hunters. In other words, you make people FORGET about the zombies standing outside.--ShadowScope 20:04, 21 December 2006 (UTC)

Actually, xp gain for attacking innocents is still reduced, because pkers have less chance to hit. It encourages pkers and bounty hunters to fight each other - which to a certain degree they do anyway. The fact the innocents takes less damage from pkers means that those people who are more interested in fighting zombies can do so without having to look over there shoulders all the time. Those who want to pk can do it amongst themselves and the rest of us can deal with the zombies.
If you want an in character reason, I think of it as a combination of luck and cunning. Humans are more intelligent than zombies and try to out wit each other. If you like, the victim isn't just sitting there, but actively trying to avoid the pker. Perhaps their just trying to keep an eye on them, while the pker tries to act innocent to get the drop them. Perhaps the victim just locks themelves away in a part of the building the pker can't get too. In any event, those who engage in this sort of behaviour all the time start to get warn down - and sooner or later their luck runs out. The Mad Axeman 22:36, 21 December 2006 (UTC)

Wouldn't this be easily zergible, even with the hit penalty? Create a bunch of characters to whittle down the target then come in with your main guy and slaughter them. Besides, most PKers DON'T do it for the XP.--Pesatyel 05:46, 22 December 2006 (UTC)

Thats an interesting point, Pesatyel. Changing it so that those characters with the zerging flag raised can't lower karma might help. The Mad Axeman 11:05, 22 December 2006 (UTC)

Sorry, not this way. Pking needs to be balanced, but not this way. This just makes PKers even better at griefing people because they can lower the other person's karma and make them easier for other PKers to kill in the future. Plus, it's magic. Magic=bad. --Reaper with no name TJ! 04:07, 23 December 2006 (UTC)