User talk:Kyle Ryback
Just say anything...
RCS forum
Hey. Could you log into the forum and take a look at this thread? Thx. --Soccerfan666 MFD | RCS 11:47, 9 January 2007 (UTC)
I techiemaster am the leader of one of your allies, ATC. All of our members have fallen to the massive hordes of Zeds in rudllebank. I'm at peppe park, and could use a revive, so i can save the rest of my members. if you could please direct any alive members to revive me please. --Techiemaster 06:24, 2 March 2007 (UTC)
RCS still has friends. Do not give up. Umbrella has your back, and I am doing all in my power to help you regain control of ruddlebank. in other words: Get your ass back on the forums and direct your goddamn group. the retarded zombies are resting easy taking chow on my brother while you people sit around malton feeling sorry for yourselves. BUCK UP, lest I have to take ruddlebank by my own damn self. how did this happen in the first place? the zombies are retarded, and they still superbly kicked our asses, and are now remembering from thier lives how to laugh at and humiliate us! if you don't want to lead the RCS, then I will gladly take the reigns, just so long as the arms does not continue to be defiled by the undead presense. Saria231 March 11
Ruddlebank situation
Sorry to disturb you but I would like a first hand account of the situation in Ruddlebank if it is possible.--Meinstorm 20:39, 14 March 2007 (UTC)