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My profile on
DulstonAllianceAlly.jpg Dulston Alliance (Allied)
Purdueohol is a staunch supporter of the Dulston Alliance.

The Log of Prvt Jimmy

March 26, 2006 - It has been nearly a month since I have chronicled my efforts. I have become I High Ranking member among my Peers. The few who are among the living have a name for what I have become. I am a Zombie Hunter. And I have been for sometime. I have excelled in the arts of this city and have become one the elite in the entire city. I am now co-leader of one of the largest Malton Groups. We call ourselves Dead vs. Blue. It's really a ploy on things of times past that few would understand. But I Digress. Things are turning up in the effort against the zombie Population.

I myself have shed myself of my military garb, looking more towards that of a hunter. I no longer stick out in the darkness of the city streets. I blend. I always keep on myself my 6 Lucky Pistols, they have all seen their share of battle. Not Forgetting the 3 shotguns I keep strapped across my back. Some say that keeping so much weighs me down too much, but luckily I have gained much strength in the past few months. And then when I have exhausted my ammo, I become much lighter and faster and I can avoid many packs of Zeds much easier.

I now rarely hide among giant groups of the living. As a group leader, I spend little time around my Group... and my Alliances... but I have yet to speak of that... A Dulston Alliance has been formed of the Allied groups. The Groups form together to create protection and a bit of security in an un-secure world. My skills have helped with many of these aged soldiers. Many have been here since the beginning... I can barely think of the Hell they have been put through.

Another thing worthy of note is a small faction of men in Dulston have been killing off the week and innocent to bring about their own End. Our Alliance was able to take down a few of their members, but they seek shelter in the shadows and in the nooks of the Military Barricades to the North and East. Although they have been taken out before, reports of their killings are still heard from time to time. I fear that a incautious scientist may have revived some of their members, but I have yet to have seen their faces.

My Dearest Katrina, I love Thee...
Prvt. Jimmy Bragiel

February 28, 2006 - Took down another roaming zombie. Then I began to study the local maps again. I think I get the general structure now of all the buildings in the City. It took a while but I think it should be worth it. I think my gained knowledge should help in trying to find things inside this city.

February 27, 2006 - I took down a Zombie and began to study some of the maps in my area. I leaned much of the malls in the city and then retired to look for more ammo.

February 26, 2006 - I awoke in a daze, I have very little memory for what has transpired in the last few days. But I find myself in a Cemetery on the edge of the city. I don't recall anything besides a trip south to hunt some zombies on the 19th... but then becoming tired and being attacked... I thought I escaped and shacked up inside a Club. I wish I knew what happened but... I doubt that I want to.

February 18, 2006 - I get some much needed rest. My body feels sore. It's now approaching a week since I landed here in Malton and it would seem as if my body is giving on me. I devoted most of the afternoon to finding Ammo. Although I find only 3 Pistol Clips, I get my hands on a shiny Shotgun. Now I have something to do with the 5 shells I have. I think I'll use the rest of my day building Munitions. Then tomorrow I shall hunt.

February 17, 2006 - I awake early and study the structure of buildings in the city. I learn many of their histories and structures. I can now move more freely between them. And have found out of basement entrances through hidden shafts in the buildings themselves. These shafts originally for Escape routes. Now these escape routes have the same meaning but a different function... or is it same function or different meaning?... I don't know I've confused myself.

I make my move at 12:00. I travel the distance to our new location. I recognize many on the trip there. They all plan on meeting in the new location soon.

I arrive in the location exhausted. I hold up in a Hospital being one of the only choices I have to wait in.

Katrina has become aware of my location and has come to meet me. I am glad to see she's safe.

I awake a while later and find myself knowing that If I were face to face with a Zombie, I would have little to fight with other than my fists. So I take a walk to the nearest FD. I quickly find a Fire Axe and then decide that I still have time and then I head for a PD just 3 Blocks north. I continuously search, but I find only Shotgun shells... For my non existent shotgun. tomorrow I'll search another nearby.

February 16, 2006 - The morning brings Talk of regathering. Maps and latest concentration info points toward a few locations. Murphy heads into an Undisclosed location that may be our new base of operations.

I decide that Huntley Heights is unsafe. Movement is needed. But I want to Protect the others first. I go to the Police Station nearby and gather some ammo. I head outside and hunt down a zombie. I don't end up killing him, but he is close to it. I retreat to the PD to rest and get some Ammo. I awake to find a zombie resting right above one of the occupants. I take a few shots and leave. I enter a Railway Station nearby and rest.

At this point I have 2 shots left in my Pistol. I know I need to find Ammo, but I also need to regroup. I contact Katrina. I tell her to move to the safer location that Officer Murphy has secured. I guide her with my map, and then pass out hoping for better luck in the morning.

February 15, 2006 - A Transmission confirms one of my deepest fears. I learn that my Girlfriend at that was originally Stationed at the Battle Ground of Mombasa, Africa has been repositioned to scout this city. I learn that she has moved just blocks of my location at the Hammond Library. Her listed plan is to meet with our group tomorrow, wont she be in for a surprise when she gets here.

WE WERE ATTACKED! In the wee hours of the Morning. we lost two of our high class members; Lukie and Petey Boy. Larith was severely injured. I escape (not without taking a few shots and bringing one down) and then I head for the Hammond Library to stop the party I know of from making it to the Dangerous Eadie Building.

I am reunited with Katrina. I am both gladdened and Saddened by the sight of her. I love seeing her face, but I hate to see her in this warzone.

After resting I learn of Larith's fate over the network. I know he wants a revive, if only I could give it to him. Murphy is stationed with many of our survivors at the Amos Building Undead presence is high. I believe a traveling swarm caught us at a week point. I work on my accuracy with my Pistol and become a much better shot. I want to travel to a nearby PD to restock on ammo when I encounter a Zombieright outside the Library. I try to take him down but he contuines to avoid my shots. I end up getting knocked out by falling debris that catch me off guard.

I awake with the zombie still their and I still have my heath. Maybe he didn't notice me shooting at him and hitting him? I retreat into the Library to regroup.

The zombie leaves and I rest for the night.

February 14, 2006 - I Arrive at the Eadie Building at about 0:00. The Building has been Very Securely Barricaded. I almost cannot find a way in. Inside I meet Office Murphy and Larith. Soon afterwards I collapse out of exhaustion from my trip.

I awake hours later in a daze. Many more people are here that when I arrived. Feeling rejuvenated I scout the Local police station for ammo. When I get to the Station I notice 3 of the Infected outside, I dodge them and make it inside unscathed. I find some Ammo inside but not a lot, this Police Station is well Barricaded so I decide to stay for a while and find more Ammo.

Eventually I have 5 Clips and two more Pistols, happy with my find I return to the Eadie Building.

Officer Murphy has told me much of his travels. How he was Nearly eaten and stripped to the last essence of his life. He told me that this is not an normal infection. He says it affects the neural Center of the Brain and basically transforms you into one of the Legendary Members of the Undead. He says, that he was badly infected and could sense the changes inside of himself. Then just as he was holing onto his last string, he was Healed by a Doctor that was in the area. He was treated and given a good bill of heath; besides some scaring. He then sent out a message over the Interlink system to meet in The Eadie Building.

I use this day to scope my surroundings and possibly find some more men of the undead. I can't find my way into many of the surrounding buildings.

February 13, 2006 - I was dropped into the roof Saywell Towers at 21:00. I made my way down and was outside the Saywell Towers at 21:13. The area is quiet.

Current arms: Pistol:1 Ammo Clip:2

Oh May God; I have just found one of the infected outside the Pattenmore Building. It's disgusting. He started to come at me. I reacted fast and shot 12 times to take him down. He was already Badly injured. Some people said that this was a Virus, an Infection... but It's completely unreal.

I receive a transmission from a Officer Murphy, he is trying to organize a group of suriviers in the Huntley Heights Subburb of Malton. He wishes to me me and other survivers at the Eadie Building on Monks Ave. It's far, but I believe I can make it there. I walk through out the night, I encounter only a few of the Infected.

February 12, 2006 - This Morning I was briefed on an out break of a virus in the City of Malton. The City has been in an quarantine state since October of 2005 in an attempt to hold in the infected. I have learned of my drop point; it is in Shuttlebank at the Saywell Towers. The infection presence is low, and should be relativity safe. My mission is to round up survivors, Use the found cure on as many infected people as possible, and then gather in a safe zone for protection.