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Revision as of 10:31, 2 November 2007 by ZachsMind (talk | contribs)
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This is the dumbest, most pointless effing game on the Internet. It encourages PK behavior and rewards high level players that take out low level newbies like they were shooting fish in a barrel with dynamite. It's sad. It's laughable. It's not scary. It pretends to reflect the genre from which it's inspired but in the end it's just an excuse for metagaming power players to feel superior at the expense of others.

Zach joined Urban Dead on 2007-10-29 18:10:30 as a medic. The only thing he could do in order to gain XP was heal other people. Unfortunately that took first aid kits which he couldn't find. He also sucked at moving around, so he'd tried staying in one place: Tikhon Medical, which happened to fall under a coordinated attack of metagaming jackoff zombie players. Also frustrating was that even tho he's a medic, he can't diagnose who is actually sick or dying unless they tell him, and no one talks in this game because talking takes up action points. Zero chat is about as fun as watching cars rust. Since when does talking take an action in any game? He arrived just in time to experience the Halloween fog of 2007 and The Big Bash. He's learned there's some kinda party over at the Molton City Zoo but if he started now, by the time he got there it'd be next Halloween. After running from Tikhon, he found two other hospitals which were quickly overrun by zombies and eventually ended up one himself, and if Zach wanted to be a level one zombie, he would have started as a level one zombie and not a level one human. Essentially this game drops people off randomly into highly infested enemy zones, so that the experience is not unlike starting a game of D&D inside a dragon's mouth. Ooh. Aah. Fun for the whole family. Bring the kids. Call the relatives. One stars. Joe Bob says check out Glitter cuz even that piece of crap movie was better than this game. - ZachsMind 10:31, 2 November 2007 (UTC)