The Pitcher Arms
the Pitcher Arms
Raines Hills [61, 17]
Basic Info:
The Pitcher Arms
The worshiping ground of the great Beer Bear.
The Pitcher arms was established by Henry 'Pitcher' Rowles, a man famous for his huge beer consumption (he could drink a pitcher of beer in 0.05 milliseconds) and powerful fist, and had never lost a bar fight in his life. When the outbreak spread to raines hills, and ultimitly, his beloved pub, his loyal customers and him took shelter in the bar, and managed to hold out for one whole second before the zombies broke their way in. It is said that Henry was the last man standing after two minutes. Some people say that Rowles died by jumping into the horde of zombies with a molotov cocktail in each hand...others say he got killed by a stray beer bottle to the head. What is certain though, is that Henry 'pitcher' Rowles was fat. Very fat.
Barricade Policy
Current Status
Pitcher Arms has currently got three survivors. A portable generator has been set up, and I am now going off to find a radio transmitter so we can listen and help other survivors over radio contact. It is currently at EHB.--The Shotgun 18:23, 18 October 2007 (BST)
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