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Ziggyirked is the username of the character Doctor Ziggy.

She is described as 'a pale girl with red dreadlocks'. She is most often found around Dulston, especially within Treweeke Mall. She also spends a lot of her time dead. This may have something to do with the admittedly incompetent and questionable Friends of the Featherstone Library.

SmallEmo.jpg Filthy Emos!!
This user or group may or may not be affiliated with The Malton Bounty Emo Killers, but agrees damn well that emos need to die!! Fat heads...

Ziggy is, like many young women, fairly confused in life. All the zombies just add to that, really, so it's natural that she has persued various career paths. These include medic, zombie rights activist, PKer, radio operator, refueler and WPKU host. Whatever path she takes, she never has a soft spot for those darn Friends of the Featherstone Library! Or trenchcoaters. But she's overall a very charming and understanding young woman. Usually. Unless she's angry, anyway.