Malton Fighting Hellfishes

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Malton Fighting Hellfishes
Abbreviation: MFH
Group Numbers: 49.
Leadership: ...
Goals: To help teammates, their families and other survivors make it through the Zombie Apocalypse
Recruitment Policy: Team members: Coaches only.

Fans: open to all

Contact: Currently in West Grayside. Elmore can be contacted via mobile phone now.

Malton Fighting Hellfishes

The Malton Fighting Hellfishes is a band consisting of ex-members of the Malton University college American football team (The Fighting Hellfishes!), and their fans. Back in the last glory days of their college althetics careers, the members of the team made a pact: that if there was ever:

a) a War of the Worlds style alien invasion, or

b) a Night of the Living Dead style zombie apocalypse, they would all band together to help each other (and their loyal fans!) survive the nightmare.

Well, what were the chances eh?

Now the call has gone out, and ex-players and fans alike are asked to live up to their oath and don their old Malton Fighting Hellfishes jerseys! They should link up to help each other, as well as any other innocent survivors they might find! Go Hellfishes!

Group Policy

Being a member of the Malton Fighting Hellfishes doesn't disqualify one from any other group alleigances. However, it would allow one to specifically call on the team for aid in times of trouble! While the team does generally stick together, they are here to help, and are open to assiting any other Survivor groups.

As an ex-team member, you are expected to spend most of your time with the rest of the team, as a fan member, you are welcome to travel with the team, but also perfectly welcome to stay in your various own groups and call on the Hellfishes when help is needed (we all know not every fan can make it to every game!)


The Fighting Hellfishes finally regrouped. Some members still have to find their way to the HQ, but the spirit of the team is back. The Hellfishes have established themselves as a consistent force in Chudleyton. HQ location is still a secret, however, and will remain so to all non-members. Elmore Nkele (Head Coach) and Daze (#04) are the only ones entitled to share the secret with those who prove themselves worthy.


The Hellfishes are keeping the streets safe in their surroundings, and they are helping out the heroes of the Caiger Mall in their struggle against the undead horde.

General Conduct and Current Plans

  • General Conduct Guidelines include (in strict order of priority):
    • Healing and reviving services for all members on request.
    • Keeping the Hellfishes HeadQuarters zombie-free and safe for all survivors, members or not. This means attacking on sight every zombie in a three squares range, and keeping the HQ very strongly barricated (no more, no less) to provide both defence and an hideout for low-level survivors who might need it.
    • Looting and pillaging the local stores to replenish the Hellfishes supplies in preparation for further military assaults against the undead.
    • Helping other survivors when possible. This includes people labelled as PKs. We will only attack other survivors if they a) are listed members of a zombie group (in which case they get a warning) or b) attack one of us and it is reported BY THE ATTACKED HELLFISH! c) Really irritate coach by constantly accusing various of our members of being PKs.
  • The Current Plan concentrates on:
    • Now that the Caiger Mall battle is over (and survivors SURVIVED!), the group is ready to find his own place. We have decided where our new home will be, and we will head there in numbers!

Current Operations

All Operations must be listed with a Codename and a Time. Use LRB-encrypted codes for Operations and BBTime standards for Time.

  • Operation: PITCH INVASION
    • Time: from this moment onwards!
    • Detailed Info: Safe communication channel at #urbandead or proper Malton Hellfishes Forum
    • Orders: Be quick and don't get lost in the way!
    • Notes: Find good places to rest!
    • Casualties: Be gentle! Slap any zombie you come across in the face with a large trout while you move!


Anyone wanting to be a member should just add to their Profile that they are wearing an 'Old Malton Fighting Hellfishes team jersey' over whatever else they may be wearing. For fan members, a Malton Fighting Hellfishes baseball cap is also ok. Team members should also include their jersey number (and old position if desired).

Don't forget to note that your 'Zombie Self' is still wearing their Hellfishes jersey! It can help people know you want to be revivified if possible. Also, you might consider putting in that Zombie description that you are wearing an armband that says "I want to LIVE!" Makes sense that knowing Revivification exists, survivors who want to be revived would wear the Zombie Apocalypse equivalent of a MedAlert bracelet...

Just enter your name and choose your Hellfishes number!

Elmore Nkele (Head Coach) aka JanMattys - Specialized zombie-hunter.

Jimmy "Stickyhands" Malone (#00) aka shadow46x2

Diaper Head (#1/2) aka Rebholz

Markus Nelson (#01) aka RedFish

John Kaplan (# 03) aka CorporateSlave3 Reachable by mobile phone for Medevac.

Daze (#04) aka Macavity - Mostly just around to hurt zombies. Plan to participate in raids if you hang with me. (I'm the quarterback, offense is all I understand!)

Kurt Rains (#05) aka Azrahn

Drud (#06) aka Drud - Ex-Lineman, now a Fireman who's found several new uses for an Axe; doesn't really like guns, they're too loud!

Slick Devlan (#07) aka lamby16 - Former Water Boy for the Hellfishes - drafted into the team when too many members ran off in search of Brains, very handy with a pistol, if I ever find some Ammo!!

Thebottle (# 08) aka Aconite

Jimmy La Pizza (#9) aka Werthor

Phoenix Vosmus (# 10) aka BiggieB

Alucard Salizar (# 11) aka jimimothybodles - all out scientist, revives/heals are on me!

Razta (# 12) aka razta

Quixote Sisyphus (#13) aka Evolve To Anarchism - Specializing in revives. (2) Apothecary SUCCEEDS!

Meech (#14) aka Meech - I also have a cell. Will gladly Blitz any zombie. I have tackle.

Trif (#15) aka Trif

Hogshine (#17) aka Pike

GForce (#18) aka G_Force signed up to the military when through playing as strong safety "the best defense is good offense or a BFG"

James "Dreadclaw" Tannis (#19) aka Dreadclaw aka King Of Foul.

Phalman (#21) aka Horus re

Storx (#22) aka Utak

Tango Romeos (#23) aka VolCom

Naar (#24) aka Blackcrag

Vaporizer (#25) aka Vaporizer

Rager (#27) aka AlcingRagaholic, the old Tight End.

Shi Ahr (#30) aka Korenn

Rudy "Ratty" Zwiebel (#33) aka kjartan

Kildarkin (#36) aka Elfkicker

Kip Corbett (#42) aka Stormhammer

Mordus Rantule (Running Back) (#44) aka Mordus, a lot like his QB Daze. Offense wins games and that's what I do. My police background and natural speed help out a lot with smoking some zombies.

Lasta Basta (#47) aka Eghost

Sue Abrams (#52) aka Freppa

Gnutten (#55) aka Sideshowbob - why is that corpse moving?

Ana Curth (#59) aka Mr_QB - Secondary Apo

Stewart Miles (#65) aka Craftnburn

Fama (#66) aka Fama - I can revive, just query me at Fumbbl irc. I have a phone.

Rachmaninoff (#69) aka Danger-Dan

John Sickroy (#76) aka sick_boy

Moeller (#84) aka Moeller

Mahler (#88) aka Urbanrequiem

Clogries (#99) aka Cloggy

Asperon (#101) aka Asperon

Joe Slaughter (Outside Linebacker) (#666) aka BlackKarma. I love being surrounded by the enemy. It provides the opportunity to attack in any direction.

Imerikol (Water-boy) aka Imerikol

Brian Louder (Janitor) aka Thorril

Father Preston (Footwear Maintenance) aka ruoste

"Iron" Nick (#3204.6 periodic) aka ironik

Keifer Sutherland (#1 Fan) aka HunterX

Borgen aka Borgen

Zed Smith (#87 Wide Receiver) aka Kevwade123

Eddie Nashton aka Sionis


Moana aka Garaygos

John Mcclain (#48) aka RoD

Annachie aka Annachie

Thunder76 aka Thunderchild

Baldrox (#16) aka Myself

Pierce Baker (#5125) aka Diabl0658

SerX aka Serxes the mad scientist ;)

Spyder Mayhem (#49) aka djbigjake

Dan Damage (team physical therapist) aka DrDrink

Duckandcover aka Nachtogen

Geraldine Malvaud aka Montagne

Elija Logs aka zerok

Jason McCorney (Special Play Coordinator) aka CircularLogic

Axel McChop aka Plorg

Bogdanovist aka Wallace

SteveBuscemi aka brownrob (team spiritual advisor)

quester37 aka quester37

Sam Walker aka Walks in the Sun (Reporter for the Malton U paper)

005 (#005) aka jeffbond005

Jack Molotw aka kingdom