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Revision as of 18:51, 13 November 2009 by Zeug (talk | contribs)
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Zeug is the Extinction Taccon Commander

Target: IRC Ready Room at 0400 GMT
Tactical: |

Uzm-extinction.gif EXTINCTION
Zeug fights for the Extinction of Revival in Malton.
Uzm-ud.gif UZM
Visit the Zombies of Malton via the Urban Dead Zombie Portal

Salt The Land
Zeug supports the Salt The Land Alliance and a Zombie Apocalypse in Malton.

Extinction Awards

Order of the Gerbil

Gerbil.gif Here, have a Gerbil!
Dr'Brainz has given Zeug a gerbil for helping out with Extinction!

Thumbs Up

Thumbsup.jpg Good job Ol'Zombie
Xerxez has given Zeug a great big undead thumbs up for the great 4 suburb tour..

Extinction Spiel

My rant thing

Dawn dead.gif Salt The Land
Zeug supports the Salt the Land policy.
Aussieflag.JPG Australian
This user is Australian.