Salt The Land Policy

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Zombie Tactics
The information on this page or section discusses a zombie strategy.

NOTE: This is an in-game movement. It is not a Wiki Policy or an official rule of the game.


Salt The Land Policy states that:

All Zombies should end their day in a ruined NecroTech building whenever possible.

Salt The Land aims to bring revives to a grinding halt all over Malton by simply doing as Survivors do ... hold the NTs!

How do I do it?

Whenever possible sleep in a ruined NecroTech building every night. And if it's not ruined then ruin it!

If the NT is ruined and you're attacking its surrounding safehouses then save a couple of AP to step back into the NT and hold it.

Survivors need NecroTech buildings more than any other resource because without them they lose their only real offensive capability - the constant fresh supply of living meat that keeps their barricades at EHB.

Follow the Salt The Land Policy! Hit them where it hurts the most!


"If I sleep inside, then I won't hear feeding groans!"

That's a legitimate point. Look at it this way:

  • If you die, then you'll probably be dumped, and you'll get all the feeding groans when you log in. By getting killed, you'll have wasted a pile of pro-survivor AP, and helped stop them from un-ransacking the building.
  • If you don't die, then... bonus! No headshot! Spend those extra couple of APs looking around, and you're sure to find tasty brainz. Alternatively, if you log in a couple of hours before your APs fully recharge, step outside to listen for groans.
  • Or ... you could join a Zombie Group that supports Salt The Land and follow their targets!

"It doesn't benefit ME!"

Oh yes it does! Every extra AP a survivor (or survivor in zombie form) has to spend booting you out of the NT is an AP taken away from, among other things:

  • Barricading (who likes barricades?)
  • Reviving other survivors (which, if an NT is running efficiently, takes less AP to do than it does for you to kill them!)
  • Searching/doing: Healing, setting up generators, finding guns and ammo to deliver headshots.

You're forcing survivors to invest their days killing you - which costs you a grand total of 6AP for you to stand, and makes it easier for every zombie (including you) in the area to find and eat brainz!

Cost Analysis of Survivor AP to kick you out of a building

The average cost for a fully skilled Survivor to kill a 50 HP Zombie and toss them out of a building are as follows:

  • Knife: 51 AP (50 to kill, 1 to toss)
  • Fire Axe: 43 AP (42 to kill, 1 to toss)
  • Pistol: 28 AP (18 to kill, 1 to toss, 3+ searches per clip * 3 clips)
  • Shotgun: 57 AP (14 to kill, 1 to toss, 3+ searches per shell * 14 shells)
  • Combat Revive: 19 - 20 AP (1 to toss,1 to DNA scan (unneeded), 8 to find a syringe, 10 to revive)

These numbers are the average results for survivors

It costs a zombie at most 15 AP (less with ankle grab and less skilled survivors) to get up after getting killed.

Zombie Groups

Making NTs the focus of a Zombie territory has been tried and tested by many Zombie groups including the Eastonwood Ferals, Extinction in far NW Malton, Lebende Tote in Grigg Heights and The Dead in the DMZ.

Salt the Land, as a gameplay strategy, is a challenging and fun alternative to the touring cycle used by roaming Zombies. Instead of allowing Survivors to revive in order to then return and play the same battles out over and again, Salting the Land forces their more persistent groups to employ guerilla tactics and become insurgents in Zombie territory. Once the ruins mature feral Survivors will tend to stay away, low level Survivors will tend to get eaten and add to the Zombie count while adventure tourists will be attracted to the wasteland playground to do battle. The fun never ends!

Salt The Land Alliance

The Salt The Land Alliance seeks to connect interested Zombies from across Malton in wider coordination towards the goals of the Salt The Land Policy. Zombie groups and individuals are welcome to add their names and signature.

That's it!

It's a simple policy, and one to keep in mind while playing. It's not compulsory, but if you end your day near an NT, then it's very beneficial for zombiedom if you sleep in it! There are many situations where this won't be possible, or those last few AP might be spent doing something more worthwhile (the final blows of a kill, or groaning the location of a cracked safehouse), but if at all possible, do it!

What can I do to help spread the word?

Salt the Land will work best for all zombies if it's adhered to en masse. The more zombies inside, the less chance each individual will be headshot, and the harder it is for survivors to clear the building. Things you can do to help out:

  • Include a link to this page in your profile if you've got space, and Death Rattle to other zombies in the building to get their attention.
  • If you're revived, grab some spraycans and put up Salt the Land propaganda slogans around NT buildings.
  • If you don't have a group affiliation, make it Salt the Land - the higher it gets on the Groups page, the more people will notice the Policy.
  • Add a Salt The Land Template to your Wiki user profile and group pages.

Want to Put Some Salt on Malton?

Here's an NT Status Map that us salties can use to track our efforts in (exactly) the same way the suburb danger levels are reported. You can also use the Necrotech Information Center to update the status of your NT.

Dakerstown Jensentown Quarlesbank W. Boundwood E. Boundwood Lamport Hills Chancelwood Earletown Rhodenbank Dulston
Roywood Judgewood Gatcombeton Shuttlebank Yagoton Millen Hills Raines Hills Pashenton Rolt Heights Pescodside
Peddlesden Vlg. Chudleyton Darvall Heights Eastonwood Brooke Hills Shearbank Huntley Heights Santlerville Gibsonton Dunningwood
Dunell Hills West Becktown East Becktown Richmond Hills Ketchelbank Roachtown Randallbank Heytown Spracklingbank Paynterton
Owsleybank Molebank Lukinswood Havercroft Barrville Ridleybank Pimbank Peppardville Pitneybank Starlingtown
Grigg Heights Reganbank Lerwill Heights Shore Hills Galbraith Hills Stanbury Village Roftwood Edgecombe Pegton Dentonside
Crooketon Mornington North Blythville Brooksville Mockridge Hts. Shackleville Tollyton Crowbank Vinetown Houldenbank
Nixbank Wykewood South Blythville Greentown Tapton Kempsterbank Wray Heights Gulsonside Osmondville Penny Heights
Foulkes Village Ruddlebank Lockettside Dartside Kinch Heights West Grayside East Grayside Scarletwood Pennville Fryerbank
New Arkham Old Arkham Spicer Hills Williamsville Buttonville Wyke Hills Hollomstown Danversbank Whittenside Miltown
For further information, see the Necrotech Information Center
Suburb Danger Level Colors

Structurally intact and inhabited by survivors, with numerous lit buildings, and few to no zombies.

Moderately Dangerous

Active zombies and break-ins, but no major hordes.


Structurally intact with few zombies, but a very low survivor population and few to no lit buildings.


Zombies inside many resource buildings and/or significant hostile mobs.

A Ghost Town

Mostly or entirely ruined, and devoid of significant survivor or zombie populations.

Very Dangerous

Most buildings wide open or zombie-infested and/or massive hostile zombie mobs.

Building Danger Level Colors


Negligible zombie presence, barricades in place.

In Zombie Hands

Ransacked or ruined, with many zombies inside.

Under Attack

Some zombies attacking, survivors holding out.


Survivors recently recaptured the building.

Under Siege

Numerous zombies attacking.

Rot Revive (NTs Only)

NecroTech building that revives zombies with Brain Rot.


Ransacked or ruined, without many zombies inside.


The building's status is unknown.