Osmondville is a suburb of Malton, located in the southeast of the city. It was founded in 1895 by one of Malton's most famous bankers, Oliver Waldo Osmond. The suburb reflects some of Malton's richest infrastructure and architecture, including old cobblestone streets, venerable pubs, historical buildings, and modern monoliths of corporate wealth. An odd fact is that Osmondville was rated the healthiest suburb in Malton by Malton's newspaper. Before the apocalypse, 70% of all deaths in this suburb were from old age. The average life span in this suburb was at 89.2. In fact, Oliver Waldo Osmond lived to be 107, the oldest known citizen to ever live in Malton. This is one reason why it has no hospitals. Another reason why Osmondville has no hospitals, is because crime was extremely low, which lessened the chance of a murder in this beautiful suburb. Accident rates were not high either.
Short-wave Radio Info
The Osmondville suburb has the following active radio stations.
Freq: 26.05: South-East Malton
A key strategic location in Osmondville is St. Spyridon's Church, which is the only free-running connection between the northern and southern halves of the suburb. The western half of the suburb offers most appeal to the adventurous, as a result of the nearby Blesley Mall and the cluster of police stations and nightclubs in the area.
Resource Buildings
Building Status Key
▋ Safe ▋ Rebuilding ▋ Under Attack ▋ Under Siege
▋ Ruined ▋ In Zombie Hands ▋ Pinata ▋ Unknown
Osmondville Information Resources
The Osmondville Building Information Center contains status reports and updates on key buildings in the suburb.
View zombie activity and locations in Osmondville from External Military Reports, Scentoral scan data charts and NecroWatch.
Things to do in Osmondville
JOIN RECLAIMERS' Join Brockliss Grove Police Dept To Saves ® Save lives, Along with Veteran Survivor ready to smack zombies head in front door
Free FAK :D
Recent News
Please: recent news at the top (signed & NPOV). Old news can be archived.
Barricade Policy
The Osmondville Barricade Plan is intended to be UBP-compliant (its approval is pending). Please respect marked entry points, and keep them at VSB+2!
Extremely Heavily Barricaded
Very Strongly Barricaded
No Barricades
Suburb Map
The Malton Suburb of Osmondville