The Ayliffee Museum

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The Ayliffee Museum
--VVV RPMBG 22:37, 24 July 2024 (UTC)
the Ayliffee Museum

Osmondville [85,73]

St. Isidore's Church a cemetery Clerck Park
Panton Place the Ayliffee Museum Doveton Towers
St. Spyridon's Church a cemetery Dymock Avenue

Basic Info:

  • Museums have a wide range of different collections and exhibitions, although previously they were not lootable. Nowadays, different decorative items may be found there.
  • Generally, the descriptions found in Museums fall along the lines of "…currently displaying a(n) exhibition/installation/collection of _____________"
  • Museums can be barricaded normally.


The Ayliffee Museum is a African Art Museum, specializing in African Pop Art.

A typical example of the Ayliffee's African Pop Art collection.


Founded in 1898 by Reginald Ayliffee, an 'old Africa hand' and former District Commissioner of Rumbabwe, the Museum's original purpose was to 'scientifically prove' that the Negroid African hominid sub-type was inferior to Anglo-Aryan homosapiens.

When such theories were scientifically disproved, the Museum became an archaic embarrassment to Osmondville's own district commission, and during the Swinging 60s it was converted into a community arts centre for multicultural artists living in the area. The most famous, Amdi Wa R'hol, donated a selection of his famous pop art prints and these form the heart of the Museum's modern African art collection.

Ayliffee's own history as a brutal tyrant, who single-handedly hunted the Rumbabwean lesser spotted rhino into extinction and frequently whipped his manservant into a coma, was hurriedly airbrushed out. Ayliffee is now fondly misremembered as a walrus-moustached pioneer of education for Africans, according to his most famous quotation, "That'll teach the b______s a lesson they won't forget in a hurry."

Barricade Policy

Building should be Extremely Heavily Barricaded per the Osmondville Barricade Policy

Current Status

February 15, 2012

You are inside the Ayliffee Museum, its selection of African art ransacked by looters. The building has been quite strongly barricaded.

One room of the museum has been cleared, for the display of a fire-damaged painting and an African painting.

--Zex Suik 00:46, 16 February 2012 (UTC)

Museum's selection of African art is ransacked by looters. Building's not barricaded and the doors to the street have been left wide open.

Somebody has spraypainted african love on one of the inside walls.

--Unisubs 11:53, 1 August 2010 (BST)

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