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Great Suburb Group Massacre 2011

All suburb wiki pages are undergoing a clean up to remove inactive groups from the group listing (see here: this suburb's groups). If you are a group currently listed in this suburb, you will be contacted on your group's talk page within the next few days and asked to reply with a list of suburbs in which you are active. Groups that fail to reply within two weeks of being contacted will automatically be removed from the suburbs where they are listed.

We're posting here in the hopes that more groups will be aware of the clean up and can respond appropriately, since our team does not have the time nor the manpower to seek out every group in-game or track down its group members elsewhere on the wiki. If you know that some groups in your suburb do not check the wiki, please be a good neighbor and let them know that they NEED to check it for this, or else they will be unlisted in the near future.

The wiki members coordinating the cleanup will be using the table below to track their progress in communicating with the various groups. Please do not edit it if you are not involved with The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2011 team.

The Great Suburb Group Massacre 2011
Group Name Contacted On Date Due
Umbrella Biohazard Containment Service 00:32, 22 January 2011 (UTC) Removed
Clubbed to Death 00:32, 22 January 2011 (UTC) Confirmed
Butthole Surfers 00:32, 22 January 2011 (UTC) Confirmed
This suburb has been cleared. When I fall, I'll weep for happiness 13:59, 7 February 2011 (UTC)

Please check your group's talk pages in the next few weeks, and respond promptly when you receive a communication from the GSGM2011 team. Thanks. When I fall, I'll weep for happiness 00:32, 22 January 2011 (UTC)

Thank you for your cooperation as we cleaned up the group listings for this suburb. Your help in reaching out to groups and replying to our requests has been much appreciated. When I fall, I'll weep for happiness 13:59, 7 February 2011 (UTC)

Laugh In! = zerger group?

Hullo fellow Osmondvillains, In the past week my Clubbing colleagues and I have noticed a spate of attacks by members of a hitherto-unknown group (to us, anyway) called Laugh In!, all of whom have very similar (boring) descriptions and names and two of whom were created a few days apart back in 2005. They attack one after another in the classic zerger pattern, i.e. one uses up all of its attacks, then a minute later the next one presumably logs in and uses up its attacks.

The alts I've noted so far included:





I will report this to the Zerg Liste but thought others might appreciate a heads-up and encourage these tedious muppets to leave the area.--Mallrat The Spanish Inquisition TSI The Kilt Store TKS Clubbed to Death CTD 16:01, 2 March 2011 (UTC)

requesting assistance

New person, name is henrypotter. Have taken up safehouse in mabey towers. I am military, and pending membership into the ACC. need temporary releif. A baracade builder and a medics would be very appreciated.

Barrington Walk

Thanks LaughingVeggies! I have less than 10ap right now, when I get more I'll run inside. --Zex Suik 22:09, 24 December 2011 (UTC)

I was reviving Zeds in Axtence and was mauled to death by one in my sleep. I'm know at Barrington Walk in need of a revive. Please help!--Zex Suik 15:15, 24 December 2011 (UTC)

You know...You don't necessarily need to request a revive...Just sway around and you'll get a stick... --Axe Hack Talk 23:47, 24 December 2011 (UTC)