Suburb of Crooketon
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Known groups in this suburb:
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Key buildings in Crooketon:
Malls: |
NecroTech Buildings: |
No NT's
Police Departments: |
Hospitals: |
Fire Stations: |
Bulletin Boards: |
Others: |
Schools 5, Churches 1, Auto Repair 3, Railway Stations 3
Suburb Number: 61
Crooketon is a suburb of Malton, located on the western edge of the city. It was once known for wide streets and an abundance of medical facilities, including four hospitals, as well as a plethora of schools. Noted residents include the Dewberry family who constructed two office buildings, and the MacRae family who owned a small bank and sponsored a local park which now bears their name.
Short-wave Radio Info
The Crooketon suburb has the following active radio stations.
Freq: 26.04: South-West Malton
It doesn't take a genius to guess how Crooketon acquired its name. During the 1700s, the area was plagued with crooks - highwaymen and brigands - who found rich pickings by ambushing the well-heeled inhabitants of more salubrious quarters such as Reganbank, Wykewood and Mornington when they left town on business. A competing theory is that the area's name derives from the crooked streets which once characterised this seedy outlying district.
In late Victorian times, the suburb's reputation improved somewhat - but only after renowned writer Samwell Squibbs voiced his indignation at the squalid conditions in his novels Crooked House and The Crookebook Papers. The crooked lanes and dingy alleyways of the Crooketon slums were torn down, and replaced with airy squares and impressive monuments to now-obscure local worthies. Crime fell to such an extent that only one police station was needed, and the sickly local inhabitants benefited from several charitable foundations which provided much-needed medical care, including a children's hospital.
The Victorian passion for schooling also found expression in this suburb, with a slew of schools (including two boarding schools) opening throughout Victoria's reign. These schools competed to outdo each other in the brutality they meted out to their unfortunate pupils, and the almost total neglect of any actual education. It has been surmised by some scientists that the ignorant, often violent alumni of these institutions may have been the predecssors of the Malton zombies.
For many years, Crooketon was the least-viewed suburb page with only 26,000 views as of late March, 2009 (and just over 53,500 in late December 2012). However, it has since lost even this dubious distinction to Peddlesden Village.
Resource Buildings
NecroTech Facilities
▋ Antheros General Hospital (3,64)
▋ Margaret General Hospital (5,63)
▋ Methodius General Hospital (6,68)
▋ St. Matheos's Hospital (7,61)
Police Departments
▋ Mores Lane Police Department (5,68)
▋ A factory (2,62)
▋ A factory (9,68)
Auto Repair Shops
▋ Hayce Auto Repair (4,62)
▋ Kirby Auto Repair (6,66)
▋ Surmon Auto Repair (9,66)
Bulletin Boards
Revive Points
Building Status Key
▋ Safe ▋ Rebuilding ▋ Under Attack ▋ Under Siege
▋ Ruined ▋ In Zombie Hands ▋ Pinata ▋ Unknown
Crooketon Information Resources
The Crooketon Building Information Center contains status reports and updates on key buildings in the suburb.
View zombie activity and locations in Crooketon from External Military Reports and Scentoral scan data charts.
Recent News
Please: recent news at the top (signed & NPOV). Old news can be archived.
Revive Points
You can update the revive point listing here.
Barricade Plan
See Crooketon Barricade Plan for full details.
Extremely Heavily Barricaded
Very Strongly Barricaded
No Barricades
Suburb Map
The Malton Suburb of Crooketon