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Possible New Military Taskforce Identified in Malton.

Rumored Covert Actions Team Has Questionable Mission.
-Jack Denver, Weekly Chronicle Staff Writer

The incident in Malton has been an ongoing disaster in the eyes of the casual observer. A spreading virus that seemingly reanimates its fallen victims continues to plague the city. Military teams have been dispatched and fallen into the shambling hordes as quickly. Early quarantines failed in what one official described as an embarrassment.

However, the city has yet to succumb to these troubling issues. The people in Malton have shown valiant determination in repelling the infected and defending their suburbs.

Elite Combat Operations Corps
Abbreviation: ECOC
Group Numbers: Unknown
Leadership: Unallocated
Locate the Patient
Eliminate Immediate Threats
Establish Field Operations
Aide the Local Populace at Own Discrestion
Recruitment Policy: Discretionary
Contact: BWL

It is this resilience of mankind that has maintained the viability of Malton as a survivable ordeal.

But recent developments would indicate said viability has been lost. It has been learned through an anonymous source, which has asked to be called "Darkside", that a new military unit has been dispatched.

Allegedly, the American administration has summoned a covert tactical multinational unit known as the "Elite Combat Operations Corps" to enter Malton. Divided into "Infiltration Units" the ECOC does not follow standard military operations and procedures.

Representatives for the American administration have denied these allegations sternly sighting a lack of desire to impede the sovereignty of another nation. But Darkside argues that at least five Infiltration Units entered Malton last week.

"Their mission is simple," Darkside said. "Enter the city at five classified drop zones and advance to the center of the city."

According to Darkside, Operation Caregiver began last week, but suffered major setbacks. One of the Infiltration Units fell under siege within minutes of landing. The schedule of air lifts was then hurried and at least one of the choppers crashed before making its drop.

While Darkside maintains that the crash was likely an accident, s/he admits the possibility that it may have been shot down.

"For other military units in Malton, the recognition of black choppers passing over the city could be viewed as a sign of impending cleansing. Operation Caregiver was a mission to deliver a so-called "patient" to the center of the quarantine zone. I can only speculate that the patient could be a mass weapon [intended] to end the Malton infection permanently."

Darkside also added that a renegade force was also a possibility in the purported crash. "Given the nature of this infection and the possible weaponized applications it could pose, a rogue entity is always a possibility."

Attempts to contact a Necro-tech representative for comments regarding these possibilities have gone unanswered at this point. Further, the American administration continues to deny the existence of the ECOC and any possible rogue insurgent force.

And it is important to note that there remains no formidable evidence of Darkside's testimony. However, recent evacuees from the quarantine zone have described men and women in black uniforms with "high-tech" body armor. They have also described these mysterious people as avoiding contact whenever possible.

Further, more then twenty recent evacuees from the south-eastern evacuation site testified as to having seen a black chopper crash. The witnesses described a missile striking the chopper in mid-air. And several of the witnesses produced fragments of what appeared to be black steel plates as used in military armor.

These plates were confiscated by government officials. When questioned, the officials offered no comment.

[The Chronicle offers no opinion regarding the nature of this issue. This article is included only for the purpose of presenting a new possibility and the few facts that are available at press time. This article is not intended to condemn or accuse any official of political, business, or military standing and is presented only as information for our readers.]

The Weekly Chronicle is not to be confused with the Malton Chronicle. The article above is supposed to be from an outside newspaper.

Anthony "BackBreaker" Dawson

Anthony "BackBreaker" Dawson
Joined: February 24, 2007
Character class: Military
Favorite equipment: Assault Shotgun, .44 Magnum
Character profile: Urban Dead profile
Current status: Active
Character group: IU 116 - Override 3, ECOC
Character stats: [Data Lost]
Journal: Journal for Anthony "BackBreaker" Dawson


Yes, I know I misspelled BackBreaker in game and on the journal. In game, it was a simple typo during profile creation. I decided that since it was misspelled, I should use the same error on certain pages here in the wiki.

That said, when actually referring to my character under normal circumstances, I do spell BackBreaker correctly.

I am a member of the group called Concerned Citizens. I only mention ECOC in my profile box because that is a part of my character bio. ECOC is not an active UD group.

I joined this after Captain Rogers posted a message about it on the Concerned forums. Once I got into the game, I quickly decided I wanted to make a journal for fun. BackBreaker's Journal

For anyone that wants to contact me, you can visit my forums at BWL or email me at

--BackBraker 04:13, 16 March 2007 (UTC)