Talk:Eye in the Sky

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Revision as of 08:52, 28 May 2008 by Swiers (talk | contribs) (→‎May)
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Project Description

Eye in the Sky (Binoculars map) would take a bit of work initially, but it is very similar to the scent death map but in more detail, images would have to be scaled down slightly and the map would be huge in its entirety (maybe just show a centered grid at a time) but extremely useful I believe.

If people could submit images from their binoculars from numerous locations we could create a map showing exactly how many zombies are where. May not even have to do the entire suburb, but that would be the most accurate. --Bufster007 08:15, 24 May 2008 (BST)



If I gather right, you are talking about using individual 3x3 block images to make up a map of the city? That's 1111 images, assuming there's suitable viewing places. The wiki won't handle that, and there's no way you are going to get so many images updated; it just takes to much work to edit and upload an image. There's a lot of other technical challenges, but suffice to say this is something that would work MUCH better if implemented in a style akin to UDbrain or DEM's autoscout. Actually, both of those pretty much do what you are talking about, only via ground level observation, not binoculars.
SIM works (barely) for three reasons; there's only 81 images to do, its technically simple (images equally spaced across the map for simple tiling) and (probably the biggest factor) I do 90% of the scouting / updating myself. That last factor (plus simple better performance) is strongly diving me to make it a script / database design, but my lack of skills / time makes that hard. SIM Core Map.png Swiers 09:44, 28 May 2008 (BST)

Another point to consider is that SIM actually does show almost exactly how many zombies are where; you just need to know how to read the colors. I use a color picker and divide the G value by 5; that gives a very good estimate. Binoculars won't be any more accurate, because they can't see zombies that are inside buildings; Scent Death doesn't care whether they are inside or outside, afaik. 09:52, 28 May 2008 (BST)